Геронтология. Учение о старости и долголетии
192. S. Albicus. Vetularius. Leipzig, 1484. Cf. M. Neuburger, Geschichte der Medizin. Stuttgart, 1911, 11, 504.
193. Cf. O. Schrutz. Albikova zivotosprava pro cisare Zikmunda.
– Casop. lekafu. ceskych, 58, 86, 117 and 145, 1909.
194. G. Zerbi. Gerentocomia, scilicet de senium cura atque victu, Roma, ex officina E. Silveri, 1489. Cf. F. D. Zeman. The Gerontocomia of Gabriele Zerbi. A fifteenth century manual of hygiene for the aged.
– J. Mt. Sinai Hosp, 10, 710–716, 1944; L. Munster. Studi e ricerche su Gabriele Zerbi.
– Riv. stor. sci, med, 41, 1, 1950; L. Munster, Il primo trattato pratico compiuto sui problemi della vecchiaia: La "Gerentocomia" di Gabriele Zerbi.
– Riv. Ital. di geront. ol. e geriatr, 1, 1, 1951. L. Glesinger. Lije6nici i cudotvorci (Врачи
195. Рисунки и заметки Леонардо о старости находят в его соч. Dell'Anatomia, Fogli B, f. lor, 11 v and 22 v; A. Fogli, 3 r; Codex Atlanticus, 71 r, 76 r, 252 r; Treatise on Painting, chap. 168.
– Cf. E. Belt. Leonardo da Vinci's studies on the aging process.
– Geriatrics, 7, 205–211, 1952; Ch. O'Malley a. C. M. Saunders. Leonardo da Vinci on the human body. N. Y., 1952; M. Galeazzi. Spunti di gerontologia in Leonardo da Vinci.
– Ann. med. nav., 58, 378–386, 1953.
196. Cf. F. D. Zeman. Life's later years. The revival of learning.
– J. Mt. Sinai Hosp., 12, 833-46, 1945; J. Steudel. Op. cit.
197. H. Brisianus. Geraeologia. Trident, 1583.
198. J. B. Montanus. Consultationes de variorum morborum curationibus. Basel, 1557. Amatus Lusitanus. Curationum medicinalium centuriae septem. Venice, 1566.
199. D. de Pomis. Enarratio brevis do senum affectibus praecavendis atque curandis. Venice, 1588. Cf. L. Munster. "Enarratio brevis de senum affectibus" de David de Pomis, le plus grand medecin israelite en Italie au XVI siecle. Rev. Hist. Med. Hebr., 1954, 125-36.
200. G. Palaeotus. De bono senectutis. Roma, 1595. Cf. K. Stern a. T. Cassirer. A gerontological treatise of the Renaissance: "De bono senectutis" by Gabriele Paleotti.
– Amer. J. Psychiatr., 102, 770–773, 1946.
201. A. du Laurens. Discours de la conservation de la vie, des maladies melancholiques, das catarrhes, et de la vieillesse. Paris, 1597. Cf. F. D. Zeman. Op. cit.
202. L. Cornaro. Trattato de la vita sobria. Padova, 1558; Sure and certain methods of attaining a long and healthy life, with means of correcting a bad constitution. London, 1704; Philadelphia, 1793; Cf. W. B. Walker, L. Cornaro. A Renaissance writer on personal hygiene.
– Bull. Hist. Med., 28, 525–534, 1954; S. Marcovitch. An early record of vitamin С deficiency.
– Bull. Hist. Med., 14, 395–397, 1943; H. E. Sigerist. Landmarks in the history of hygiene. London, 1956.
203. S. Santorio. De medicina statica. Venice, 1614; Medicina statica, or rules of health. London, 1676. Cf. Steudel. Op. cit, 13–15; M. D. Grmek, Santorio Santorio. Zagreb, 1952.
204. W. E. Vest. William Shakespeare gerontologist.
– Geriatrics, 9, 80–82, 1954.
205. A. Anselmus. Gerocomia, sive de senum regimine libri tres. Venice, 1606; F. Bacon. Historia vitae et mortis. London, 1623; F. Ranchin. Opuscula medica (содержащая трактат: Gerokomike, de senum conservatione et senilum morborum curatione). Lyon, 1627; M. Sebizius. Dissertatio de senectutis et senum statu ac conditione. Strassburg, 1641; J. Michaelis. De senum affectibus, 1660 (in Opera medica omnia. Niirnberg, 1688); H. Meibom. Epistola de longaevis. Helmstadt, 1664; V. Alberti. Dissertation de senectute. Leipzig, 1667.
206. Cf. F. D. Zeman. Life's later years. The seventeenth century.
– J. Mt. Sinai Hosp., 12, 890–901, 1946; L. C. Strong. Observations on gerontology in the seventeenth century.
– J. Gerontol., 7, 618–619, 1952; J. T. Freeman. Francois Ranchin, contributor of an early chapter in geriatrics.
– J. Hist. Med., 5, 422–431, 1950.
207. Ch. Warlitz. Valetudinarium senum. Leipzig, 1708; Altmann, Dissertatio de senio eruditorum. Leipzig, 1711; Glagau. Dissertatio de senectute ipsa morbo. Leyden, 1715.
208. R. Weisted. De aetate vergente liber. London, 1724; G. Cheyne. An essay of health and long life. London, 1724; J. Hill. The old man's guide to health and long life. London, 1761; J. Forthergill. Rules for the preservation of health. London, 1762.
209. J. Floyer. Medicina gerocomicas or the Galenic art of preserving oldamen's healths. London, 1724. Cf. J. A. Gunn. Sir John Floyer.
– Med. Press and Circ., 189, 297, 1934; F. D. Zeman. Life's later years.
– J. Mt., Sinai Hosp., 12, 939–941, 1945.
210. G. van Swieten. Oratio de senum valetudine tuenda. Wien, 1778. Cf. H. Glaser. Van Swietens Rat an die Alton. Neuburgers Festschrift. Wien, 1948, 190–192.
211. A. Littre, Mem. Acad. roy. sci. Paris, 1706, 25; J. Keill. Philos. Trans. 25, 306, 1706; W. Cheselden. The anatomy of tho human body. London, 1713; J. J. Scheuchzer. Philos. Trans., 42, 313, 1723.
212. J. B. Fischer. De senio ejusque gradibus et morbis necnon de ejusrem acquisitione tractatus. Erfurt, 1754. Cf. J. Steudel. Op. cit.; F. D. Zeman. Op. cit.
213. J. B. Morgagni. De sedibus et causis morborum per anatomen indagatis. Venice, 1761. Cf. P. As true. Essai sur Jean-Baptistc Morgagni. Paris, 1950; G. Spina. Op. cit.
214. Гериатрические наблюдения Морганьи заслуживают подробного изучения. Cf. Morgagni. Op. cit., Epist. vol. II, art.]7 vol. Ill, II, IV, VI, 12; VII, 9 and 10; XI, 6; XIT, 2; XV, 15; XVI, 8 and 12; XVIII, 14; XVIII, 28; XIX, 58; XX, 5, 33, 39 and 63; XXI, 4, 15, 17 and 19; XXIII, 6 and II; XXVI, 31; XXVTT, 28; XXXTV, 25; XXXVII, 30; XXXVTTT, 12 and 13; XLI, 6; XLIV, 15; XLVII, 24; LX, 6; LXII, 7; LXIV, 8; LXVTT, 9 and II; LXTX, 10.
215. J. B. Morgani. Op. cit., IX, 7; M. Gerbuzius. Pulsus mira inconstantia.
– Misc. curiosa Ephom. Acad. Nat. Cur., 10, 115-11.8. 1692.
216. B. Rush. An account of the state of body and mind in old age with observations on its diseases and their remedies, In: Medical inquiries and observations, vol. II. Philadelphia, 1805. Cf. F. D. Zeman. Op. cit. О первых гериатрических работах в Америке см.: W. D. Postell. Some American contribution to the literature of geriatrics.
– Geriatrics, 1, 41-5, 1946.