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Learning Express of telepathy

Moon Goddess 2010—05—11

I want to share my impressions about testing for telepathy

For long time I am interested in such phenomena as telepathy, clairvoyance, levitation etc., something that many simply do not believe in.

I know about chakras and where they are. I always thought not everyone could open one’s chakras. Therefore, I did not even imagine mine could open up too!!!

But after I learnt about Valery Ivanovich Zhiglov, who helped me to pass testing for telepathy, everything changed in my life, I began seeing what’s going on around in a different way!

Thank you very much, Valery Ivanovich!!!

Now about the test itself.

I had to open up all chakras starting from below.

Whatever I tried to open up the first lower chakra that is red, and the second one that is orange, the fastest and the best working was, as I thought, opening the third chakra, the yellow one.

I realized it having felt warmth above my navel.

The warmth was slowly rising higher and higher, to turn into the real heat in chest, and the heat grabbed my chakra from both the left and the right sides.

Almost instantly, my cyan throat chakra started opening up. It was hard, though, as if there was something in my throat.

The last two my chakras did not open up, whatever I was trying.

During testing, I felt the two lower chakras started opening, which never opened up before.

The testing itself was interesting, and I liked it.

Although I named the digit at third attempt, identifying suits was both better and worse, and the task with the picture was bad for me.

Only after some time I realized as soon as I switch on the mind, all this disappears!!!

Therefore, my recommendation to beginners – when you initiate your chakras and tune to the telepathic communication, try switching off your brain, or else it would be only the obstacle that eliminates pictures!!!!

I wish good luck and good mood to all!!!

Avrora, 2010—03—17

My telepathic abilities

I read about the community of Esoterica-369, led by V.I. Zhiglov, who offered testing for telepathic abilities, and who shared his methodologies for developing telepathy techniques. Naturally, I was interested.

It was like a fairytale: the person lives in my city, and I am interested in what he shares.

All those new communications would hardly substitute a personal talk.

I am sure many of us often obtain answers for the questions, which they ask, in form o pictures, phrases, dreams, etc.

I am not an exception to the rule, although I thought that was my fantasy, and I did not pay enough attention to those obvious tips.

Valery Ivanovich was the magician who helped me to implement my “fantasies”.

Now I know I should develop it, and I know how I will do it.

These techniques are the key that opens the door into the world of my abilities.

It is not that important, which period in life coincides with that time, a child also does not have all the skills immediately after she is born (she cannot walk, speak, sing, draw, etc.).

The World is so big and versatile, and there is no limit for perfection when learning it.

Irina Simonova, 2010—03—10

What is telepathy?

The term of telepathy is a combination of the two ancient Greek words: ????, tele, meaning “distant”, and ?????, pathos, or – patheia, meaning “feeling, perception, passion, affliction, experience”. As a matter of fact, it means the ability of a brain to transfer its thoughts, images, colors, feelings, tastes and odors, its psychic and emotional status, or even entire paintings, to another brain or another organism at any distance, without using any communication means that the modern science is aware of.

Frederic W. H. Myers, a founder of the Society for Psychical Research in Great Britain, was the first to use this word back in 1882. He carried out experiments on transferring thoughts elsewhere. Later on, other researchers carried out similar experiments in many countries of Asia, Europe, USA and USSR.

The belief in telepathy has its roots in ancient times. Unknown, strange phenomena, impossible to explain or even understand, always attracted people. In the eyes of an individual, “phenomena” means any events missing scientific approach to studying, but should the subject matter be beyond the explainable, then it was considered paranormal.

Telepathy is mentioned in works of ancient philosophers, scientists and even religious figures, who took their prayer for an act of communication with God by means of transmitting thoughts far beyond, and receiving the corresponding information.

Foresight and future prediction phenomenon may also be listed therewith, being still unexplainable, though one is aware of amazing prophecies by prophets from the Bible, as well as by such historical figures as Nostradamus, Wolf Messing, Vanga and many others, including those living in our time.

One would hardly doubt that intuition often helps us in life and make important decisions affecting our own future and the future of loved ones. Fewer would ever think intuition and telepathy are two sides of the same coin; in one case you share thoughts with another individual at a distance, in another case you align your thoughts with the Uniform Information Field or the Mind of the Universe.

Telepathy exists; it is now an axiom for any person in good mind. For example, a mother feels her child well even at a distance, and feels all positive or negative emotions of the child. Yet, it is still unclear, what exactly is the nature of those impulses that transfer the thoughts.

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