Quotes by Alexandra Miracle
The quotes have the different character and meaning. There are the thoughts about environment , obtaining, people, numbers, art, psychology and fashion. People have a responsibility for what they wear and what they think about.
The quotes are represented in the images and prompts. There are the quotes and description:
«I prefer to be with my mind than with society». I think it can be briefly considered in the way by Oscar Wild thinking.
2. “If you want to be left-handing person, it’s better to live in France”. It describes the meaning of the culture.
3. Fashion talks through the clothes. “It’s better to be an executioner than t-shirt”. The meaning is very deeply. Why does office like the shirts?
4. British pattern is unique and historically right. “England is a genius in management. They made a grid as a national symbol. Work, class, colonies…”
5. “So beautiful leaf pattern. And you still think it’s yours”. There is s joke about graphic elements.
6. “So short… I think we will talk briefly”. It means that the length of your clothes is related to your time.
7. “What do you feel? NOnSENSE. It means without the emotions.
Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.