Пропаганда 2.0
Политическая экономия коммуникации открыла среди своих объектов и феномен превращения зрителей в товар. Такова культурная практика, привнесенная бизнесом, которая и создала этот новый феномен. И на него не следует закрывать глаза, тем более что бизнес не воспротивился такому рассмотрению, предложенному Д. Смитом. И как ни парадоксально звучит, многие исследователи писали, что телевидение продает рекламодателям своих зрителей.
1. Mosco V. The political economy of communication. – Thousand Oaks, 2009
2. Dallas Walker Smythe // en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dallas_Walker_Smythe
3. Interview with Vincent Mosco // figureground.org/interview-with-vincent-mosco
4. Flores G. Learning object: Dallas W. Smythe’s “On the audience commodity and its work” // prezi.com/njkukd5ousc2/learning-object-dallas-w-smythes-on-the-audience-commodity-and-its-work
5. Smythe D. W. On the audience commodity and its work // www.surfacenoise.info/neu/1220a/readings/SmytheAudienceCommodity.pdf
6. Simpson C. Science of Coercion. Communication research & psychological warfare, 1945–1960. – Oxford, 1996
7. Wilbur Schramm, the FBI and CIA // dijoh2o.wordpress.com/2012/01/05/wilbur-schramm-the-fbi-and-cia
8. Singhal A. Wilbur Schramm: portrait of a development communication pioneer // utminers.utep.edu/asinghal/Articles%20and%2 °Chapters/singhal-Wilbur%20Schramm-communicator.pdf
9. Wilbur Schramm // en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilbur_Schramm
10. The political economy of communication: power and resistance, an interview with Vincent Mosco // globalmediajournal.com/open-access/the-political-economy-of-communication-power-and-resistance-an-interview-with-vincent-mosco.pdf?aid=35297
11. Shade L. R. Political economy of communication: Canadian theorists // www.infoamerica.org/documentos_pdf/smythe01.pdf
12. Fuchs C. Dallas Smythe reloaded: critical media and communication studies today // fuchs.uti.at/wp-content/dsmythe.pdf
13. Mosco V. Bridging the gap: processees of communication and institutions of political economy // lirne.net/resources/netknowledge/mosco.pdf
14. Graham P. Political economy of communication: a critique // www.philgraham.net/MME%2 °Chapter_Final.pdf
15. Mosco V. Current trends in the political economy of communications // www.gmj.uottawa.ca/0801/inaugural_mosco.pdf
16. The political economies of media. Ed. by D. Winseck a. o. – London – New York, 2011
17. Mosco V. Brand new world? // www.er.uqam.ca/nobel/gricis/actes/bogues/Mosco.pdf
18. Mosco V. Myth-ing links: power and community on the information highway // www.moyak.com/papers/vincent-mosco.pdf
19. On Mosco street: an interview with Vincent Mosco // journals.fcla.edu/demcom/article/download/76485/74114
20. Herbert Schiller // en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbert_Schiller
21. Maxwell R. Herbert Schiller. – Oxford, 2003
22. Thinking with James Carey. Essays in communications, transportation, history. Ed. by J. Parker a. o. – New York, 2006
23. List of American rusyns // en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Rusyn_Americans
24. Guback T. Counterclockwise: Dallas Smythe’s contribution to communication policy and research // web.asc.upenn.edu/Gerbner/Archive.aspx?sectionID=95&packageID=711
25. Guback T. A tribute to Dallas Smythe: confronting communication under capitalism // web.asc.upenn.edu/Gerbner/Archive.aspx?sectionID=95&packageID=711
26. Artz L. Media relations and media product: audience commodity // journals.fcla.edu/demcom/article/download/76591/74207
27. Artz L. Global entertainment media. A critical introduction. – Chichester, 2015
28. Prodnik J. A. An interview with Janet Wasko // www.triple-c.at/index.php/tripleC/article/view/543/640
29. Young J. R. An investigation of commodity theory and its application to critical media studies // www.bookpump.com/dps/pdf-b/5856402b.pdf
30. Mosco V. Th future of journalism // jclass.umd.edu/classes/jour698m/mosco.pdf
31. Mosco V. Introduction. Information in the pay-per society // Political economy of information. Ed. by V. Mosco, J. Wasko. – Madison etc., 1988
32. Gilens M., Page B. I. Testing theories of American politics: elites, interest groups, and average citizens // scholar.princeton.edu/sites/default/files/mgilens/files/gilens_and_page_2014_-testing_theories_of_american_politics.doc.pdf
33. Bartels L. Rich people rule! // www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/monkey-cage/wp/2014/04/08/rich-people-rule
34. Cassidy J. Is America an oligarchy? // www.newyorker.com/news/john-cassidy/is-america-an-oligarchy
35. Kapur S. Scholar behind viral ‘oligarchy’ study tells you waht it mean // talkingpointsmemo.com/dc/princeton-scholar-demise-of-democracy-america-tpm-interview
36. Study: US is an oligarchy, not democracy // www.bbc.com/news/blogs-echochambers-27074746