Приключения Шерлока Холмса / The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (сборник)
3) She wanted to be independent.
4) She found out that he was a cheater.
5. Who invented the secret writing with the dancing men?
1) the boss of the gang
2) Elgie
3) Abe Slaney
4) Sherlock Holmes
6. How did Slaney know that Elsie was reading his messages?
1) She washed them out.
2) She left an answer once.
3) She called him.
4) It is not mentioned in the text.
7. Did Slaney want to kill Elsie’s husband?
1) Yes, he did. Mr. Cubitt made him mad.
2) Yes, he did but he couldn’t do it.
3) No, didn’t. He wanted just to frighten him.
4) No, he didn’t but Elsie asked him for it.
8. Why was Abe’s punishment changed?
9. Choose the right verbs:
She asked me to…………… and said that it…………… her heart if anyone…………… something.
1) went away, would break, found out
2) go away, will break, found out
3) go away, would break, would find out
4) go away, would break, found out
10. Complete the sentences with these words and expressions:
set a trap, in no way, was sentenced, commit, put, made
1) This…………… me mad, and I caught her arm and tried to pull her through the window.
2) Abe Slaney…………… to death at Norwich.
3) So you killed Mr. Cubitt and nearly made Mrs. Cubitt to…………… suicide.
4) The least that you can do for her is to say to the world that she was…………… responsible for his tragic end.
5) Don’t tell me that she helped to…………… for me!
6) In a second Holmes…………… a pistol to the man’s head.
11. Insert the right prepositions:
after, of, out(2), into, with, to(3), in(2)
1) I had a room downstairs and could get……… and……… every night.
2) She has devoted her life……… the care of the poor.
3) Mrs. Hilton Cubitt has been accused……… the murder of her own husband.
4) I heard nothing until that boy came……… a note, which made me walk here and give myself……… your hands.
5) ……… her marriage……… this Englishman I found……… where she was.
6) But I came here……… answer……… a letter from Mrs. Hilton Cubitt.
12. Complete the table:
13. Questions to think about:
1) What helps Sherlock Holmes to solve such difficult riddles?
2) Is Slaney the only man who is guilty in this story?
3) For whom do you feel sorry?
4) What are the starting point, culmination and outcome of this story?
5) Try to reconstruct the alphabet of the dancing men.
ability способность
absent-minded рассеянный
accusation обвинение
accuse обвинять
accustomed привыкший
across через,
act действовать
active активный
addition дополнение
address обращаться
administration управление
admiration восхищение
adventure приключение
advice совет
advise советовать
afraid испуганный
afterwards позже, потом
again снова
against против
agent посредник
agree соглашаться
ahead заранее
air воздух
allow позволять
almost почти
alone один
already уже
although хотя
always всегда
amazement удивление
amazing удивительный, ошеломляющий
amusement удовольствие, развлечение
analysis анализ, исследование
angry злой, рассерженный
annoy досаждать
another другой
answer ответ, отвечать
anxiety беспокойство
anxious беспокойный
anyway во всяком случае
appeal обращение
appear появляться
appropriate подходящий
arm рука