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рейтинг книги


Part 1

Elton trilogy

Before I start my story about running and running events I was lucky to take part in, I will tell you a few facts about the history of running and its evolution as a sport.

The evolution has naturally resulted in the human upright posture and walking on two legs. From the earliest times, humans had to count on their physical abilities and skills, such as dexterity, strength and speed, to survive. Physical abilities were the foundation upon which their entire life and their status in nature, community, or any other habitat form was built.

From one millennium to the next, the human genes were undergoing changes. The lower limbs were developing and improving. Walking and running were a natural and integral part of life.

The Tarahumara Indians made a cult of running, and it remains a major activity in their society up to the present day. They are famous for being able to run for extremely long distances. There is a tale about an Indian from this tribe who ran 600 miles, drinking water and eating only pinole along the way.

What is running? According to the scientific definition, running is one of the ways to move for humans and animals, containing a “flight phase” having both or all feet off the ground at the same time. Running results from complicated and well-coordinated activities of skeletal muscles and limbs.

Originally, running was the only sport in the ancient Olympic games, in the centuries B.C. Competitive running distances were divided into short distances (sprints), medium distances, marathons and ultramarathon races. The races were time-limited (6 hours, 10 hours, 24 hours and 48 hours).

Every distance, from a 100 meters sprint to an ultramarathon race, activates different groups of muscles during the process. Apart from physical abilities, a psychological training is also a very important factor for mastering an ultramarathon. Mental preparation means the inner readiness of the person to endure extreme loads, sometimes all alone and totally unaware.

In some form, running has become an integral part of every single type of sport, helping athletes achieve their highest results. Running is fundamental to the training of boxing, swimming, weightlifting and even chess.

Many famous grand chess masters included running in their training. Running helped them concentrate better and keep focusing their attention, staying mentally and psychologically active during extended chess tournaments.

Modern running competitions include new types of running distances, such as trail running, skyrunning and coasteering. There are also distances that combine these types, making running contests real adventures.

Let me tell you more about each of these three types.

Trail running is a sports discipline which combines cross-country running and hiking and can be performed as a training, hiking, or a competitive event at higher speeds. Trail running normally takes place outside, “on any unpaved surfaces”, such as hills, mountains, paths, brooks, and also sand deserts. There are a few famous trail-running events with a great history. It is an honour and a privilege to take part in them.

All running trails and paths are special and even unique, each in their own way. Apart from official competitions, athletes can choose trails to suit their taste and level of complexity.

For those who feel it is still not hard enough and are craving to conquer more new summits, there is another type of running.

Skyrunning is an extreme sport of mountain running, a speed ascent (some call it “cloud running). The conditions in these competitions should meet certain criteria: the running route should be above 2000 meters where the minimum average incline is 6 % with areas where the incline should exceed 30 %. The climbing difficulty should not exceed II grade according to the UIAA classification. If there are areas that are more difficult than II grade, only the athletes who have Alpine ascent experience will be allowed to take part in the event.

Skyrunning is divided into a few independent activities:

High-altitude marathon (sky marathon) is a long run with a distance ranging from 30 to 42 km and an elevation above 2000 meters. The trails go over passes, glaciers, and rocks, and can exceed the 4000 meters altitude. If the complexity level exceeds the allowed parameters it is an UHRA Skymarathon (ultra-high altitude marathon).

Skyracing is a run between 2000 and 4000 meters with a distance ranging from 20 and 30 km.

Vertical kilometer is based on the idea of attaining a 1000 elevation gain over a distance of only 5 km.

There is another type of running for those who love seas, oceans, rivers and lakes. It is for those who become mesmerized by the wildness of ocean waves or the smooth tranquility of water.

Coasteering is running along a coastline or a river or lakeshore. Depending on the landscape and water type, the route might include rocky areas, cliffs, sand or pebbled beaches, and some other natural hurdles and hindrances.

If it is impossible to run across a certain zone, athletes are allowed to swim along the coastline.

The route and the distance are officially regulated. The participants should also finish the race within the determined time limit.

These three types of sport – trail running, skyrunning and coasteering – along with the combined runs help to discover all the possibilities of a human body and spirit – and test it, pushing the limits.

Every race is a new adventure for an athlete to experience and endure.

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