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Mark Makkfein and the Find

Christina was looking at a sparkling ball rolling over a muddy, wet asphalt. Oh, hell, my find fell out of my jacket pocket. Now I can’t keep it a secret. Christina is the last person I want to share this secret with. And this lunatic’s already bent over to a sparkling ball and reaching for it with her hand.

– Don’t touch!!! – I screamed.

But the pest ignored my warning and touched the star. I rushed to her, she’s about to lose her fingers…

– Ooh, what is that? – Just saying stupid Polyakova, holding "it" in her palm.

– Give it back, why did you take it? I don’t know if "it" can be taken with my bare hands, if it’s dangerous… I wanted to take away her star. But Christina held her in her fist and pulled her hand behind her back, and I tried to grab her fingers, and I caught her hand, and…

All of a sudden, I can see everything floating around… (Don’t think of it as passion). I felt my legs falling off the ground and we were sharply thrown up. I looked down, and I saw the tops of the trees of the nearby small park being far down, and we were moving faster and faster.

Already thinking that I had gone mad, I decided to close my eyes, expecting that if I opened them again, everything would be the same. But, feeling that speed was only increasing, I opened my eyes and I saw stars and dark blue. Sky above my head and under my feet, everywhere I looked.

The closest stars were moving faster and faster. And we were all going at the speed of light. Actually, we were on a "it" flight that I found today – so small and shiny.

With all my strength, holding Christine’s hand in which she held my find, I saw her closed eyes.

I wondered if she was conscious or just decided not to look fear in the eye. In order not to get lost from each other, I had to hold both of Christine’s hands.

But what distracted me was that one of the stars was getting bigger. I swallowed, and I realized that it’s not the star that’s increasing, it’s the distance that’s decreasing.

It was very similar to the planet Earth, our birthplace, but different in color, everything was painted purple, green, pink with a golden light of some sort.

Where are we? Where are we going, like we’re on a rocket?! It’s over. We’re going to collapse. We’re going to crash in full swing, and there’ll be nothing left of us.

I felt like a rag doll. Christina’s hand slipped out of mine, but a moment later I felt her hands around my body. She held me.

Well done, Christina, now we won’t get lost. I had to follow her example and hug a hitchhiker – I had to save her.

«Now we won’t get lost» – and that was the last thought at the time. I passed out…

Chapter 2. «Stranger»

– Mark! Mark! Wake up! Wake up!

Christina’s voice again. What does she need? She’ll be talking about her organic chemistry or manic depression! What’s on her mind? Where am I?

– What do you want from me again? – I shouted.

– You’re crazy! We’re in the middle of nowhere, and he’s resting!

It brought me back to a cruel reality. I remembered we had to crash into some planet. When I opened my eyelids, I saw the most ordinary sky – the blue, with the white fluffy clouds.

«I just had a bad dream», – I thought, looking at the clear sky. Only the sun (or it is not the sun) shined softer, muffled light. My eyes would hurt if I looked at the normal sun… so it’s not the sun. I could look at that pretty, shimmering ball with no sunglasses.

After I finally got my back off the ground, I started looking like a crazy person who woke up, but was still delirious. I was sitting on the sands of a golden pink shade, behind me was the sound of waves of the sea. Christina, with her usual grin on her face, looked at me, sitting two feet away.

Beside her stood a tall man, on whom I unwittingly delayed a surprised look, which was not very polite. And to be surprised was what. There was something "different" in it that was unfamiliar to anyone from planet Earth. «Different» was dressed in something shiny, like that ill-fated thing that began this strange story with the flight.

It was some kind of strange matter, remotely like silk tissue. It sparkles even with that kind of muffled light. How would she shine under the burning sun? That robe was to a stranger’s toes. His face is covered with something white like powder, his lips are covered with bright orange, his eyes with emerald eyeliner, his eyebrows were blue, his eggplant hair fell to the waist. His hair wasn’t human at all, it was too thick, a millimeter in diameter. He had a brighter makeup than Christina, and she seemed to fade.

He was different from Earth people, or I would have mistaken him for one of the singers, there are some on our planet. But the main difference was that he had large (larger than Christina’s) eyes like a doll, which is not the case with ordinary Earth man. Eyes like ice, a cold shade of blue.

– Enjoy the day and the daylight! – Suddenly the Wonder Man said. I got on my feet, and he was a little taller than me.

– What? – I don’t understand him.

Christina came to the rescue.

– «Enjoy the day» – it means in our «Good day», – she explained, – «Enjoy the morning» – «Good morning», «Enjoy the evening» – «Good evening» also «Enjoy the night».

– Yeah, I’m glad. And you already studied all that while I was unconscious,– I said.

– I was also greeted, so I started asking questions, – and Christina smiled at me like I was flirting with her.

– Also we on the planet Mertsella say «Smile Sunrise», «Smile Sun», «Smile Sunset» and «Smile Stars», – a man with purple hair spoke. We thank them for their daily escort.

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