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London 4019. On the Britain

Casino Palma

Juan Torpedos and Yegor Podvalny have been tourists on the moon for several days. They arrived from Phobos. The inhabitants of Phobos were willingly allowed to the Moon without a visa, but the path to the Britain was closed to them. They liked to ride through the deep tunnels of the Moon from one casino to another and spend Britcoins, which they could easily get at any ATM of the Moon. The lights of the brillon advertising attracted them. This time they flew at a speed of 30 km per hour, which was maximum allowed for the Moon tunnels. They wanted something unusual. Seeing a tall palm tree at the entrance to a casino, Torpedos offered to stop.

"Look, a real palma!" – Torpedos said, – "let's take a look here."

“Why did you decide that it is real palma? Bananas grow on a real one, – and on this only a couple of tacos,” – answered the Podvalny.

"Not tacos, but coconuts, dunce! Tacos are beef and potato flavored briquettes,” – said Torpedos.

“And where are they made?”

"It is clear that on Mars. This is the birthplace of potatoes."

"How do you know? You were not on Mars."

“Have been told us at school,” – answered Torpedos.

“You were kicked out of first grade for behavior.”

"For that I had a good mark in physical education. Then where are grow the bananas?"

“It is known where, only in Britain, only it seems not on palm trees, I don’t remember exactly,” answered Podvalny, “the teacher of electromagnetic mathematics told us. I just forgot the place. There are many places, not like on the little Phobos."

“Don't make yourself a wise guy, Podvalny. You and I were at the same desk at school, and I don’t remember something like that."

“Well, this is one year we were sitting at the desk, and then you were not at the desk, but in the Kranty prison.”

"I did not sit long in prison. I deceived them all and they transferred me to a psychiatric hospital."

“You did not deceive them, Torpedos. You convinced them with your intellect."

"Good to be smart! We go to casino."

"And into which casino? There are two of them. Read the title."

"Casino with a palm tree. What is not clear here?"

"And what does it is written, what it is called?"

"It’s called – I’ll knock your eye out now."

"Okay, do not be angry, we are school sidekicks. Don't you understand jokes? Okay I park the capsule in the parking lot of Sobyaner. We have been told not to park on others"

"Otherwise what? How will they know?"

"I do not know. They say that there may be problems."

"What problems? Will not be returned a capsule? Then I’ll break them all parking lot into a trash," said Torpedos, and scratched his bald head with the thick fingers of a huge hand, the forearm muscles of which were slightly larger in diameter than the two legs of Podvalny.

"Well, when you are at the drive control – park as you like, and now I am at the drive control and I will follow the instructions,” – said Podvalny and drove the capsule on the Sobyaner parking lot.

Entering the casino, a spacious hall opened for their eyes. On pedestal was Bentley capsule. Idle people played roulette, others played cards with the croupier, and some preferred ‘one-armed cop’ machines.

"Podvalny, let's play the 'one-armed cop'?"

"You may play, and I'll go spin the roulette. There, just the place was vacated."

“Okay,” – said Torpedos, and looked around. Seeing a casino worker, Torpedos turned to him, “dude, how to play this device? Tell me the rules."

“It's very simple, dude,” – answered the clerk, – “everything is written in small print.”

“Well, read it to me. I came here to win, not read instructions."

"Dude, I’ll tell you everything as a keepsake. I've been working here for a long time. You throw Britcoins into that slit. When there are a certain number of them, the playing field is expanded into two parts. From one part of the coin fly into the casino pipe, and from the other part the same amount immediately into this pelvis. Then you rake into your pockets from this pelvis and all affairs. Consider that the casino is equally share with you and this is a win-win option. You’ll cut the dough as much as the casino. I guarantee you a win."

"Cool. And how many coins do I need to throw?"

"I'll tell you a secret, you need to throw six hundred coins and then your winnings. Agree, three hundred Britcoins is a good amount for a one-time win."

"I agree. And often somebody win here?"

“The dude left for Bentley last week. Usually once a week someone wins and drives off."

"Cool. Thanks dude. And on which device is it better to start?"

"I would start where a little has already been thrown. But if you are cool and you want to count how many coins you threw, it is better to throw where there is still no money."

"Really. I can count. It’s better to start from scratch,” – said Torpedos and began throwing Britcoins into the slit of the device.

At this time, Podvalny did not get bored either. He bet eight hundred Britcoins on Zero.

“Bets have been made, there are no more bets,” the croupier announced and only after that he started roulette. It was Moon Roulette and the game was without a ball. The wheel pointer was supposed to stop at one of the cells. While roulette was spinning, Podvalny looked around and noticed how Torpedos gladly throws coins into the machine.

"Probably he winnings. Fools are always lucky," – thought Podvalny and again stared at the roulette wheel.

The wheel has been spinning for five minutes and has not stopped at all.

“Why the wheel doesn't stop?” – Asked curious-worried Podvalny at the croupier.

"You see, it says here that Norma bearings are installed in the rotor. It is cool bearings."

"Yes, indeed. These are cool bearings and cool roulette. I heard they can rotate non-stop for twelve hours."

"Yes it is. A solid Company. On Britain, quality mechanisms are released. This is not a fake from Mars, which will fall apart in a week."

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