Франклин Рузвельт
Jackson R.That Man: An Insider Portrait of Franklin D. Roosevelt. New York, 2003.
Jenkins R.Franklin Delano Roosevelt: The American Presidents. New York, 2003.
Leuchtenburg W.The FDR Years: On Roosevelt and His Legacy New York, 1995.
McJimsey G.The Presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Lawrence, 2000.
McKenna M. Franklin Roosevelt and the Great Constitutional War: the Court-Packing Crisis of 1937. New York, 2002.
Morgan T. FDR: A Biography. New York, 1985.
O'Connor R.Diplomacy for Victory: FDR and Unconditional Surrender. New York, 1971.
Perlmutier A.FDR & Stalin: A Not So Great Alliance. Columbia, 1993.
The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt: In 13 vol. New York, 1938-1950.
Renshaw P.Franklin D. Roosevelt. Harlow, 2004.
Robinson G.By Order of the President: The Internment of Japanese Americans. Cambridge, 2001.
Roosevelt E.This I Remember. New York, 1949.
Roosevelt E., Brough J.An Untold Story: The Roosevelts of Hyde Park. New York, 1973.
Roosevelt's Peacetime Administration. 1933—1941: A Documented History of the New Deal Years. Manchester, NY, 2004.
Rosen R.Saving the Jews: FDR and the Holocaust. New York, 2006.
Schlesinger A.The Age of Roosevelt. Vol. 1—3. Boston, 1957, 1958, 1960.
Schriftgiesser K.The Amazing Roosevelt Family 1613—1942. New York, 1942.
Smith J.FDR. New York, 2007.
Stiles L.The Man behind Roosevelt: The Story of Louis McHenry Howe. Cleveland, 1954.
Tugwell R.The Democratic Roosevelt: A Biography of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Garden City, NY, 1957.
Willis R.FDR and Lucy: Lovers and Friends. New York, 2004.