Cosmic energies and mankind: graphs for reflection
Firstly, the data on concentration of the isotopes contained in annual rings in a particular region helps to understand the dynamics of magnetic and gravitational field strength in this region because it is reasonable to suppose that they influence transportation of the isotopes through the roots and trunk of a tree. (Cholmansky et al)
Secondly, changes in the concentration of the isotopes of different substances contained in annual rings and changes in ice cores of hundreds of years old take place at one historical period. Moreover, these changes are connected with the significant historic events which are important not only for the history of biome’s development but also for the history of mankind. When taking this into consideration, it becomes possible to understand history deeper and look at it from the new perspective.
In the 40-years prospective isotopes concentration of different substances in the air in fast-expanding biome area is connected with the Earth’s rotational velocity. However, this connection has the aligned index. Rapid changes in the Earth’s rotational velocity (during several years) and peaks in isotopes’ formation are smoothed inside the annual rings with the process of isotopes’ probability distribution of different substances through the whole planet, through biome. In comparison, the Earth’s rotational velocity may be considered as a mean within the span from 20 to 40 years.
The local data on concentration of the isotopes of different substances in annual rings, mushrooms and berries may be correlated with the Earth’s rotational velocity and with the time period of one year. It may be proved even considering nuclear weapons testing and release of radioactive material and the isotopes into the environment after catastrophic nuclear accidents (Chernobyl and Fukushima Daiichi disasters e.g).
4.2 The present local data on the Earth’s rotational velocity and concentration of isotopes of cesium in mushrooms, wild berries and fish
The recent growth of concentration of the isotopes in biome is usually connected with the nuclear and radiation accidents. The Chernobyl disaster happened in 1986, but after it the declines in isotopes concentration in atmosphere and in fast-expanding biome can be seen.
Since the beginning of the present century concentration of the isotopes of cesium in mushrooms and wild berries is no longer defined by the time which has passed since the Chernobyl disaster, but by the number of other factors, one of which is the Earth’s rotational velocity. In the beginning of 2000s concentration of the isotopes of cesium in mushrooms decreased. At the same time mushrooms’ reaction on concentration of isotopes contained in the rain water became more spontaneous. Concerning the wild berries and fish, the concentration of the isotopes of cesium increased, which is very close to the dynamics of changes of the Earth’s rotational velocity.
See: Radioecological situation in the regions of Rosatom enterprises location. // Edited by I.I. Linge and I.I. Kryshev. – Moscow.
Why is it so essential to demonstrate changes in time on graphs? The reason is that it helps to demonstrate the process of isotopes’ infiltration from the upper atmosphere into the soil and then into annual growth rings. The water cycle takes many years.
After Fukushima Daiichi disaster, the radioactive contamination was spreading quite fast.
However, after reaching the maximum point, the isotopes concentration level continued to increase. If we do not consider the maximum value of contamination after the disaster, which had lasted for 2 years, we can find out that the dynamics of concentration of cesium 137 correlates the dynamics of the Earth’s rotational velocity.
What is notable is the honesty of the researchers. They noted that the level of concentration of the isotopes of cesium on the territory of Russian Nuclear Power Station was lower than in the controlled area. At the same time the graph shows that, in general, the level of concentration of these isotopes is growing year by year. This growth represents the fall in the Earth’s rotational velocity and growth of cosmic energies connected with that.
4.3 Coincidence between growth of the concentration of the isotopes of beryllium on the Earth and reduction of the Earth’s rotational velocity
Maximum levels of concentration of the isotopes of beryllium coincide with the reduction of the Earth’s rotational velocity as well.
The same data was registered before the Suess effect.
Thus, we have the local data on the decrease of the concentration level of different isotopes contained in ice cores and in annual growth rings in 20th century, which is reliable enough, and also on the growth of the isotopic concentration level in 21st century.
At first, the Earth’s rotational velocity slowed down and after that the concentration level of the isotopes in the atmosphere and in ice cores has grown.
What is important for us is the result which comes from the growth of the concentration of different isotopes in connection with the reduction of the Earth’s rotational velocity: the more active people with the right brain dominance are, the higher frequency of electroencephalography (EEG) will be. Due to this, social, economic and spiritual power of nations living on the territory of Russia will be changing.
If geomagnetic field expands, the Earth’s rotational velocity increases while the quantity of the isotopes decreases, and vice versa.
These relations remain stable for thousands of years. However it also functions in the less periods of time in the condition of fast-expanding biome absorbing rain water. Along with that, the Earth’s rotational velocity is still one of the most reliable aspects that helps to predict many things such as changes in humans’ EEG, changes of intensity of annual growth rings extension, changes of intensity of the formation of the isotopes of different substances, changes in growth of different trees’ clusters, changes in activity of different types of people on the Earth etc.
The Earth’s rotational velocity is changing slower than the magnetic field strength on the Sun and on Earth and, consequently, slower than formation of the isotopes of different substances in the atmosphere.
Although the intensity of isotopes’ formation is opposite to the Earth's magnetic field strength, there are also periods when they coincide. These are periods of the dynamic historical processes, changes of the biome. This is the reason why changes of the concentration of the isotopes in the atmosphere, fast-expanding biome and even the trees of 30 or 40 years old along with the Earth’s rotational velocity and other considered factors might be the reliable sign of the rapid changes of cosmic energies which is a precursor of changes in the history of mankind.