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Shark hunting. Spartacus

He threw his mother's car keys on the table and said quietly, – There are things in the car, gifts that Nadia and I bought for all of you, take them out, mom please.

She followed with frightened eyes her son, who walked into their married bedroom. After a few minutes, she followed him in fright and immediately opened the door. He was standing at the window, leaning his palms on. Then turning to look at her, he asked, – Have you taken everything yet?

– No, – she answered in a confused voice.

Spartacus didn't understand why she came so, and with such a frightened look, but then guessed and covered his eyes and sighed, – O come on! I'm not so weak. Only weak men lay hands on themselves. Calm down.

– Oh, son, I was really scared, you were talking so calmly.

– Don't worry, – he sighed briefly and said quietly, – I'm not crazy, Mom.

– Okay, son. Everything will be all right, I'm sure. I know she loves you.

– I know that, too.

– Son, this is a bad time, – said mother excitedly, – but I wanted to ask, did she take the brooch with her? Of grandmother's, the one I gave her the other day.

– No, it is in the drawer, – he answered, with a brief glance at the top drawer.

– Oh, well, thank God, – said Katerina Aleksandrovna, and quietly went out the door.

Spartacus followed her with a glance and went back to his thoughts. What he could do and what his chances were. – As long as he's poor, nothing, – his inner voice told him. He made his way to the dresser and pulling out a drawer took a small velvet box and opened it. In it lay a brooch and his Swiss watch, which he sometimes wore. Taking the jewel in his hands, Spartacus sat down on the bed and began to twirl it in his fingers, scrutinizing it from all sides. The large emerald was flanked by smaller, sparkling diamond stones.

Carefully putting the jewel back, he locked the box and hid it in a secluded place.

Her eyes full of tears, the pose at the despot's feet, wouldn't leave his mind. Damn that daddy!

Sitting and replaying the scene in his mind was a waste of time; he walked quietly out of the house and got behind the wheel. Something had to be done. It was urgent. But what? All sorts of options were swirling in his mind, to sell the car at once and use the money to go on a chase, to try to steal it and make a run for it. Eventually, her father would leave them alone. Or… try to act legally, report him to the police…

– God… what am I talking about?! – Rubbing his eyes, he commented on his thoughts.

Spartacus drove onto the highway and began to pick up speed. The state of hopelessness terrified him. As if only now the meaning of what had happened began to come to him. He silently let his own wife be taken from his arms. He didn't move. How could it be?

He would not go to any registry office, not tomorrow, not today, not ever! He will go to Moscow right now. He dialed his stepfather's number and asked him to tell his mother that he would be away for a few days so she would not worry. Some urgent business had come up.

It would not be out of place if he had someone to help him in this difficult matter. But all of his acquaintances and friends were on the same social ladder as he was. Some were a little higher, some a little lower, but he knew no one who was influential or close to that level. He could only count on himself and his hands. He took hold of the steering wheel and drove on.

By morning he had almost reached Voronezh. He was washed with fatigue. He no longer understood why he was going and where he was going. Most likely he would not even get to see her, and it was possible that he could be caught there and sent behind bars, opening a case against him. Where is he going?! But to go on living his old life was henceforth impossible. He must do something. At least try.

Maybe, after all, he could talk to her father one more time. He must understand. He is human or what?!

Suddenly, in the path, headlights illuminated a figure of some sort. It appeared in the middle of the road. He swerved to the side and his car hit a tree at speed. One moment the hard impact and the sound of metal, cut through his brain, the next second blacking out his consciousness.

Spartacus opened his eyes. Someone pulled him and shouted somewhere near him. It was like a dream, dark and incomprehensible. Female piercing cries and screams, the rumble of male voices, everything was mixed together. A sharp run of multi-colored lights and the sound of a serena. Damn them all. Such a headache… “Nadia…”

Chapter 7

Finally, he came to his senses. His head and chest were bandaged.

Spartacus looked around. The room in which he lay was unusually neat and well-stocked, unlike any of the usual hospital rooms. Feeling the remote control under his hand, he lifted it and pressed the button. Two seconds later, a nurse with a rainbow smile entered and greeted him:

– Hello, Spartacus. How are you feeling?

– Hello, – he said huskily, – I'm fine. Tell me, where am I?

– You're in a private hospital. There's been an accident and you've been brought here.

– Mm… – the guy moaned and rolled his head back and covered his eyes. Memories brought back the last moments of his consciousness. And before that. Nadia…

– How long have I been lying here? – he asked.

– Two days, – she answered.

– Damn!

– Don't worry. You don't have any serious injuries. During the accident, you suffered a concussion and bruised collarbone.

– My car Is broken?

– I can't tell you that, – the girl replied. – You better ask Valeria Igorevna, she will come soon.

– Who is Valeria Igorevna? – He looked at the nurse and asked.

– The woman who brought you here.

– Good.

He fell asleep again.

– Hello, – he heard a woman's voice.

Spartacus struggled to open his eyes and saw in front of him a pretty woman with blond hair styled at the back of her head. She looked about forty years old. A very fresh face, sea-colored eyes, slightly puffy lips, a little thin, but it suited her. She sat looking at him with a guilty smile on her face. – How are you feeling?

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