ГУЛаг Палестины
Background and contribution:
Long-time Zьndel attorney in Germany, Rieger has been a defender of German patriots since his law
school days. He has drawn the ire of the Holocaust Enforcers by winning the 1981 Zьndel case in
Stuttgart against the false claim that Zьndel had published "hate literature", and winning several cases
against the German vassal regime who had confiscated Zьndel's postal bank account, unfreezing DM 30,000 in the process.
He also managed to regain for Zьndel his confiscated German passport after a six-year legal battle. Rieger was attacked and
beaten unconscious in broad daylight after leaving a Hamburg courthouse and had to be airlifted, near death, by helicopter to
the trauma unit of the hospital of Hamburg University, where he lay unconscious for days. The assailants escaped after their
assassination attempt. German police later caught one Turkish "guest worker" who was tried - and let go! The other culprits
were never found.
Attorney Doug Christie
Targeted professionally on numerous occasions with spurious charges of
"unprofessional conduct" lodged with law societies in Canada.
Background and contribution:
Undoubtedly the finest constitutional and civil rights lawyer of his generation in
Canada, Christie is known for his exceptional defenses of Ernst Zьndel, Jim Keegstra,
Malcolm Ross, Imre Finta and many other persecuted dissidents in Canada - and even the octogenarian, aristocratic Lady
Birdwood in England. Under constant threat by busybodies in various law societies, usually the target of Jewish Holocaust
Lobbyist complaints, Christie has frequently been intimidated during the Zьndel trials by judges who threatened him with
contempt of court when he called their arbitrary decisions into question. He is hated by all enemies of freedom, by many
groveling politicians and the intellectual prostitutes in the Canadian media establishment. Christie has headed the Zьndel legal
defense team for over 15 years.
Attorney Kirk Lyons
Viciously character-assassinated by the media and "Jewish defense" organizations after defending the rights
of US patriots.
Background and contribution:
An American civil rights lawyer of note, skill and courage and defender of many patriots, especially the "Dead
of Waco," Lyons has represented people like Fred Leuchter in controversial cases, and has lately been
targeted by the conservative "Spotlight" for "special media treatment" because he won a large suit against a law firm which
had mismanaged a case involving one of his clients, the former Populist Party of the USA and Don Wassal. Character
assassins are still trying to falsely link Lyons to the Oklahoma City bombing via a client of his, Andy Strasmeir, son of a famous
German political operative and advisor to Helmut Kohl. Lyons has also defended patriots in the famous "Fort Smith Sedition
Trial" and has since been vilified by the ADL.
Bradley Smith
Viciously character-assassinated and kicked off his web server.
Background and contribution:
A Libertarian, former bookstore owner, bullfighter, writer and broadcaster, Smith runs the wildly successful
"Campus Project", placing ads in college and university student papers and asking for an open debate on
the Holocaust. He is the owner of the popular CODOH website, known to be one of the top mainstream
Revisionist websites on the Net, running head-to-head with Greg Raven's new Institute for Historical Review website now
under construction. The Holocaust Lobby is relentless in its attacks against Bradley Smith, who speaks fluent Spanish and
has moved to Mexico to cut costs. Zьndel defense witness in the 1985 Great Holocaust Trial.
Michael Hoffman II
Viciously character-assassinated.
Background and contribution:
Hoffman is a former Associated Press reporter and author of the first book on Ernst
Zьndel's 1985 Trial, a biography that has undergone many printings. He is an
indefatigable Revisionist researcher. He publishes a monthly newsletter titled
Revisionist History, and is the author and publisher of numerous books and booklets. A noted, talented speaker and producer
of Revisionist videos, Hoffman is also one of Revisionists' most skilled and passionate writers. He has drawn the Holocaust
Lobby's ire for his grass roots street level activism and manly courage.
Ingrid Weckert
Tried, convicted and fined.
Background and contribution:
One of the best-known German historical researchers and writers, Weckert is best known for her book
on the events leading up to Kristallnacht - a book called "Feuerzeichen" (Flashpoint). She has been
subjected to police raids, during one of which Ernst Zьndel was arrested in her apartment in Munich. A
former tourist guide for travel agencies, she reads and speaks Hebrew. She knew Menachim Begin and other Jewish leaders
personally and frequently visited Israel. In 1998, she was tried, convicted and fined DM 3,500 for writing a Revisionist article.
She now lives at the edge of poverty from a small pension.
Erhard Kemper
Legally harassed. Endlessly hounded.
Background and contribution:
Kemper is a German agrarian engineer and gifted, politically astute freelance writer who has been