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Shark hunting. Spartacus

– I thought you'd had boyfriends before, – he said with a warm smile, right on her lips. – I'm so glad I was wrong.

– It was impossible to do that with my father.

– I'll thank him from the bottom of my heart on occasion, – he said and began kissing her again, slowly moving over her body.

Chapter 6

Henceforth they no longer concealed their sincere happiness. Spartacus never missed a moment when he was alone with his wife to avoid kissing her, or at least touching or stroking her unnoticed by the others. Nadezhda's cheeks hurt from the constant smiling. Katerina Aleksandrovna, in turn, gave her daughter-in-law another expensive gift. It was their ancestral jewel, bequeathed to her mother by her grandmother and so several steps up.

– The only time I almost sold it, – the woman confessed, – was when there was a fire, Spartacus was ten years old, we were left homeless and without a breadwinner. – She sighed heavily. She and Nadia were sitting on the couch, and the girl looked at her with understanding, taking her hand.

– Thank God I didn't, – Spartacus' mother continued with a smile, stroking her daughter-in-law on the cheek. – The brooch will remain in the right hands.

– Thank you for the honor, – Nadezhda spoke back to her with a smile and accepted the expensive gift.

– It's an emerald with diamonds, – the woman explained. – It is worth a great deal of money, but I would only want you to sell it as a last resort.

– Don't worry, Mother, we won't sell it and it will go to our children, – Nadezhda promised, which made her mother-in-law very happy. They hugged each other.

The New Year was also celebrated noisily and over the vacations, Spartacus and Nadia decided to buy a car. The trip to distant countries had lost its relevance, and the money was quite enough for a normal car. They went to Krasnodar and on the way back were already driving their car. Spartacus looked good driving a Kia Optima. And with the remaining money they bought some clothes for themselves and the rest of the household as a gift. Nadezhda was sitting in the front seat with an ironic expression on her face. Spartacus took her by the arm and made her pay attention. She looked at him and he, kissing the inner side of her palm, asked, – what are you thinking about, my love?

– I remembered our first trip to Krasnodar that night, – she answered. Spartacus tilted his head back and laughed.

– A fateful encounter, – he said.

– Yeah… Then when I saw your stepfather, I realized who sent you to me.

– Yes, he did. But it didn't matter. We really wanted to help you.

– Yes, I know, thank you, – she reached up and kissed him somewhere on the neck. Spartacus immediately put his arms around her, and they continued on their way.

When they finally reached the house, they found several cars parked at the gate.

– It's Dad, – Nadezhda said with mixed feelings. They stopped and before she could rush out into the street, he held her up by grabbing her arm. Nadezhda looked at him questioningly.

– I hope you will not leave me? – he muttered in emotion.

She didn't answer. Just smirked and shook her head. Spartacus remained sitting in the car. Some bitter feeling crept into his soul and he didn't want to go home.

– Hello, – he said, after a little while. Guests and his wife and mother were sitting in the living room. Uncle Pasha and his son had gone to work with him.

– Hello, – his father-in-law answered him. Nadezhda sat next to her father, wiping away her tears.

– Why are you crying? – Spartacus asked puzzled, looking at his wife.

– Because her illusion of happiness has come to its end, – her father answered for her.

– It's not an illusion, – Spartacus parried at once, adding, – she's my lawful wife, you have no right.

He pointed to the table with his eyes. Spartacus followed his gaze and saw a piece of paper. He walked over and took it in his hands and began to read a copy of the statement. It was written by a doctor who claimed that he had threatened her, her health, and forced her to issue a pregnancy certificate that didn't really exist.

Spartacus went pale.

– I didn't threaten anyone, – he said in a husky voice.

– You can read it yourself. And then the medical examiner will quickly confirm whether or not my daughter was really pregnant. All the tests will be thorough, believe me, I know how to get things done, – he said.

– I don't understand why you need it? – Spartacus said, hands down, – we love each other, you don't see? Perhaps she really is pregnant now.

The man got up from his seat and came closer to the guy and said, – She's coming home with me now or later when I put you away, take your pick.

– Daddy! – the girl threw herself at his feet, – please, don't touch him! Daddy, it's all my fault. I made him marry me.

– What? – Spartacus's mother, who had been sitting silently on the sofa up to that moment, let out a voice.

– I'm sorry! – With a roar in her voice, said Nadezhda and covered her face.

– It doesn't matter, we are a real married couple. We have feelings and everything that should be between a husband and wife. And whoever is trying to divorce us is making a huge mistake, – said Spartacus, keeping his eyes on the girl's father.

– Get up, – taking her hand, the man turned to his daughter, – go to the car. This conversation is over.

Nadezhda stood up and looked at her husband with eyes full of tears and left the house.

Spartacus lowered his head.

– Now listen here, – Vladimir Aleksandrovich ordered. – Tomorrow you're going to the registry office and you're going to file for divorce. That's it. They will tell you when to come to get the certificate. Your role in my daughter's life is now complete, young man.

He said a short farewell and headed for the door, but when he turned around, he added, «Yes?! If you ever try to meet her again, there will be no mercy.

Spartacus remained standing where he was. A loud silence fell upon him and began to choke with its big gray arms. His mother was saying something, wailing, crying, but he couldn't hear her. Some incomprehensible grief came down from above, like a piece of rock. He continued to stand, clenching his fists and clenching his teeth.

Impossible be very happy person. Can sometimes, spend several days in the clouds. But not for long. And from time to time it is worth returning to the ground. Otherwise, a fall from a flight height can be deafeningly painful.

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