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Parallel Worlds pro et contra

– I don't even know what to say. It's interesting, and curious… and unbelievable… and dangerous, or something.

– Yes, my friend, you are right, it is dangerous, but only if someone is blabbering. Or rather, no one will believe you at this stage, and at the next stage you won't really belong to yourself. You'll be in the system… and for the rest of your life. You'll have a very prestigious job there, too, for an official legend.

– How? How did you know they were there? Has anyone made contact before?

– No. You're the one who's gonna join.

– You gotta admit, it's fantastic.

– Believe me, it's very serious. I told you: your disbelief is natural. Wait until the second stage. When you get to the secret center, all your doubts will be dispelled.

– Okay, well, I can't wait to get there.

The ladies are back.

– What are we gonna do?

– What shall we have with tea? – The most talkative one, of course, Iulia, repeated.

– I'm fine," YatSan was brief as always.

– Why is that? – JULIA asked her, giving an indication of a different reason than might normally be the case with ladies.

– It doesn't have the brownies I like," she replied.

– Okay, guys, let's stay focused. The firm is paying. Let's take what we want.

– I'm ordering, okay?

– Yes, Iulia, get into character.

– What role? – She asked in a slightly wary tone.

– In the program, each of you has a specific role. You, IuLia, have the role of supporting the contact, counseling the protagonist.

– Who's in charge?

– In front of us.

Rutra looked at YatSan, tilting his head slightly to the side, smiling slyly.

– What-what? Did I miss something? – YatSan asked seriously.

– Yeah, missed it," Andrian said, picking up on everyone's joking smile.

Said Rutra has yet to be taken seriously because of the sci-fi component.

– What were you talking about? – YatSan asked Andrian sternly.

– He said he'd send you to a parallel world.

It was a joke on his part, but completely true for Rutra. He had planned to do it that way, but YatSan would have known how.

– Wait a minute. You're gonna confuse things. Until you get it right, nothing's gonna change. So you're not going anywhere. Let's drink tea, eat cake and listen to Rutra. I can't get the science part down. So, in our world, everyone, or practically everyone, takes for granted the fact that the world we observe is one. Talking, much less scientific discussion, about a multiple universe has long been considered scientific heresy, but the idea that it is true has been on the minds of more and more. Physicists, cosmologists (even more so quantum fanatics) began not just to think about it anymore, but to try to fold it into scientific theories. Now some complicated words. What will be unclear now – I will gradually explain in everyday language. Don't worry, you will hear all this five times more, and not only from me. In my theory the main statement about the many-worlds interpretation is that all being consists of quantum superposition of unimaginably large (and most likely – infinite) number of universes. The term superposition means that very superposition, a kind of parallel. According to this interpretation, there must be an absolutely incredible number of alternative worlds. Now I will try to explain in more detail and at the same time in a simpler way what the many-worlds interpretation is. According to it: wholeness of life is a kind of illusion. We all perceive our life as a single and integral being in space and time. However, consciousness remains consciousness, and no matter how many worlds exist, no matter how many of us are in them – here and now our "I" is our consciousness. Listen, listen. I understand how you feel right now. Now, there are many versions of you. Yes, yes. Each of us, and everything around us, is made up of atoms, and these atoms are made up of particles, and these particles can have a bonded pair that naturally fly apart to form a parallel world. That's the kind of miracle. So, no matter how much you doubt, there is an almost infinite number of your copies, each of which perceives its world as a separate personality and does not know about the existence of other you. Correspondingly – and the worlds you are in. Though now you know, and they can find out too, because I and my brain are made of atoms, so somewhere there is a parallel copy of them. The interesting thing is that the parallel can be a little bit crooked. So our world is reflected in a mirror, but mirrors can be crooked. A kingdom of crooked mirrors. In different worlds and our life paths – a great variety. Everything is similar, but a little bit different. And at what moment this different became realized – the devil himself does not know. For example, somewhere in your infancy something was just a little bit different from what you have here, and there you are already living a similar but different life. From birth you, or what appears to be you, have branched off into different worlds. And in one world you may live in the future, and in another you may live in the past. If one travels back in time – it would mean moving into entirely new time paradigms. You will not be able to influence all brains at the same time and make everyone make the decision that copies in the other world have already made. That is, you will not be able to build a future that you have already experienced somewhere and therefore know. At the same time, you should be a little "past" in the past world, i.e. young. Your consciousness will be mixed up and it will be reincarnated into such a person as you are there. The most interesting consequence of the existence of an infinite number of worlds is that everything has already happened. Moreover, it will happen an infinite number of times. Now I'll leave you with a kind of homework assignment. You just need to convince yourself with the information available to everyone. You look on the net for threads about these interpretations and worlds. I assure you, you will be pleasantly surprised. Prepare yourself for the move. Prepare morally and environment. Further – in more detail, and with practice, everything will be in the very organization. I'll tell you right away – it's very deep underground. So for now, tune your brains.

Chapter 11. Places where they won't find us

Those months that were scheduled for preparation went by in vigorous activity. The euphoria was incendiary. We were done early, not even half a year later. The most difficult thing was to move the installations to the space station. Everything else was easier. The project for the new center was ready, and the place was chosen to match the methods of "spheroids". That's what those who were part of the secret clan of the world's rulers called each other. That place was North Sentinel Island. North Sentinel Island, one of the islands of the Andaman Archipelago, located in the Bay of Bengal, east of India and west of Myanmar. The islanders lived isolated from the rest of the world and were extremely aggressive to anyone who tried to make contact with them. The Indian government decided not to interfere in their lives and even set up a perimeter of about six kilometers to prohibit access to the island. Indian authorities prohibit contact with islanders who are not immune to infectious diseases, and it is a criminal offense to visit the island.

In 2017, the Indian authorities ruled that even photographing and videotaping the natives of the Andaman Islands could result in a three-year prison sentence. Of course, all these measures were taken on the recommendation of international organizations of the relevant kind, led by the Sphere system. But that was in the plans. In the meantime, proof was needed, so a successful experiment had to be conducted. For this purpose, a secret legend about the allegedly conducted experiments was invented. Partially it had to coincide with the program "Ribhu". The program included: transferring information from one brain to another with the help of an implanted chip in both. A kind of wireless, invisible, tacit communication. For this purpose, virtual reality installations were modernized and installed at selected points.

One was in the secret Mariner-1 laboratory, which was located at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. Few sane people could think of locating anything man-made at such a depth, much less a huge scientific center. Only occasionally in the yellow press were notes about allegedly unidentified vehicles surfacing in the area. The area was carefully guarded as a target area for missile firing. Consequently, if an outsider stealthily penetrated there bypassing the security perimeter, he would "accidentally" hit the very missile that the area was closed for testing.

The second was in Chukotka, the so-called most secret place. It was called so not only because it was not photographed by satellites. Officially, they were supposedly adjusting their trajectories over this place and could not work. And everyone took it for granted that this was true for all satellites, and those who doubted it were simply not allowed to fly along this trajectory. Accordingly, it was so because it was necessary. There was an emergency exit from the super-secret underground facility-city Polygon. In addition, this place was not listed anywhere as something important, so sometimes only aroused the interest of the curious, solely because of the impossibility to see on any satellite image. Of course, the original location as an emergency exit from the "Polygon" was not chosen spontaneously. There are no settlements in the vicinity. The place is harsh, wild, it is a part of the border zone, which can be visited only with a pass issued by the Federal Border Guard Service of the Federal Security Service. Of course, Rutra chose this territory.

The third was no location at all. Rutra used a "doomsday" airplane for this purpose: an airborne command post designed to control army units during military conflicts using nuclear weapons. There were several of them in stock, so he could use one, either Russian or US, for his program without officially announcing it. They were chosen because they fit the cases that the "luminary of science" feared. The machines can be in flight for a whole week on condition of aerial refueling. All equipment on board is protected from the effects of a nuclear explosion.

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