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Super Queen-Mother. Book II. Life or Death

Military pointsmen and military vehicles were everywhere on the cross roads. The troops were controlling any displacement of vehicles or people. The main goal was to prevent panics and, in case of danger, to direct people to safe places on foot and by cars.

The rest was in God’s hands.

Soldiers were also at factories and plants. They were responsible for the order, safety, and product release. The enterprises worked around the clock. Everything was important, clothes and food in particular.

People had to lay in stock all things might need for a long duration. Supplies were immediately carried to army depots and underground bunkers.

All abandoned bomb shelters were being restored. Though people had little hope to survive, it was better than nothing. At least they dealt with the matter, and did not have time for gossips.

Children were carried away to the mountains, where shelters were being built in deep gorges. Warm clothes and food were also sent there.

All houses of God reminded one of overcrowded stadiums. People were coming there in an endless stream, filling the whole space in prayer rooms.

When the trouble came nobody tried to find out nationality or faith; it did not even cross anybody’s mind; the main thing was to survive, and it was not important at all whose shoulder would support you.

It appeared that the emphasis on seeing signs of difference between people had been the work of fanatics and rogues who lived on stirring hatred.

All appeared to be similar, only forms differed – different languages, different buildings, different praying gestures – but the essence of prayer was the same: people were asking to save their lives.

Super Queen-Mother’s portraits were in all public places. There were many small portraits in particular. People fixed them on their breasts or wore them as badges.

Super Queen-Mother felt a surge of energy at the background of people’s enthusiasm. Now she was waiting for a minute when she could prove their right to live on Earth.

Super Queen-Mother’s waiting for the approaching mortal battle increased her agitation.

The mortal battle was inevitable. Little was observable externally, but inwardly her feelings were burning.

She did not have a signal yet, which could make her muscles, brain and abilities a single whole, working as one harmonious mechanism, turning Super Queen-Mother into a beast.

All she had seen and felt was becoming important and vital.

The longer people prayed the more positive energy flew out of the rooms of prayer. People felt it faintly, but it was almost tangible for Super Queen-Mother.

The energy was slowly filling the whole Earth.

Streams, flowing out of each prayer room, joined into rivers, running into lakes. Energy filled everything to the brim, and overflowed, forming large bays.

The bays also ran over and joined, forming huge seas of energy.

The seas, covering the whole Earth, were forming a single ocean of energy, which people gave Super Queen-Mother for her victory.

For the continuation of life.

People were waiting for a meeting with her, and Super Queen-Mother could not refuse them this. With the last sound of the bells she appeared before the audience.

It was a short meeting, but it helped to them to understand the main thing.

People were silently looking into her eyes, trying to understand if she would be able to protect them and their kin. She also kept silence, looking keenly into their eyes. Did they believe in her and her victory? It was very important to Super Queen-Mother.

People understood what Super Queen-Mother was telling them. They lifted their heads up, and their eyes were telling her they believed in her victory. Super Queen-Mother slightly raised her arms with her palms turned to the people. They repeated her gesture.

They were transferring their firm belief in her victory and in their general strength to Super Queen-Mother as a gift. She was their LAST HOPE for their life.

Super Queen-Mother bowed to the people, and they bowed to her. The next moment, she disappeared. The squares resounded with alarm bells and drumbeats.

Chapter 3

The hall of the Earth Keepers was filled with bright sun beams and birds’ singing.

Flowers were growing all around Super Queen-Mother, waterfalls were jetting here and there.

Numerous animals were peacefully grazing off in open areas.

Motley birds and butterflies were flying and fluttering on the screen.

People were walking in the parks, moms were sitting on the benches, and their kids were playing in sandboxes. Seas were full of fish.

Plants covered the most part of Earth.

The variety of shapes and colors was surprising.

Life was in full swing even in deserts, lifeless at first sight. Small animals, reptiles and insects animated endless sand dunes.

This beauty of Earth was shown to her as a reminder of what she would be fighting for.

The voice of the Earth Keepers said:

«It is time. We won’t say „farewell“. We believe in you. Come back. The Galaxy’s spaceships are here to take you.»

Super Queen-Mother came up to her diamond bed and stopped. Her live body was lying quietly, as if it was sleeping.

Super Queen-Mother left her combat body for a moment and entered her live body.

Having opened her eyes, she saw herself, near the bed. Super Queen-Mother said:

«I do not say «goodbye». I will come back by all means. Wait for me!», and, having left her live body, came into her combat double. This time she really said goodbye». Super Queen-Mother looked over the Earth Keepers’ hall once more and left it. The rock closed behind her, and the big adjacent room quickly filled with water. Water muscles enveloped her body; part of the rock went aside and let her out into the waste of waters.

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