Динозавровый горизонт Средней Азии и некоторые вопросы стратиграфии
1. Борисяк А. А. Обзор местонахождений третичных наземных млекопитающих.
Союза ССР. Фрунзе, 1943.
2. Боркеман Б. А. Меловые отложения юго-востока Средней Азии. Ташкент,
УзФАН, 1940.
3. Ефремов
5. Минакова H. Е. К стратиграфии меловых и третичных отложений Чулей. Ташкент, УзФАН, 1941.
6. Рябинин А. Н. Фауна позвоночных из верхнего мела Южного Казахстана..
Tp. Центр, научн. — иссл. геол. — разв. инст:, вып: 118.
7. Оsbогn Н. F. Age of Mammals. New York, 1910.
8. Osborn H. P. Summary of Mongolian formations, faunas and geologic history
The New Conquest of Central Asia. New York, 1932.
In consequence of a consideration of the problem as to the age and origin of Dinosaur localities in Central Asia we come to the following conclusions. Reservation should be made, however, that the data laid at the basis of our correlations are quite insufficient. Therefore the conclusions arrived at should be considered as preliminary considerations marking and facilitating the way of further studies concerning the very interesting and important problem of the history of the continent in Central Asia at the junction of the Mesozoic and the Cenozoic.
1. The stratigraphic significance of the remains of dinosaurs is conditional owing to the bad preservation forbidding a detailed study.
2. The age of dinosaur fauna of all the localities must be about the same, belonging approximately to the Senonian-Danian (Laramie), most likely to the Upper Senonian.
3. The dinosaur localities are doubtlessly younger than the fauna itself, in consequence of a secondary embedding of the remains in all the localities without exception.