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Shark hunting. Spartacus

– May I help Spar? – Stepan asked with his full mouth.

– No, – Spartacus answered for his stepfather, picking up his fork.

– It's not mending, son, – said the man, ignoring his stepson's words.

– So what? – With a worried look at her husband, the guy's mother asked.

– It is a man's business, woman. Don't interfere, we will sort it out ourselves.

She sighed and looked at her son. Spartacus immediately looked up at her and slowly lowered his eyelids, giving her a sign not to worry.

After dinner they went outside. The stepfather sat down on the bench by the gate and Spartacus stood across from him, preparing to listen intently.

– You dream of going far away from here, right? – The man began from afar.

– So?

– The money you're saving from the fights won't even be enough for a one-way ticket, believe me, son. And it's dangerous. Look at your mother, she's exhausted.

Spartacus furrowed his brow in annoyance. «What's he trying to lecture me about?» – he thought, and said aloud:

– What do you have to offer me?

He hesitated, choosing his words, and then said:

– There is a very rich man.

The man waited silently for the rest.

– He has a daughter. She made her father very angry and he chased her out of the house.

– Should we look for her and bring her back? – Spartacus suggested.

– No, on the contrary.

– I don't understand, sorry?!

– We have to teach her father a lesson… – Uncle Pasha spoke softly.

– What do you mean, teach him a lesson? Can you explain it to me normally, without any hints?

– She's sitting here now, in the one house. He threw the girl out, and she got into the wrong place.

– Where here?

– In Volodya's barn.

Spartacus, his eyes widened, stared at his stepfather, whom he had always considered clever and far-sighted.

– You stole a rich man's daughter?

– Why did we steal her?! She came of her own accord.

The guy smiled nervously and shook his head, – No, – he sighed, – I'm not going to be a part of this. Thank you. It's not right for me! – he turned and started to walk away, but his stepfather stopped him by grabbing his elbow:

– Wait a minute, you don't understand. You have to take her home and be a hero. – Said the man, changing tactics.

Spartacus furrowed his brow again and turned around, bowing his head slightly, looking at his stepfather, – Uncle Pasha, are you crazy?

The man sighed deeply and his soft plump chest rose and fell together with his stomach. He pursed his lips as if to himself. – Okay, it's either that or we throw her out in the woods where we found and let her do what she wants! – He finished by slapping himself on the knees and stood up. The guy's stepfather knew exactly where to put the pressure on him to give up.

Spartacus, put his hands in his pockets and stood still, unable to move. And to agree to complicity in an obviously criminal case, resisted with all his being. And to abandon to the mercy of fate, perhaps the unfortunate girl, did not allow his soul.

After half an hour they reached an old house on the edge of the village. Volodyka was Uncle Pasha's nephew and had been absent for months, since he was always working in Moscow. The house was almost empty. Unless it was visited or used by friends or relatives. This time, too, it came in handy.

Spartacus was very angry. And the first thing he wanted to do was to free the girl from her captivity.

They quietly approached the barn and peered through the crack of the wooden door. A light bulb was burning dimly in the room, and a woman's silhouette appeared in the flickering light. The girl was sitting against the wall with her arms around her bent at the knees. Spartacus stared at her, trying to guess her age. Her pitch-black hair, gathered into a knot, revealed a rounded, beautiful face with large dark eyes and long eyebrows. He thought, she was no more than twenty-five years old. Stepping away from the barn, he walked just as quietly toward the gate. The stepfather followed him.

– How long has she been here? – Spartacus asked in a low voice.

– Since this morning.

The guy lifted his head and sighed in relief, muttering words of gratitude to God.

– Give me the keys to your UAZ, – he said, holding out his hand to uncle Pasha.

– Right now?! – with surprise interrogated the man.

– No, we'll wait till the cops come. Come on, – he demanded.

The stepfather put the keys in his open hand, with an unkind look in his face. But he went back without paying any attention. Quietly unlocking the door of the barn, Spartacus entered with his head slightly bent.

At the sight of a tall and strong male figure in the doorway, the girl flinched and got to her feet and started to back away.

– Don't worry, I won't hurt you. – He spoke as gently as possible, holding out his palms. – I've come to take you home.

– Did my father send you?

– Almost.

– What do you mean, almost?

– Your father doesn't know where you are, and I want to take you to him right now.

– Why should I believe you? – she asked.

– Why should I have to get you out of here?

They stood looking at each other for a while. Then she nodded and gestured with her hand for him to move away. Spartacus went outside.

Uncle Pasha disappeared as if he never existed.

Chapter 3

– How did you know about me and who you are?

– A just country guy, passing by, heard the sound, – he answered, without taking his eyes off the road. They were driving out of the village.

– I didn't make any sound, – she answered, piercing him with her incredulous gaze, – and you said from the start that my father didn't know.

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