English for academic and scientific purpose
Как часто одаренные люди появляются на свет?
Один на тысячу.
Извилины предков отличались от наших?
Масса мозга за последние сто лет увеличилась на 40 граммов.
Значит, умнеем?
Возможно, причина в прогрессе человечества. А может, изменения связаны со смешением этносов. Лично я склоняюсь к мнению, что на форму и строение мозга культурное развитие общества не влияет.
Вес мозга гениев
Байрон Джордж Гордон (поэт) 2230 г
Тургенев Иван Сергеевич (писатель) 2012 г
Бисмарк Отто фон Шенхаузен (политик) 1807
Ландау Лев Давидович (ученый, физик) 1580 г
Павлов Иван (ученый, физиолог) 1457 г
Ковалевская Софья (ученый, математик) 1385 г
Владимир Ульянов-Ленин (политик, диктатор) 1340 г. (4)
Overall speaking:
Task 23
Organize your knowledge on the topic and present a report on one of the following points.
1. Myths about mind and brain.
2. How my brain works.
3. Do you do anything to look after your brain?
4. How much of brain we use.
5. Different functions of the brain.
6. Do you know what Left Brain, Right Brain means?
7. What does ‘brainstorm’ mean?
8. The differences between male and female brains.
9. Respond to the following quotes:
“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.”
"My mind is my laboratory" Albert Einstein
10. Most of the scientists and thinkers believe that brain and mind are one and cannot be separated. Give pros and cons
11. While brain is considered a physical thing, and the mind is considered mental.
12. While brain has a definite shape, mind does not have one.
13. We can see and touch the brain whereas it is not possible with mind.
14. The brain is an important organ in the human body whereas the mind is not like that.
15. The brain has a definite place in the head, but with regard to mind, it is only supposed to be in the brain.
Task 24
Project work.
1. Write an essay: “The possibilities of mind and brain”
2. Imagine you are giving a lecture on mind and brain. What information would you present?
3. Organize your presentation on some interesting information and facts about mind and brain.
4. Organize the discussion on the topic “The brain is an important organ in the human body whereas the mind is not like that”.
Unit 2. The Evolution of Ecology
"Ecology, the unifying science in integrating knowledge of life on our planet, has become the essential science in learning how to preserve it."
Ecology is the study of the relationships between living organisms, including humans, and their physical environment; it seeks to understand the vital connections between plants and animals and the world around them. Ecology also provides information about the benefits of ecosystems and how we can use Earth's resources in ways that leave the environment healthy for future generations.
Ecologists study these relationships among organisms and habitats of many different sizes, ranging from the study of microscopic bacteria growing in a fish tank, to the complex interactions between the thousands of plants, animals, and other communities found in a desert.(5)
Task 1
Practice the reading of the following words and translate them into Russian.
Task 2
Make sure you can read these international words correctly and translate them into Russian.
Ecology, historical, discipline, system, coral reefs, characteristic, geology, German, physician, natural, synergy, molecular biology, pollution, climate, industry, theory, dynamics, evolutionary.
Task 3
Give the missing forms for the words from the text that are in the table below.
Task 4
Answer the following questions before reading the text.
1. Which term characterizes the human impact on the environment?
2. What is an ecosystem?
3. What does an ecologist do?
4. What is recycling?
5. What is pollution?
6. How does pollution affect rivers, oceans, and our ecosystem?
7. What are people doing to stop or control pollution?
Reading A
The scientific discipline of ecology is dynamic, steeped in historical tradition but adapting to its changing environment and building its own ecological network of interactions with other disciplines. Society has become increasingly aware that we are losing crucial parts of our ecosystem, and that the activities of human beings are threatening the sustainability of the biosphere as a life-support system for humanity.