Психология стресса
С. 415. Угроза потери работы подрывает здоровье: Beale, N., and Nethercott, S., “Job-loss and family morbidity: a study of a factory closure,” Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners 35 (1985): 510; Cobb, S., and Kasl, S., Termination: The Consequences of Job Loss, DHEW-NIOSH Publication No. 77-224 (Cincinnati, Ohio: U.S. NIOSH, 1977). Об исследовании работников, которые не принимали диуретики из-за того, что не могли ходить в туалет в рабочее время, рассказывается в Adler, N., Boyce, T., Chesney, M., Folkman, S., and Syme, S., “Socioeconomic inequalities in health: no easy solution,” Journal of the American Medical Association 269 (1993): 3140.
С. 415. Бедные не могут эффективно справляться со стрессорами: Hobfoll, S., Stress, Community and Culture (New York: Plenum, 1998).
С. 416.
(2004) : in press:
С. 416. Обзоры градиента СЭС/здоровья (наиболее значимые в этой области): Pincus, T., and Callahan, L., “What explains the association between socioeconomic status and health: primarily access to medical care or mind-body variables?” Advances 11
(1995) : 4; Syme, S., and Berkman, L., “Social class, susceptibility and sickness,” American Journal of Epidemiology 104 (1976): 1; Adler, N., Boyce, T., Chesney, M., Folkman,
S., and Syme, S., “Socioeconomic inequalities in health: no easy solution,” Journal of the American Medical Association 269 (1993): 3140; Anderson, N., and Armstead, C., “Toward understanding the association of SES and health; a new challenge for the biopsychosocial approach,” Psychosomatic Medicine 57 (1995): 213; Evans, R., Barer, M., and Marmor, T., Why Are Some People Healthy and Others Not? The Determinants of Health of Populations (New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1994); Antonovsky, A., “Social class and the major cardiovascular diseases,” Journal of Chronic Diseases 21 (1968): 65; Marmot, M., “Stress, social and cultural variations in heart disease,” Journal of Psychosomatic Research 27 (1983): 377; Levenstein, S., Prantera, C., Varvo, V., Arca, M., Scribano, M., Spinella, S., and Berto, E., “Long-term symptom patterns in duodenal ulcer: psychosocial factors,” Journal of Psychosomatic Research 41 (1996): 465; Hahn, R., Eaker, E., Barker, N., Teutsch, S., Sosniak, W., and Krieger, N., “Poverty and death in the United States,” International Journal of Health Services 26 (1996): 673. Stern, A., “Social adversity, low birth weight, and pre-term delivery,” British Medical Journal 295 (1987): 291; Budrys, G., Unequal Health: How Inequality Contributes to Health or Illness (Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 2003).
Сноска. Болезни, более распространенные у богатых — злокачественная меланома и рак груди: Kitagawa, E., and Hauser, P., Differential Mortality in the United States (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1973). Различные склерозы: Pincus, T., and Callahan, L., “What explains the association between socioeconomic status and health: primarily access to medical care or mind-body variables?” Advances 11 (1995): 4; Polio: Pincus, T., in Davis, B., ed., Microbiology, Including Immunology and Molecular Genetics, 3d ed. (New York: Harper and Row). Связь между СЭС и госпитализмом рассматривается в Sapolsky, R., “How the other half heals,” Discover (April 1998): 46.
С. 418. Различие в продолжительности жизни в 5-10 лет: Wilkinson, R., Mind the Gap: Hierarchies, Health and Human Evolution (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2000).
Сноска. Данные, касающиеся «Титаника», обсуждаются в Marmot, M., “Epidemiology of SES and health: are determinants within countries the same as between countries?” Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 896 (1999): 16.
С. 419. Изменение градиента на протяжении веков: Evans, R., Interpreting and Addressing Inequalities in Health: From Black to Acheson to Blair to..? (London: OHE Publications, 2002).
С. 419. СЭС предсказывает состояние здоровья в более поздние годы жизни: Lynch, J., Kaplan, G., Pamuk, E., Cohen, R., Heck, K., Balfour, J., and Yen, I., “Income inequality and mortality in metropolitan areas of the United States,” American Journal of Public Health 88 (1998): 1074. Бедность в начале жизни: Hertzman, C., “The biological embedding of early experience and its effects on health in adulthood,” Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 896 (1999): 85. Обследование монахинь: Snowdon, D., Ostwald, S., and Kane, R., “Education, survival and independence in elderly Catholic sisters 1936-1988,” American Journal of Epidemiology 120 (1989): 999; Snowdon, D., Ostwald, S., Kane, R., and Keenan, N., “Years of life with good and poor mental and physical function in the elderly,” Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 42 (1989): 1055. Здоровье и суммарная доля лет жизни, прожитых в бедности: Hertzman, op. cit.
С. 419. Стресс и оказание экстренной медицинской помощи: Sudnow, D., Passing On: The Social Organization of Dying (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1967). Kapral, M., Wang, H., Mamdani, M., Tu, J., “Effect of SES on treatment and mortality after stroke,” Stroke 33 (2002): 268; Goirnick, M., “Disparities in Medicare services: potential causes, plausible explanations, and recommendations,” Health Care Financial Review 21 (2000): 23.
С. 420. Несколько европейских стран: Cavelaars, A., “Morbidity differences by occupational class among men in seven European countries: an application of the Erikson-Goldthorpe social class scheme,” International Journal of Epidemiology 27
(1998) : 222. Градиент СЭС в Англии ухудшается: Susser, M., Watson, W., and Hopper, K., Sociology in Medicine, 3d ed. (Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 1985).
С. 420. Исследование, в ходе которого бедные получали больше предварительно оплаченных медицинских услуг и все равно чаще болели: Oakes, T., and Syme, S., “Social factors in newly discovered elevated blood pressure,” Journal of Health, Society and Behavior 14 (1973): 198.
С. 420. Исследование Мармота: Marmot, “Epidemiology of SES and health,” op. cit.
С. 421. Работа Пинкуса анализируется в Pincus, T., and Callahan, L., “What explains the association between socioeconomic status and health: primarily access to medical care or mind-body variables?” Advances 11 (1995): 4.
С. 423. Люди, никогда не слышавшие о мазках РАР: Harlan, L., Bernstein, A., and Kessler, L., “Cervical cancer screening: who is not screened and why?” American Journal of Public Health 81 (1991): 885. Сноска. Образование как фактор ухудшения градиента: Asplund, K., “Down with the class society!” Stroke 34 (2003): 2628.
С. 423. Эванс: Evans, “Interpreting and addressing inequalities in health,” op. cit. Уайтхоллское исследование: Marmot, M., and Feeney, A., “Health and socioeconomic status,” in Fink, G., ed., Encyclopedia of Stress (San Diego: Academic Press, 2000), vol. 2, 313.
С. 424. Международные модели загрязнения природы: Pacala, S., Bulte, E., List, J., and Levin, S., “False alarm over environmental false alarms,” Science 301 (2003): 1187. Никакой связи между богатством и здоровьем: Marmot, “Epidemiology of SES and health,” op. cit.; Kawachi, I., Kennedy, B., Lochner, K., and Prothrow-Stith, D., “Social capital, income inequality, and mortality,” American Journal of Public Health 87 (1997): 1491. Средняя продолжительность жизни в США и Греции: Bezruchka, S., “Is our society making you sick?” Newsweek (February 2001): 26; Wilkinson, op. cit.