Геопсихология в шаманизме, физике и даосизме
Jung, C. G. 1989. Memories, Dreams, Reflections. Edited by Aniela Jaffe, translated from the German by Clara Winstone and Richard Winston. New York: Vintage Books. В русском переводе: К.Юнг, «Воспоминания, сновидения, размышления», Киев, «AirLand», 1994
Khan, Hazrat Inayat. 1991. The Mysticism of Sound and Music. Boston: Shambhala.
Lao-Tsu. 1993. The Book of Lao Zi. Taoist Classic. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press.
Lao-Tzu. 1891/2003. Tao Te Ching. The James Legge Translation. In F. Max Muller (Ed), Sacred Books of the East, Volume 39. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Lao-Tzu. 1988. Tao Te Ching. The Stephen Mitchell Translation. New York: Harper & Row.
Lao-Tzu. 1985. Tao Te Ching: The Book of Meaning and Life. Translated from Chinese into German by Richard Wilhelm. Translated into English by H. G. Ost-wald. London/New York: Viking-Penguin-Arkana.
Lessing, F.D., & Wayman, Alex. 1993. Introduction to the Buddhist Tantric Systems.Motilal Banarsidass.
Leviton, Richard. 2002. The Galaxy on Earth: A Travelers’ Guide to the Planet’s Visionary Geography. Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads.
Maharshi, Ramana. 2000. Talks with Raman Maharshi. Carlsbad, CA: Inner Directions Publications.
Maclagan, David. 1977. Creation Myths: Man's Introduction to the World. London: Thames & Hudson.
Matthews, Robert. 1994. Inertia: Does Empty Space Put up the Resistance? Science, 263, 613–614.
Microsoft Encarta Premium. 2006. CD, DVD. Microsoft Software.
Mindell, Amy. 1995. Metaskills: The Spiritual Art of Therapy. Portland, OR: Lao Tse Press. В русском переводе: Эми Минделл, «Психотерапия как духовная практика», М., «Класс», 1997
— 2005. The Dreaming Source of Creativity: 30 Simple Ways to Have Fun and Work on Yourself. Portland, OR: Lao Tse Press.
— 1986. (alias Amy Sue Kaplan). The Hidden Dance: An Introduction to Process Oriented Movement Work. Master’s Thesis, Antioch International, Yellow Springs Ohio.
Mindell, Arnold. 1982/1984. Dreambody: The Body’s Role in Revealing the Self. Boston & London: Sigo/Arkana Press.
— 1984. Working with the Dreaming Body. London: Penguin-Arkana. В русском переводе: А. Минделл, «Работа со сновидящим телом», Московский психотерапевтический журнал, 1993, №№ 1- 3
— 1986. River’s Way: The Process Science of the Dreambody. London & Boston: Penguin.
— 1987. The Dreambody in Relationships. New York & London: Penguin.
— 1988. CITY SHADOWS: Psychological Interventions in Psychiatry. New York & London: Penguin.
— 1994/1995. Coma: Key to Awakening—Working with the Dreambody Near
Death. London: Penguin-Arkana.
— 1990. Inner Dreambodywork: Working on Yourself Alone. New York & London: Penguin. В русском переводе: А. Минделл, «Самостоятельная работа над собой», М., «Класс», 2000.
— 1990. The Year I: Global Process Work with Planetary Tensions. New York & London: Penguin-Arkana.
— 1992. The Leader as Martial Artist: An Introduction to Deep Democracy—Techniques and Strategies for Resolving Conflict and Creating Community. San Francisco: HarperCollins. В русском переводе: А. Минделл, «Лидер как мастер единоборства», Изд-во Института психологии РАН, М., 1993
— 1993. The Shaman’s Body: A New Shamanism for Health, Relationships and Community. San Francisco: HarperCollins. В русском переводе: А. Минделл, «Тело шамана», М., «АСТ», 2004.
– 1993. SITTING IN THE FIRE: Large Group Transformation Through Diversity and Conflict. Portland, OR: Lao Tse Press. В русском переводе: А. Минделл, «Сидя в огне», М., «АСТ», 2004.
— 2004. The Deep Democracy Of Open Forums, Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads.
— 1992. With Amy Mindell. Riding the Horse Backwards: Process Work in Theory and Practice. New York: Penguin. русском переводе: А. Минделл (вместе с Эми Минделл), «Вскачь, задом наперед», М., «Класс», 1999.
Osborn. Alex F. 1953. Applied Imagination. Presently out of print.
Planck, Max. 1949. Scientific Autobiography and Other Papers. Translated by Frank Gaynor. New York: Philosophical Library.
Picasso. 2003. [Video]. The Mystery of Picasso. Harrington Park, NJ: Milestone Films and Video.
Puett, J. 2002. To Become a God: Cosmology, Sacrifice and Self-Divination in Early China. Harvard University Asia Center for the Harvard-Yenching Institute. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Penrose, R. 1996. The Large, the Small and the Human Mind. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
– . 1989. The Emperor's New Mind. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Popper, K., & Eccles, J. 1977. The Self and Its Brain. New York: Springer-Verlag.