Единый мир. Модель единого мира от микро до макро
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5. Primary (basic) process in the protos. The concept of the primary process as a process occurring in the form of oscillations in the protos medium with the characteristic velocity of the medium at a given point in space is introduced. It is essential to assert that all primary processes proceed exclusively with this speed and cannot proceed with any other speed.
6. The particle boundary is the layer of the protos belonging to the particle and the space in which the protos density varies from the minimum on the space side to the maximum on the particle side.
On the basis of these concepts, a number of axioms are formulated, most of which can and should be proved in the process of developing this picture of the world.
The proposed model has the required system connectivity, which allows to carry out analytical studies of the processes described in its framework.
1. Basic volumetric vibrational processes in the protos. The only kind of action generating processes in the environment of the protos are oscillations, both transverse and longitudinal, because in General they are always volumetric.
2. Configuration of a continuous medium – protos. The configuration characteristic of the protos is introduced axiomatically. For its formulation, we recall that a point is a place in space, i.e. the term is not associated with matter, but only with the geometry of space in which this matter is located, i.e. the scene of the world, a particle is a small part of the material continuum located on the stage of the world. The correspondence between the particles of a certain volume of a continuous medium and the points of space that they occupy at some point in time is called the configuration of a continuous medium.
3. No convection in the protos. Protos particles are inextricably linked to their point, i.e. place in space and can deviate from it for some distance due to stretching or compression of the protos, but can not permanently move to another point in space.
4. Space and particle are alternative States of the protos. Space and particle are two alternative States of the protos and the contradiction between them is phenomenological, not structural. Material particles (locations) – is a localized in a certain amount of stationary compacted state of the protos. Space is a rarefied inhomogeneous and anisotropic state of the protos beyond the boundary of particles (locations). There are intermediate States: particle boundaries and wave processes. At the particle boundary, the density of the protos varies from the minimum on the space side to the maximum on the particle side. In the field of wave processes, the density of the protos changes in accordance with the wave laws.
5. Primacy and immutability of the protos. The protos is not transformed into anything, is not divided into anything, but only changes its state (property) at a particular point under the influence of the wave processes occurring in it.
6. Saving the number of protos in the world. The amount of protos used to create material particles was borrowed from the space surrounding this material particle. When the material particle is dissipated, the protos enclosed in it returns to the space from which it was borrowed.
7. The decrease of the characteristic velocity (the speed of transmission of action) as you get closer to the border of the particles from the space in accordance with the decrease of the density of protos ( = 1 – x– 2)
8. The presence of self-oscillations inside the particles is a necessary condition for their existence and preservation. The main condition for the preservation of locations (particles) for some time is the flow of closed periodic (cyclic) wave processes in the form of self-oscillations or standing waves in which the initial phase conditions correspond to the final.
9. Continuous movement is a necessary condition for the existence of the world. In General, the movement is understood as a change in the state of the material particle in time, while the flow, i.e. the transfer of the substance itself – the protos – from one region of space to another does not occur, but only the position of the antinode, i.e. the phase of the wave process changes. It is necessary to separate in understanding of this model movement from movement or a current. Speaking of motion, we always represent the wave processes that occur in the protos only with the characteristic speed (the rate of transmission of the action) at a given point.
10. The movement of individual antinodes and nodes in the protos can occur at any speed that does not exceed the speed of the action transmission, i.e. characteristic.
11. Interpretation of gravitational convergence. If two locations are in the zone of mutual influence, they will move in the direction of each other with increasing speed of mutual rapprochement, as well as increasing speed of orbital rotation and rotation around its own axis.
The wave physical picture of the world is different from the accepted one, in which the particles of matter are completely absent as the basis of the structure of matter.
The model of the single world is constructed, in which the possibility of interpretation of the real world phenomena both in the area of micro-and macro – on the basis of a single entity – the protos – being in the state of space or matter at each point of space is shown.
The equation of balance of protos, unlike the basic equation of General relativity, equates the substance is not the whole space, but only the changed part. That is, it indicates that the protos concentrated in the matter was borrowed from space.
The concept of primary or basic processes in the configurations of the protos and secondary processes is introduced.
The proposed mechanism of formation of particles, their existence and the conditions of their dissipation.
The interpretation of quanta, the mechanism of their generation and dispersion is given.
An original interpretation of gravity (gravity) is given with demonstration of the necessity of orbital rotation of particles and bodies of matter and their rotation around its own axis.