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The rain was ending, and I clearly saw four gloomy figures on the territory of the gas station. One of them was a woman in a long white dress. She stood with her head resting on the gas station. Three more were near the motorcycle lying on its side. I knew for sure that they were infected: they seemed to be sleeping standing up, and I didn’t want to wake them up at all. The head ached a little. The morning came out painfully saturated, fatigue made itself felt.

Anyway, if I go to the gas station, I have to deal with these four ghouls, and that was the last thing I wanted in the world. It was clear that sooner or later I would have to face the infected and have to kill them, but I so wanted to postpone this unpleasant moment for later. I started making up excuses for not going to the gas station and thinking about the best place to get gas. The arguments "against" were very logical, in my opinion. What if the gas station is closed? After all, the speakers are turned on from the control booth, in which the armored glass, the lattice on the window and the reliable door are clearly not made of cardboard. In addition, I had no idea how gas stations are generally arranged and work. My knowledge in this area was limited to inserting a gun into the tank hatch and paying for gasoline at the checkout. And the devil knows how many more infected there are,

After looking around and making sure that there was no threat, I settled in a chair more comfortably and began to think about what other safe ways there were to get hold of gasoline. It seemed the most obvious to drain it from other cars, but for this, at least, a hose was needed, which would not be a fact that would help, because modern cars, as far as I knew, had a mesh installed in the tank chute. Although I didn't know for sure. The next idea, much more viable, in my opinion, was the opening of garages in some garage cooperative. Theoretically, in garages, people could store gasoline even in barrels, and, by definition, there should not be many infected there. I already liked the idea! I remembered how I passed one garage cooperative on the western outskirts of the city.

Looking around, I saw a country road leading in the right direction. The road was empty, and only the lone Fred truck, which had driven into a ditch, with its doors wide open, was looking at me forlornly from the bushes, resembling a spaniel in its appearance. Starting the car, I directed it in the direction of the western outskirts of the city.

On the way, I met another infected. He trudged along the country road in the same direction as me. It was an ordinary village man, dressed in a vest, wide trousers and high rubber boots. “A kind of tractor driver,” I thought. The fact that he was "one of these" was clear from his gait, and the fact that the boot on his right leg was half gone, but this did not bother the peasant, and he continued to walk, dragging his leg. I pulled up to the left side of the road and stepped on the gas a little, hoping to quickly go around it. When the peasant was about twenty meters away, he heard me and turned around, leaning his head on his shoulder. Bloody saliva ran from his mouth. Without thinking twice, he stepped in my direction, mouth and eyes wide open. I braked sharply, and the zombie, not expecting this, fell right in front of the car to the ground. I gave gas and, moving it, drove on.

Before the garages remained with half a kilometer, when the car suddenly began to sneeze and twitch. “Gasoline is running out, we need to urgently hide the car,” I decided.

Around was a field with many small bushes and islands of trees. The nearest such island was about a hundred meters from the road, and I turned into it, persuading the car so that it would not stall. Sneezing and twitching, Kruzak impudently fell into the bushes, breaking them with a powerful "kenguryatnik", and, having honestly completed the task, unceremoniously stalled.

Jumping out into the wet grass, I examined my footprints leading from the road to the forest – they were practically invisible, and this pleased me. Stepping back a little and making sure that nothing could be seen from the road, he glanced at his watch. It seemed that half a day had already passed, such a busy morning. “Well, then, garages,” I thought, looking in their direction. You could see them from here.

Taking out the easel backpack from the autobox, I removed the tent from it, putting on a hiking bag in its place. After making sure that the bag and canister were tightly secured, I put it on my back – it was convenient. I jumped and ran a little around the car – the backpack fit well, clasping my shoulders and waist with soft straps. After rummaging under the trunk tray, I found a working flashlight and a powerful long-handled spray bottle. What you need! I tossed the flashlight into my bag, secured the found key to the metal shelf of my backpack next to the axe, and closed the trunk.

The sun came out and pleasantly warmed me, only now it became clear how wet I was. Taking off my wet sneakers, I tried to wring out my socks, but they were barely damp, so I put them back on my feet and, throwing my sneakers into the car, put on the rubber boots found in the trunk. They were right on time.

Having put on a khaki fishing panama hat, found there, I went to the garages, noticing along the way that the grass, crushed by the car, was slowly rising, and my traces of my stay were almost invisible.

A few minutes later, I briskly made my way to the garage cooperative, thinking along the way about how much gasoline I need to get to Novosibirsk and stay there for a while. It turned out that forty liters, or better sixty would be enough.

In the garages everything was as I expected. There was not a soul around, only some garage doors and doors wide open were embarrassing. Passing between the rows, I noticed a rather large white dog of indeterminate breed. When she saw me, she ran away like a bullet. Looks like she already had a chance to fuck a new experience with two-legged. Having walked around the entire garage cooperative, I made sure that I was alone in it. “Time to start looking,” I decided, and climbed onto the roof of one of the garage rows.

How to open a garage? – you ask. “Yes, it’s very simple!” In the dashing nineties, like everyone else who had nothing to eat, I did not sit idle and at the age of thirteen or fourteen I worked with a group of friends by opening garages. I did it simply: I climbed onto the roof, tore off the roofing material, tore off the boards that were under it, and calmly penetrated inside. I was mainly looking for pickles and jams that people kept in the inspection pits of garages, but I also found many other very interesting punks. Including cans of gasoline, which he then poured into the river and set on fire … wow, it was a sight! Some experience in this fishery came with pain. You need to think about how you will get out if the door can only be opened from the inside with a key, and that you can’t strike a match in a dark garage if it smells of gasoline … The last one made me think: since gasoline was my goal, then you can punch holes in the roofs with a balloon and sniff the smell. The idea seemed like a good one, so I did it.

Success was not long in coming. The aromas were different: now fuel oil, then rotten potatoes, then stale air, and finally, the barely perceptible smell of gasoline. The roofing material on this garage was laid in several layers, so it did not come off, but broke off in small pieces. Finally, I got to the boards and, prying them with the sharp side of the spray can, began to tear them off one by one. The huge nails with which the boards were nailed creaked disgustingly and very loudly when I tore them out. I didn’t figure out how to make this process quieter, so I decided to just do it quickly.

Finally, after sweating a lot and finishing my work, I was able to look inside the garage. The light came through cracks under the doors and a hole in the ceiling, so I found the source of the smell right away.

The garage was exemplary: a tool hanging on the walls, shelves with various junk – everything was laid out very neatly and in its place, betraying a perfectionist in its owner. Only a hefty red canister of forty liters stood out from the overall picture, standing in the middle of the garage closer to the back wall. The lock latch was clearly visible on the garage door – this indicated that the lock could be opened from the inside without a key. I took off the backpack and, unfastening the lower straps, carefully lowered it down. Then, squeezing through the hole, I hung on my hands for a while, trying to make out the place where I would have to land, and jumped down.

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