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We stood like that for about three minutes.

– Let me try» I suggested, after Harry's failed attempt to open the door.

– You think that if I can't open the damn lock, you can? – The guy asked a little mockingly, looking at me.

– Wanna bet? – I suggested calmly, knowing the outcome in advance.

– Betting is silly.

– Afraid of losing to a girl? – I grinned.

He laughed softly, a pleasant enough laugh.

– Well, you asked for it. What's the bet?

– A wish» I said, deciding to teach him a lesson for his love of order.

The guy held out his hand to me with a smug look. I shook it.

– Your hands are cold. Are you cold? – he asked thoughtfully.

– Yes, I am, so I want to get inside» I said hurriedly, taking the keys from him.

And to be really cold in this amazingly sunny weather would be foolish.

With a little effort, I opened the door with ease and looked up at Harry victoriously.

He was surprised, his eyebrows almost touching the roots of his hair.

– It's some kind of miracle» he said with a smile.

Instead of answering, I walked defiantly into the house.

– Tell me, how did you do it? No one's ever been able to open that lock the first time» Harry asked, following me in.

– Not Maria, either? – I grinned.

– The lock was still alive when your sister was here» the guy said.

Harry dragged three more bags into the hallway and grinned derisively.

– I wonder how you'd carry all those bags yourself? – He asked.

– At least you have a sense of humour» I retorted, strolling through the rooms.

I was happy because I was in my own… Well, okay, rented house for a year, where I would start my adult life on my own and do what I wanted to do, like cry.

– It has everything I need: kitchen, entrance hall, lounge, living room, bathroom, two bedrooms…

– Two bedrooms? – I was surprised.

– Two bedrooms» Harry repeated. – Lights, heating. There's nothing interesting on the upper floors, unless you're interested in the old junk in the attic. That's where your bike is, by the way. – He went up the stairs and I continued to look round my little castle.

My flat or should I say house was very clean and cosy. I thought fondly of how nice it was to be here, much nicer than in my own Art Nouveau house in Warsaw. I felt as if I had come home from a long trip, and all the things in the house were glad to have me back. The windows, the curtains, the furniture, the parquet floor covered with beige soft carpet, the lamps, the lampshades – everything was imbued with true English style and tranquillity, and the bedrooms even had fireplaces, but unfortunately electric.

I took off my blue jacket and hung it on a hanger in the wardrobe in the hallway.

– There's your bike! – I heard Harry's voice and his footsteps on the creaking stairs.

The guy came down the hallway and placed a very nice dark blue bicycle with a bell in front of me.

– It matches the colour of my jacket! – I said cheerfully and snapped my finger on the bell.

The whole house immediately responded with a high-pitched ringing.

Harry looked at me strangely.

– You're very pretty» he said, embarrassed.

– It's not about looks, it's about soul» I replied stony-faced, but then I softened. – Thank you for driving me. I really like your house: it's very cosy. Where do you want me to put my bike?

– By the porch. Don't worry, no one will take it» Harry said. – Open the door.

He lifted the bike, I held the front door open, and we walked out of the house, down the stairs, and Harry leaned his two-wheeled friend against it.

– It's so amazing! People aren't as bad as I used to think» I said, pleasantly surprised by Harry's words.

– Why do you dislike people so much? – Harry asked, walking over to me.

– Because most people don't look at your soul, they look at your appearance: how you're dressed, what your hair is like… Whether you're pretty or not… It's hard to explain. I think it's time for you to go, don't you? – I wanted to get rid of his presence as soon as possible, and now I regretted breaking the rule: «Don't talk to people.»

Harry seemed to understand and smiled.

– Actually, yes. By the way, you can buy groceries at the shop around the corner because it's cheaper there than in other shops. The fridge is in the kitchen… I think that's it. And you've won our bet – you're right on your wish.

I frowned: I didn't really feel like laughing at the poor guy who'd been so nice to me. The peace and quiet of the house must have discouraged me from trying to teach the Englishman a lesson for being a bore.

– I'll think about it: I can't think of anything now. – I shrugged my shoulders.

– Then I'll be going. Oh, and when you come up with something, or if you need anything, give me a call. Here. – Harry pulled a business card out of his jacket pocket and held it out to me.

I hesitated.

«Is he trying to flirt with me?» – I thought grudgingly, but took the card anyway, thinking that I might actually have to call him about the house.

– Okay» I said.

– I left the house keys in the living room. And I forgot to tell you, if you get cold, there's an electric fireplace in your bedroom. Do you know how to switch it on? I can show you.

– No, thanks, I have one just like it at home» I lied hastily, laughing in my heart at his concern: I'll never freeze!

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