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Shark hunting. Spartacus

– Who are you? – Instead of answering, the guy asked.

– My name is Valeria. You can call me Lera, – she answered softly.

– Nice to meet you, but that doesn't mean anything to me.

– Spartacus, you… were in an accident, because… it happened… – she was confused, unable to find the words.

Then he got it.

– Were you the one who went out on the road that night in front of me?

– Yes. – He sighed, and closed his eyes.

He sighed and closed his eyes. «Oh, stupid!»

– I'm sorry. I wasn't myself. Or rather, I was drunk.

– Good for you! – he muttered indignantly. Surely all possible chances to do something to reunite with his beloved, thanks to this unreasonable woman, were lost.

– Your car is being repaired, and I will compensate you for the moral damage when you are well. The doctors said you could be discharged in a couple of days, – she said cautiously.

– You can't take back the opportunity I missed because of you. He said without looking at her.

– Forgive me, please. I was in a terrible state, psychologically, and frankly, I tried to kill myself.

– What? – Then he looked at her.

Valeria turned away, and nervously ran a hand through her hair and said, – Yes, a big stupid thing. Divorce and all that, you know. But you chose to let me live, risking your own life.

He wanted to say something harsh and insulting to her. Anger was rising in him. Never! Never would he understand those people who did not care about the fate of others, whom they might have set up, or who they would bring pain and suffering to by deciding to take their own lives! That is the lowest of low!

But he just watched her in silence.

Valeria got up from the chair she'd been sitting in and walked over to the window, two paces from his bunk. She was in a strict trouser suit. The white short medical protective clothes that she was given at the entrance, casually thrown over her shoulders, did not hide the shape of her slender figure. She stood with her back to him, and for a moment there was silence in the room.

– I need the phone, – he finally said.

– That's the hardest part, – she pronounces with a sigh and turned to him with her eyes down.

– Don’t understand?

– We called from your cell phone, to the last numbers you used, to report what happened… – Valeria began.

But Spartacus, gathering his strength, stood up and almost shouted, – who asked you to do that?

His anger was boundless. Mother must have had a stroke now! He covered his eyes with his hand. What kind of punishment is this?!

– We said were all right with you to your family, and no one was worried about you, if that's what you're mean, – she said, guessing his worries. Then she added, barely audible. – The trouble didn't happen to you, Spartacus… while you were still on the road…

He caught his breath. He froze.

– Your wife, she…

– What happened to my wife?

– She's… dead, – Valeria said softly, her hand over her mouth. – She fell from the window, from the fifth floor…

– Nadia? – He asked her in a hoarse voice.

– Yes… – she said quietly, nodding her head with a haggard expression. – You're still weak for such news, but can’t hide it.

– Who the hell are you?! Did her father send you to tell me this nonsense? Get out! – he shouted, rising from his seat. That was too much. He was going to give her one now. Did she say she wanted to end her life? This was the moment to fulfill her wish!

He rushed to her and then two orderlies attacked him, someone else from the guard approached them, the medical staff ran in. The enraged Spartacus was not easy to deal with. Nobody could twist it. He scattered the attackers with sharp movements, stubbornly trying to get to the hated suicide. But with the light hand of a nurse, he was immediately put to bed. He screamed and waved his fists, continually pushing away the annoying guys, when the strength suddenly left him. He slowly turned his head to the side and looked into the cold face of the nurse who injected the syringe into his arm and he closed his eyes. Another curse remained unspoken, and he fell silent, relaxing as he collapsed into the arms of the orderlies.

When Spartacus was finally able to lift his heavy eyelids, instead of Valeria or the nurse, he saw a stern male face, without the shadow of any emotion.

– Has he come to his senses? – he turned to someone.

– Coming, – the nurse at his side answered.

Spartacus shifted his gaze and saw the glint of a needle in her hand. She was standing there with her weapon at the ready.

– Don't hurt me anymore, – the guy said, barely moving his tongue. – Get the hell away from me, – told he and closed his eyes again.

– How do you do? You're awake, Citizen Rudov.

Spartacus opened his eyes again, and the lines of the identity card that had been opened before him swam before his eyes. Then he saw the face with the stony expression again.

– I am an investigator from the Prosecutor's Office. Citizen Spartacus Germanovich Rudov a criminal case was filed against you. You are accused of inciting citizen Nadezhda Vladimirovna Klimova to suicide by mental pressure.

Spartacus abruptly jumped up on the spot.

– No! – he shouted, and his eyes filled with blood, – you're lying!

He clenched his fists at the sides of his body.

– No, unfortunately, – said the investigator a little softer. – I'm sorry for your loss, but it's true. Your wife jumped out the window and died on the spot.

He covered his face with his hands and roared. He started screaming so hard, like a madman. He had to be sedated again.

Chapter 8

– I'm your lawyer, my name is Dmitri. – A man introduced himself, taking a folder out of his briefcase.

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