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ШИЗОФРЕНИЯ: краткое введение

Enlarged ventricles in schizophrenia: S. Lewis, «Structural brain imaging in biological psychiatry», British Medical Bulletin(1996), 52: 465-73; S. M. Lawrie and S. S. Abukmeil «Brain abnormality in schizophrenia. A systematic and quantitative review of volumetric magnetic resonance imaging studies», British Journal of Psychiatry(1998), 172: 110-20.

Gliosis in schizophrenia: G. W. Roberts et al., «Is there gliosis in schizophrenia? Investigation of the temporal lobe». Biological Psychiatry(1987), 22: 1459-68.

Brain changes prior to onset of schizophrenia: S. M. Lawrie et al.,

«Brain structure, genetic liability, and psychotic symptoms in subjects at high risk of developing schizophrenia». Biological Psychiatry(2001), 15: 811-23.

Functional brain imaging in schizophrenia: S. M. Lawrie, «Neuropathology and brain imaging in schizophrenia», in Schizophrenia: Concepts and Clinical Managemented. E. G. Johnstone, M. Humphries, F. Lang, S. M. Lawrie, and R. Sandier (Cambridge University Press, 1999), pp. 70-128.

Brain connectivity: K. J. Friston, «Dysfunctional connectivity in schizophrenia». World Psychiatry(2002), 1: 66–71.

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Psychodynamic theories of schizophrenia: P. J. McKenna, Schizophrenia and Related Syndromes(Psychology Press, 1997).

Social stress as a cause of schizophrenia: G. W. Brown and J. L. Birley, «Crises and life changes and the onset of schizophrenia», Journal of Health and Social Behaviour(1968), 9: 203-14; M. Malzacher, J. Merz, and D. Ebnother, «Marked life events prior to an acute schizophrenic episode. Comparison of a sample of first admissions with a normal sample», tr. by authors, Archivfur Psychiatric und Nervenkrankheiten(1981), 230: 227-42.

Family relationships as a cause of schizophrenia: L. Wynne and M. Singer, «Thought disorder and family relations of schizophrenics. I. A research strategy. II. A classification of forms of thinking», Arhives of General Psychiatry(1963), 9: 191–206; S. Hirsch and J. P. Leff. «Abnormalities in the parents of schizophrenics» (Maudsley Monograph No. 22,Oxford University Press, 1975).

Institutionalization and schizophrenia: D. G. Cunningham Owens and E. C. Johnstone, «The disabilities of chronic schizophrenia — their nature and the factors contributing to their development», British Journal of Psychiatry(1980), 136: 384-95; D. A. Curson, C. Pantellis, J. Ward, and T. R. E. Barnes, «Institutionalisatism and schizophrenia, 30 years on», British Journal of Psychiatry(1992), 160: 230-41.

Gender differences in schizophrenia: H. Hafner et al., «Generating and testing a causal explanation of the gender difference in age at first onset of schizophrenia». Psychological Medicine(1993), 23: 925-40.

Season of birth and schizophrenia: T. N. Bradbury and G. A. Miller, «Season of birth in schizophrenia: a review of evidence, methodology, and etiology», Psychological Bulletin(1985), 98: 569-94.

Maternal flu and schizophrenia: E. O'Callaghan et al., «Schizophrenia after prenatal exposure to 1957 A2 influenza epidemic», Lancet(1991), 337: 1248-50; R. E. Kendell and I. W. Kemp, «Maternal influenza in the etiology of schizophrenia». Archives of General Psychiatry(1989), 46: 878-82.

Famine and schizophrenia: E. S. Susser and S. P. Lin, «Schizophrenia after prenatal exposure to the Dutch Hunger Winter of 1944–1945», Archives of General Psychiatry(1992), 49: 983-8.

Birth complications and schizophrenia: J. R. Geddes and S. M. Lawrie, «Obstetric complications and schizophrenia: a meta-analysis», British Journal of Psychiatry(1995), 167: 786-93.

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The abyss of understanding: K. Jaspers, General Psychopathology(Manchester University Press, 1962).

Hallucinations as subvocal speech: L. N. Gould, «Auditory hallucinations and subvocal speech». Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease(1949), 109: 418-27; P. Green and M. Preston, «Reinforcement of vocal correlates of auditory hallucinations by auditory feedback: a case study», British Journal of Psychiatry(1981), 139: 204-8.

Inner speech: A. D. Baddeley and G. J. Hitch, Working Memory. The Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in Research and Theory(G. H. Bower Academic Press, 1974), pp. 47–90.

Articulation as a treatment for auditory hallucinations: H. E. Nelson, S. Thrasher, and T. R. Barnes, «Practical ways to alleviate auditory hallucinations», British Medical Journal(1991), 302: 327.

Hallucinations and inner speech: C. L. Evans, P. K. McGuire, and A. S. David, «Is auditory imagery defective in patients with auditory hallucinations?». Psychological Medicine(2000), 30(1): 137-48.

Brain activity and inner speech: P. K. McGuire et al., «Functional anatomy of inner speech and auditory verbal imagery». Psychological Medicine(1996), 26: 29–38; D. A. Silbersweig et al., «Afunctional neuroanatomy of hallucinations in schizophrenia». Nature(1995), 378: 176-9; S. S. Shergill et al., «Mapping auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia using functional magnetic resonance imaging». Archives of «GeneralPsychiatry(2000), 57(11): 1033-8.

The concept of corollary discharge: H. von Helmholtz, Handbuch der Physiologischen Optik(Leipzig, Voss, 1866).

Self-monitoring and schizophrenia: I. Feinberg, „Efference copy and corollary discharge: implications for thinking and its disorders“, fSchizophrenia Bulletin(1978;, 4: 636-40; C. D. Frith, „The positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia reflect impairments in the perception and initiation of action“. Psychological Medicine(1987), 17(3): 631-48; R. P. Bentall G. A. Baker, and S. Havers, „Reality monitoring and psychotic hallucinations“, British Journal of Clinical Psychology(1991), 30: 213-22.

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