Психология стресса
(1999) : 1473. Уровни глюкокортикоидов повышаются при прекращении приема наркотиков: Leshner, A., “Drug use and abuse” в Fink, G., ed., Encyclopedia of Stress (San Diego: Academic Press, 2000), vol. 1: 755. Стресс непосредственно перед возвращением в клетку: Leshner, ibid.
С. 398. Крысы с высокой подверженностью внешней стимуляции: Piazza, P., Deminiere, J., Le Moal, M., and Simon, H., “Factors that predict individual vulnerability to amphetamine selfadministration,” Science 245 (1989): 1511; Kabbaj, M., Devine, D. P., Savage, V. R., and Akil, H., “Neurobiological correlates of individual differences in noveltyseeking behavior in the rat: differential expression of stress-related molecules,” Journal of Neuroscience 20 (2000): 6983.
С. 400. Sterling, P., “Principles of allostasis: optimal design, predictive regulation, pathophysiology and rational therapeutics”
Глава 17. Взгляд снизу
С. 402. Рудольф Вирхов: Rosen, G., “The evolution of social medicine,” in Freeman,
H. , Levine, S., and Reeder, L., eds., Handbook of Medical Sociology, 2d ed. (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1972). Также является источником цитат Вирхова.
С. 404. Введение в социальное поведение бабуинов: Strum, S., Almost Human (New York: Random House, 1987); Smuts, B., Sex and Friend in Baboons (New York: Aldine, 1985); Ransom, T., Beach Troop of the Gombe (Lewisburg, Pa.: Bucknell University Press, 1981).
С. 405. Повышенные уровни глюкокортикоидов и другие проблемы у самцов бабуинов с низким рангом: Sapolsky, R., “Adrenocortical function, social rank and personality among wild baboons,” Biological Psychiatry 28 (1990): 862; Sapolsky, R., “Endocrinology alfresco: psychoendocrine studies of wild baboons,” Recent Progress in Hormone Research 48 (1993): 437; Sapolsky, R., and Spencer, E., “Social subordinance is associated with suppression of insulin-like growth factor I in a population of wild primates,” American Journal of Physiology 273 (1997): R1346. Сходные темы для макак-резус: Kaplan, J., Manuck, S., Anthony, M., and Clarkson, T., “Premenopausal social status and hormone exposure predict postmenopausal atherosclerosis in female monkeys,” Obstetrics and Gynecology 99 (2002): 381-83.
С. 407. Обзор различий, связанных со стрессом, при реакции на стресс у других видов: Sapolsky, R., “The physiological and pathophysiological implications of social stress in mammals,» In McEwen, B., ed., Coping with the Environment. Handbook of Physiology (Washington, D.C.: American Physiological Association Press), in press.
С. 408. Обзор для мармозеток: Abbott, D., Saltzman, W., Schultz-Darken, N., and Smith, T., “Specific neuroendocrine mechanisms not involving generalized stress mediate social regulation of female reproduction in cooperatively breeding marmoset monkeys,” in Carter, C., Kirpatrick, B., Liederhendler, I., eds., The Integrative Neurobiology of Affiliation (New York: New York Academy of Sciences Press, 1997).
С. 408. Жизнь занимающих доминирующее положение гиеновых собак и мангустов: Creel, S., Creel, N., and Monfort, S., “Social stress and dominance,” Nature 379
(1996) : 212; Creel, S., “Social dominance and stress hormones,” Trends in Ecology and Evolution 16 (2001): 491. Недавнее исследование с участием Эббота и других специалистов по приматам: Abbott, D., Keverne, E., Bercovith, F., Shively, C., Mendoza,
S., Saltzman, W., Snowdon, C., Ziegler, T., Banjevic, M., Garland, T., and Sapolsky, R., “Are subordinates always stressed? Acomparative analysis of rank differences in cortisol levels among primates,” Hormones and Behavior 43 (2003): 67.
С. 409.
С. 409. Склонные к примирению резусы: Gust, D., Gordon, T., Hambright, K., and Wilson, M., “Relationship between social factors and pituitary-adrenocortical activity in female rhesus monkeys,” Hormones and Behavior 27 (1993): 318. Благотворная атмосфера в стае бабуинов: Sapolsky, R., and Share, L., “A pacific culture among wild baboons, its emergence and transmission,” Public Library of Science, Biology, (2004), in press. Бабуины в условиях засухи: Sapolsky, R., “Endocrine and behavioral correlates of drought in the wild baboon,” American Journal of Primatology 11 (1986): 217.
С. 410. Социальная нестабильность как главный стрессор: Sapolsky, R., “The physiology of dominance in stable versus unstable social hierarchies,» In Mason, W., and Mendoza, S., eds., Primate Social Conflict (New York: SUNY Press, 1993); Cohen,
5., Kaplan, J., and Cunnick, J., “Chronic social stress, affiliation and cellular immune response in nonhuman primates,” Psychological Sciences 3 (1992): 301.
С. 411. Подавляющие иммунитет эффекты прихода агрессивного самца: Alberts,
5., Altmann, J., and Sapolsky, R., “Behavioral, endocrine and immunological correlates of immigration by an aggressive male into a natural primate group,” Hormones and Behavior 26 (1992): 167.
С. 411. Обзор индивидуальных особенностей приматов: Clarke, A., and Boinski, S., “Temperament in nonhuman primates,” American Journal of Primatology 37 (1995): 103.
C. 412. Некоторые исследования рангов у людей: Elias, M., “Cortisol, testosterone and testosterone-binding globulin responses to competitive fighting in human males,” Aggressive Behavior 7 (1981): 215; Meyerhoff, J., Leshansky, M., and Mougey, E., “Effects of psychological stress on pituitary hormones in man” в Chrousos, G., Loriaux,
D. , and Gold, P., eds., Mechanisms of Physical and Emotional Stress (New York: Plenum Press, 1988); Houston, B., Babyak, M., Chesney, M., Black, G., and Ragland, D., “Social dominance and 22-year all-cause mortality in men,” Psychosomatic Medicine
59 (1997): 5; Mazur, A., and Booth, A., “Testosterone and dominance in men,” Brain and Behavioral Sciences 21 (1997): 353-63. Boehm, C., Hierarchy in the Forest: The Evolution of Egalitarian Behavior (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1999).
С. 414. Эндокринные последствия победы, достигнутой благодаря приложенным усилиям и благодаря везению: Mazur, A., and Lamb, T., “Testosterone, status and mood in human males,” Hormones and Behavior 14 (1980): 236; McCaul, K., Gladue,
B. , and Joppa, M., “Winning, losing, mood, and testosterone,” Hormones and Behavior
26 (1992): 486.
C. 414. Бедные сталкиваются с наибольшим количеством стрессоров: McLeod, J., and Kessler, R., “Socioeconomic status differences in vulnerability to undesirable life events,” Journal of Health, Society and Behavior 31 (1990): 162; Cohen, S., and Wills, T., “Stress, social support and the buffering hypothesis,” Psychological Bulletin 98 (1985): 310; Brown, G., and Harris, T., Social Origins of Depression (London: Tavistock, 1978).