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Poems in English: about everything

To church belief, orthodox, In it an essence of love and our belief, In it our heart, in it our essence.

Love our spiritual belief, In love to spiritual relationship.

About love

The spring came, the love dawn, Flowers fascinating blossoming.

Flight souls to the sun, clear light, flight Souls loves, solar dawn.

The fine ray of hope, true kindness, Is fine light, a birth of new life, Family fire, love of family life,

Ray of hope Nova light.

Souls loves, fluttering of soul, flight on wings of fine love, Silent caress the sun is bright, Love fine, beauty of soul.

In flight fluttering, love wings, I was loved, and I loved.

Beauty fine creation of God, Under stars of night light.

Calm fine pacification, Tisha fine pleasure, Star Milky Way, distance of calm, Rest eternal, fine beauty love.


B'ela beauty it, the snezhist is also easy, the Snowstorm and a blizzard, it is snowing, Favourite snow, souls – flight, the Snowball, a snowball, a snowball.

Joy children, a snowman is time, Guards of my yard, with it stuck together Kolobok nearby.

Frost and snow, Snow Maiden and Father Frost,

Frost and cold, snowflake and snowdrift.

Winter – winter! Outside cold weather, Minus thirty outside the window, Moroz! More ruddy than snowflakes multi-colored, In beams they are intertwined, of love and joy they are full!

Frost and the sun, children, She plays snow games.

And snow plays with children fervent, it Is cheerful, souls it is fine.

Ding dong, Ding Dong

Bells call.

Christmas Eve, tomorrow Christmas.

Jesus was born, our savior, love of the doctrine of beauty of soul.

Frost of Epiphany, Ioane waits, the Saint of our father Loving,

Lord's beauty, Pure light of reason is light.

Winter-is white, fields, Traces on snow, here they, Animals forest, animals of my, Beautiful inhabitants forest are white.

Care winter about them, the forest warden here, In the wood their house, it lives here, love and caress gives them, forest the handsome of the wood.

The wood is fine in the winter, In a white blanket fields are shrouded, It is covered with a white sheet, it is pleasant and easy for an Eye.

Flight souls pleasure, Souls of flight, joy of soul of fun, flight Soul, a unification, In beams of heavenly creation.

Love to winter

White it is white, the snowball crackles, frost and jelly outside the window, the Thermometer stiffened, the frost, Snowdrifts golds cracks on the street, the frost crackles.

I see from a window, a wonderful time!

Snow outside the window since morning.

It shines in a bright ray of light, at the beginning of early morning.

frost villain, on the street cracks, Everything cools, and cools, everything the degree is lower lowering, at the beginning of December a frost and an icy cold, It is time to put on in the blanket of snow is white covered.

Trees and bushes dressed fur coats are white, they Sleep in the winter, and us are pleasing to the eye in the winter, the Fine look of winter rest, Tisha and a pacification human here.

The winter is charming, it is cold, fields Are beautiful, snow are white on them.

They lie are charming purity, Love beauty, rest of my soul.

Souls! Fine purity,

Among birches there is it.

Washing the confessor, mother, Churchless, bells ring.

Today holiday our spiritual, Today holiday our, sacred.

Our main holiday, is more main than all it, the Favourite holiday, it is the Saint.

Christmas Eve, at night, the Birth of Jesus, our savior, our father.

Love and the serene creator, the Conductor on our life.

Thoughts are fine, are pure soul, our heart Is opened.

In love a warm time, At the center we sit next.

Our center – a home, In it warmth and our rest.

In family fine that it connected, In love of a fine arrow of the Cupid.

Heart in joy flits,

Pierces with an arrow of the Cupid.

Soul soars on wings of love high, the Beauty fallen in love winter us it.

Trees, hoarfrost, white snow, Soul sings as a bird.

In love nothing is finer is not present As a song of a bullfinch – she is a bird!

My soul, Love fine creation flits as.

We do not flit, we do not sleep, We a wood spirit, we are birds – inhabitants forest.

About death

– About! – to Measure! You are so awful!

– About! – Death! You are so beautiful!

You are cruel and unpredictable, Rest of the world, calm of soul.

Rest souls, with a body parting, Smother leaving, in other universe.

On the Milky Way there is there soul Where only rest where only soul.

Soul reunited with soul, In calm of love of rest – clear light.

There silence, rest of pleasure, There silence, rest pacification.

Fine resettlement in another world, the gift is given Us from above, rest of calm other.

Humility, absolution, Repentance of death, funeral.

The priest drinks in church, he incenses with the Censer, he says the prayer for the dying.

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