Нации и этничность в гуманитарных науках. Этнические, протонациональные и национальные нарративы. Формирование и репрезентация
Ключевые слова: цивильное право; общее право; нарратив; судебные инны; Община докторов; Стюарты; Англия.
The article contains a study of the narratives created in the Early Stuart period by several members of the English legal community, in particular by Common law judges and by civil lawyers. During the Late Tudor and Early Stuart epoch one of the key priorities for a ruling dynasty was to assemble the composites and to integrate them administratively and legally. Possible alternative ways of constructing national identities, namely of the English national identity, were not only a point of a ceaseless discussion for the English intellectuals, but also an important component in political polemics. Simultaneously the Early Stuart period was a time in which several social-professional communities emerged and consolidated. The members of the Inns of Court and Doctors’ commons – legal corporations experiencing continuous rivalry – created numerous polemical narratives where not only national problematics was discussed, but also the leading role of the corresponding corporation in the history of the English nation was established.
Keywords: Civil law, Common law, narrative, Inns of Court, Doctors’ commons, the Stuarts, England.
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1. Brundage James. The Medieval Origins of the Legal Profession. Vol.l. Canonists, civilians and courts. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2008. 610 p.
2. Craig Thomas. Thomae Craigi de Riccarton Jus Feudale. Lipsiae: apud J.W. Gleditsch et filium, 1716. 851 p.
3. Davies John. “A discovery of the true cause why Ireland was never brought under obedience of England” in Historical Tracts of Sir John Davies, Attorney general of Ireland and Speaker of the House of Commons in Ireland. Dublin: printed for W. Porter, 1787. P. 1–227.
4. Duck Arthur. De YUsage et de YAutorite du Droit Civil Dans les Etats des Princes Chretiens. Traduit du Latin. Paris: au Palais, 1689. 470 p.
5. Dugdale William. Dugdale Origines Juridiciales, or, Historical Memorials od the English laws, courts of Justice.. Inns of court and Chancery. London: printed for Ch. Wilkinson, 1680.490 p.
6. Fulbecke William. A Parallel or Conference of the Civil Law, the Canon Law and the Common Law in this Realme of England. London: printed by A. Islip, 1601–1602. 109 p.
7. Gentili Alberico. Alherici Gentilis De Armis Romanis Lihri Duo. Hanoviae: apud Guilielmi Antonii. 1612. 360 p.
8. Horn Norbert. “Romisches Recht als Gemeineuropeisches Recht bei Artur Duck” in Studien zur Europaischen Rechtsgeschichte. Frankfurt: W. Wilhelm, 1972. S. 171–180.
9. Marzec Lukasz. “Artur Duck, De Usu et Authoritate Juris Civilis Romanorum in Regno Galliarum. Przegladbazybibliograficznej”, Zeszyty prawnicze 8.1 (2008). S. 141–150.
10. Marzec Lukasz. “De Usu et Authoritate Juris Civilis Romanorum – podrz^dna rozprawa czy dzielo swiatowej romanistyki?”, Zeszyty prawnicze 6.1 (2006). S. 145–157.
11. Marzec Lukasz.. „Prawo rzymskie w dawnej Anglii w swietle pogl^d'ow Artura Ducka”, Zeszyty prawnicze 6.2 (2006). S. 117–136.