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7 Introduction Chapter i. People’s Farming Always Existed
10 1.1 What is this book about?
14 1.2 How the investigation was conducted
19 1.3 The eradication and development of private farming in Russia
32 1.4 The current role of people’s farming
Chapter 2. The Diversity of the Rural Household Plot
39 2.1 From collectivized livestock husbandry to private
50 2.2 Sun, fruit and poultry
57 2.3 In the northern pre-J Jrals
66 2.4 Kargopo Vefrom arable husbandry to gathering
74 2.5 Valdai: agriculture and second home owners
79 2.6 Individual farming in the environs of cities
84 2.7 Clusters of commercial vegetable production
95 2.8 The objective laws of chaos
Chapter 3. Resources for People’s Farms
100 3.1 Socio-demographic resources
106 3.2 Land resources
115 3.3 Inputs into the people’s sector from large farms
124 3.4 Non-agricultural environmental resources
132 3.5 The geographical resource base
Chapter 4. Geographical Differentiation
in the character of People’s Farming 145 4.1 Volume and productivity
161 4.2 For themselves or for sale
174 4.3 The Ethnic mosaic of Individual farming
Chapter 5. The Varied Character of Private Farming
195 5.1 Gastarbeiter on plantations
202 5.2 Multifaceted private farmers
214 5.3 The shoots of private entrepreneurship
219 5.4 Urban dwellers’agriculture
231 5.5 The variability of private farming in Russia
235 5.6 Small-scale farming and land conflicts
Chapter 6. Socio-economic changes in rural Russia
246 6.1 Problems in privatefarming in Russia
256 6.2 The informal economy and the self-organisation of farming in rural districts 266 6.3 Changes in the socio-economic structure of rural society
274 6–4 The private sector informer and existing socialist countries:
East-Central Europe – Russia – China
285 6.5 Social and economic policy in rural Russia