Гуманистическая психотерапия: Рационально-эмоциональный подход
248. Woodworth Robert S. Dynamics of behavior. New York: Holt, 1958.
249. Young Maxim F. Talk on the treatment of schizophrenics with rationalemotive psychotherapy. Workshop of the Institute for Rational Living, Inc., Philadelphia, Sept. 1, 1963.
250. Zajonc R. B. Attitudinal effects of mere exposure // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1968,9 (Part 2), Monograph Supplement.
251. Zingle H. W. A rational therapy approach to counseling underachieves. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Alberta, 1965.
1950. An introduction to the scientific principles of psychoanalysis. Provincetown, Mass.: Journal Press.
1951. The folklore of sex. New York: Albert & Charles Boni. 2nd ed., New York: Grove Press, 1961.
19570. The effectiveness of psychotherapy with individuals who have severe homosexual problems. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 20: 191-195.
19576. Outcome of employing three techniques of psychotherapy. Journal of
Clinical Psychology, 13:344-350. 1957c. Rational psychotherapy and individual psychology. Journal of
Individual Psychology, 13:38-44. 1957с/. How to live with a neurotic.
New York: Crown; reprinted, New York: Award Books, 1969.
19580. Case histories: fact and fiction. Contemporary Psychology, 3:318-319.
19586. Rational psychotherapy. Journal of General Psychology, 59:35-49. 1960.
The art and science of love. New York: Lyle Stuart; reprinted, New York:
Bantam Books, 1969. 19610. With Robert A. Harper. Creative maniage.New York: Lyle Stuart;
reprinted as A guide to successful marriage. Hollywood, Calif.: Wilshire, 1972.
19616. With Robert A. Harper. A guide to rational living. Englewood Cliffs,
N J.: Prentice-Hall; reprinted, Hollywood, Calif.; Wilshire, 1972.
19620. The case against religion: a psychotherapist's view. The Independent.
October, 3-4; revised, Mensa Bulletin. September, 1970, No. 28:5-6.
19626. Rational-emotive psychotherapy. Paper read at annual meeting of American Psychological Association, St. Louis, August 31. 1962c.
Reason and emotion in psychotherapy. New York: Lyle Stuart. 19630. Constitutional factors in homosexuality. In H. Beigel (Ed.). Advances
in sex research. New York: Hoeber. 19636. Homosexuality: the right of a man to be wrong. Talk to East Coast
Homophile Organizations. 1963c. If this be sexual heresy... New York: Lyle Stuart; reprinted, New York:
Tower Publications, 1966. 1963d. The origins and the development of the incest taboo. Published with
Emile Durkheim. Incest: the nature and origin of the taboo. New York:
Lyle Stuart, \963e. Toward a more precise definition of "emotional" and "intellectual"
insight. Psychological Reports, 13: 125-126. 19650. Suppressed: seven key essays publishers dared not print. Chicago: New Classics House.
H36patiHbie npou3eedeHux Ajibdepma 3/viuca
19656. Sex and the single man. New York: Lyle Stuart; reprinted. New York:
Dell. 1965c. Sex without guilt. New York: Lyle Stuart; reprinted, New York: Grove Press.
\965d. The case for sexual liberty. Tucson, Ariz.: Seymour Press. \965e. Homosexuality: its causes and cure. New York: Lyle Stuart. 1965/ The search for sexual enjoyment. New York: MacFadden-Bartell. 1965g. An answer to some objections to rational-emotive psychotherapy.
Psychotherapy, 2.108-111. 1965A. The use of printed, written and recorded words in psychotherapy. In L. Pearson (Ed.). The use of written communications in ps\Thotherapy.
Springfield, 111.: Charles C. Thomas. 1965/V The intelligent woman's guide to man-hunting. New York: Lyle Stuart;
reprinted, New York: Dell. 19660. With J. L. Wfolfe and S. Moseley. How to prevent your child from becoming a neurotic adult. New York: Crown; reprinted us How to raisean emotionally healthy, happy child. Hollywood, Calif: Wilshire, 1972. 19670. Phobia treated with RET. Voices (Fall), 3: 34-40. 19676. Psychotherapy and moral laxity. Psychiatric Opinion, 4 (No. 5): 18-21.
19680. Is objectivism a religion ?New York: Lyle Stuart. 19686. Is psychoanalysis harmful? Psychiatric Opinion, 5 (No. 1): 16-24. 1968c. What really causes psychotherapeutic change? Voices, 4:90-97. 19680*. Sexual promiscuity in America. The Annals of the American Academy
of Political and Social Science, 378:58-67; reprinted in A. Birenbauam
and E. Sagarin (Eds.). Social Problems: Private Troubles and Public
Issues, New York: Scribner's, 1972. 1968e. With Roger O. Conway. The art of erotic seduction. New York:
D. W. Brown. 19690. Rationality and irrationality: their significance in sexual morality. In L. Kirkendall and R. Whitehurst (Eds.). The New Sexual Revolution.
New York: D.W Brown. 19696. A cognitive approach to behavior therapy. International Journal of
Psychiatry, 8:896-900. 1969c. A weekend of rational encounter. In A. Burton (Ed.). Encounter. San