Гигабайты власти
JD03 «500 paedophiles to be tracked by satellite tags,» by Jamie Doward, Observer, Sep 21,2003,0,6903,1046614,00.html
JD97 «Networking With Spooks» by John Dillon, Covert Actions Quarterly, Winter 1997, http://mediafilter.org/caq/internic
JD99 «Are Pentagon computers compromised? Analyst charges Windows NT isn't secure,» by Jon E. Dougherty, WorldNetDaily.com, Feb 23, 1999, http:// www.worldnetdaily.conVbluesky_dougherty/19990223_xnjdo_are_pentag.shtml
JE02 «Mob informant scandal involved highest levels of FBI, documents show,» by Jeff Donn, Associated Press, July 28, 2002,fbi_mob.htm
JG97 «Cryptanalysis of Alleged A5 Stream Cipher,» by Jovan Golic, in Proceedings of EUROCRYPT'97, LNCS 1233, Springer-Verlag 1997, http://jya.com/a5-hack.htm
JH01 «Free the Encyclopedias!» by Judy Heim, Technology Review, September 4, 2001,asp
JH03 «The Business of Fear,» by Jack Hitt, Business 2.0, June 2003, http://www.business2.com/subscribers/articles/mag/0,1640,49468,00.html
JK03 «Saving Private Lynch story 'flawed',» by John Kampfner, BBC News, 15 May 2003, http://news.bbc.co.Uk/2/hi/programmes/correspondent/3028585.stm
JL02 «Neuromarketing firm launched by Atlanta ad veteran,» by Jim Lovel, Atlanta Business Chronicle, June 17, 2002,17/story6.html
JL03 «ID cards protect civil liberties – Blair,» by John Leyden, The Register, 30 Sept 2003, http://www.theregister.co.Uk/content/6/33138.html
JM02 «Implantable chips make first run at personal Ш,» by Charles J. Murray, ЕЕ Times, February 16, 2002, http://www.eetimes.com/story/OEG20020215S0046
JM03 «13 million on terror watch list», by James Gordon Meek, NY Daily News, April 8, 2003, http://www.nydailynews.com/04-08-2003/news/wnj-eport/story/73628p-68132c.html
JM96 «The Complete, Unofficial TEMPEST Information Page,» by Joel McNamara http://www.eskimo.com/~joehn/tempest.html
JO03 «Hollywood goes paranoid,» by Joanne Ostrow, The Denver Post, May 18, 2003, http://www.denverpost.com/Stories/0,1413,36~122~1393956,OO.html
JP01 «Roosevelt's Secret War: FDR and World War Two Espionage,» by Joseph Persico, Random House, 2001
JR01 «A Cautionary Tale for a New Age of Surveillance,» By Jeffrey Rosen, New York Times Magazine, October 7, 2001,07SURVEILLANCE.html
JS01 «Thought Police Peek Into Brains,» by Julia Scheeres, Wired News, October 05, 2001, http://www.wired.com/news/business/0,1367,4722l,00.html
JS02 «Understanding the Windows EAL4 Evaluation», by Jonathan S. Shapiro, http://eros.cs.jhu.edu/~shap/NT-EAL4.html
JS03 «Three R's: Reading, Writing, RFID» by Julia Scheeres, Wired News, Oct. 24, 2003, http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,60898,00.html
JU02a «They Want Their Ш Chips Now,» by Julia Scheeres, Wired News, 06 Feb 2002, http://www.wired.com/news/privacy/0,1848,50187,00.html
JU02c «ID Chip's Controversial Approval,» by Julia Scheeres, Wired News, Oct. 23, 2002, http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,55952,00.html
JU03 «When Cash Is Only Skin Deep,» by Julia Scheeres, Wired News, Nov. 25, 2003, http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,61357,00.html
JWOO «Why We Spy on Our Allies,» by R. James Woolsey, The Wall Street Journal, March 17,2000, http://cryptome.org/echelon-cia2.htm
JW02 «Watching your every move,» by Jane Wakefield, BBC News Online, 1 February, 2002, http://news.bbc.co.Uk/2/hi/science/nature/1789157.stm
JW03 «GSM Association downplays mobile security concerns,» by John Walko, EETimes Germany, September 3,2003, http://www.eetimes.de/at/news/OEG20030903S0018
JW94 «The Future Direction of Intelligence», address by James Woolsey to the Center for Strategic and Internatioal Studies, Washington, D.C., 18 July 1994
JY01 «Euro bank notes to embed RFID chips by 2005,» by Junko Yoshida, ЕЕ Times, December 19,2001, http://www.eetimes.com/story/OEG20011219S0016
KA98 «Soft Tempest: Hidden Data Transmission Using Electromagnetic Emanations,» by Markus Kuhn and Ross Anderson, in Information Hiding, Second International Workshop, IH'98, Portland, Oregon, USA, April 15—17, 1998, Proceedings, LNCS 1525, Springer-Verlag, http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ih98-tempest.pdf
KB93 «Mobile ComSec in Europe (A5),» by Klaus Brunnstein, RISKS DIGEST, Volume 14: Issue 60,12 May 1993, http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/Risks/14.60.htmltfsubj6.1
KD92 «Hiding Space. NASA's Tips for Avoiding Scrutiny,» by Kate Doyle, Columbia Journalism Review, July/August 1992, http://www.cjr.Org/year/92/4/nasa.asp
KF03 «Brave new elections,» by Mike Keefe-Feldman, Missoula Independent, Vol.14 No. 50, Dec 11,2003, http://www.missoulanews.com/News/News.asp?no=3670
KJ99 «Differential Power Analysis,» by P. Kocher, J. Jaffe, B. Jun; in Crypto 99 Proceedings, LNCS 1666, M. Wiener ed., Springer-Verlag, 1999. http://www.cryptography.com/resources/whitepapers/DPA.pdf
KK99 «Design Principles for Tamper-Resistant Smartcard Processors,» by Oliver Kom-merling, Markus G. Kuhn, USENIX Workshop on Smartcard Technology, Chicago, Illinois, USA, May 10—11,1999. http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/sc99-tamper.pdf
KPOO «Echelon Reporter answers Ex-CIA Chief,» by Kevin Poulsen, SecurityFocus.com, March 23,2000, http://www.securityfocus.eom/news/6
KP01 «Electronic warfare tactics wipe out thousands of hacked smart cards,» by Kevin Poulsen, SecurityFocus, Jan 25 2001, http://www.securityfocus.com/news/143