Небесные книги в Апокалипсисе Иоанна Богослова
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95. AlloE. В. Saint Jean I’Apocalypse. Paris, 1921.
96. AuneD. E. Revelation 1—5. Dallas, 1997 (Word Biblical Commentary; 52A).
97. Aune D. E. Revelation 6—16. Nashville, 1998 (Word Biblical Commentary; 52B).
98. Aune D. E. Revelation 17—22. Nashville, 1998 (Word Biblical Commentary; 52C).
99. Bauckham R. The Climax of Prophecy: Studies on the Book of Revelation. Edinburgh, 1993.
100. Bauckham
101. Beale G. K. The Book of Revelation: a Commentary on the Greek Text. Grand Rapids; Cambridge, 1999.
102. Beale G. K. The Unseen Sources of Suffering // Calvin Theological Journal. Vol. 41. 2006. P. 115-126.
103. Biguzzi G. Apocalisse. Nuova versione, introduzione e commento. Milano, 2005.
104. Biguzzi G. Ephesus, its Artemision, its Temple to the Flavian Emperors, and Idolatry in Revelation // Novum Testamentum. Vol. 40. 2003. P. 276-290.
105. Biguzzi G. I settenari nella struttura dell’apocalisse: analisi, storia della ricerca, interpretazione. Bologna, 1996.
106 .Biguzzi G. Is the Babylon of Revelation Rome or Jerusalem? // Bib-lica. Vol. 87. 2006. P. 371-386.
107. Bomkamm G. Die Komposition der apokalyptischen Visionen in der Offenbarung Johannis // Zeitschrift fur die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft. Vol. 36. 1937. S. 132-149.
108. Bousset W. Die Offenbarung Johannis. Gottingen, 1906.
109. Briitsch C. Die Offenbarung Jesu Christi: Johannes-Apokalypse. Ziirich, 1970.
110. Caird G. B. A Commentary on the Revelation of St. John the Divine. London, 1984.
111. Collins A. Y. Crisis and Catharsis: The Power of the Apocalypse. Philadelphia, Westminster, 1984.
112. Collins A. Y Combat Myth in the Book of Revelation. Missoula, 1976.
113. Davis R. D. The Heavenly Court Judgment of Revelation 4—5. N.Y., 1992.
114. De Silva D. A. The Social Setting of the Revelation to John: Conflicts Within, Fears Without // Westminster Theological Journal. Vol. 54. 1992. P. 273-302.
115. FeuilletA. Interpretation of Chapter XI of the Apocalypse //Johannine Studies. N. Y„ 1964. P. 233-256.
116. Frey J. Erwagungen zum Verhaltnis der Johannesapokalypse zu den iibrigen Schriften des Corpus Johanneum // Hengel M. Die johan-neische Frage: Ein Losungsversuch mit einem Beitrag zur Apokalypse von Jorg Frey. Tiibingen, 1993. S. 326-429.
117. Friesen S. J. Imperial Cults and the Apocalypse of John: Reading Revelation in the Ruins. N. Y., 2001.
118. Friesen S. J. Satan’s Throne, Imperial Cults and the Social Settings of Revelation // Journal for the Study of the New Testament. Vol. 27 (3). 2005. P. 351-373.
119. Garrow A. Revelation. London, N. Y., 1997.
120. Genhy K. L. Before Jerusalem Fell. Dating the Book of Revelation. Powder Springs, 1998.
121. Giesen El. Die Offenbarung des Johannes. Regensburg, 1997.
122. Heil J. P The Fifth Seal (Rev 6: 9—11) as a Key to Revelation // Bib-lica. Vol. 74. 1993. P. 220-243.
123. Hemer C. J. The Letters to the Seven Churches of Asia in Their Local Setting. Grand Rapids, 2001.
124. HerzerJ. Der erste apokalyptische Reiter und der Konig der Konige. Ein Beitrag zur Christologie der Johannesapokalypse // New Testament Studies. Vol. 45. 1999. P. 230-249.
125. Holtz T. Die Christologie der Apokalypse des Johannes. Berlin, 1962.
126. Jauhiainen M. 'Ало/й/хфс 'IpooO
127. KarrerM. Die Johannesoffenbarung als Brief. Gottingen, 1986.
128. Kirby D. J. Repetition in the Book of Revelation. Ph. D. Diss., Catholic University of America. Washington, 2009.
129. Kraft H. Die Offenbarung des Johannes. Tubingen, 1974.
130. LambrechtJ. A Structuration of Revelation 4:1 – 22:5 //LApocalypse johannique et I’Apocalyptique dans le Nouveau Testament. Gem-bloux, 1980. P. 84-97.
131. Lohmeyer E. Die Offenbarung des Johannes. Tiibingen, 1926 (Hand-buch zum Neuem Testament; 16).
132. Lohse E. Die Offenbarung des Johannes. Gottingen, 1971.
133. MacLeod D. J. The Lion Who Is a Lamb: An Exposition of Revelation 5: 1-7 // Bibliotheca Sacra. Vol. 164. 2007. P. 323-340.
134. Mazzaferri E D. The Genre of the Book of Revelation from a Source-Critical Perspective. Berlin, 1989.