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Romeo and Juliet. Othello / Ромео и Джульетта. Отелло

But the man was indeed speaking with the only son of Montague himself.

“The fair Rosaline,” said Benvolio, “whom you love so, is going to this feast, with all the beauties of Verona. Go yourself; compare her face with some others that I’ll show you, and your lady will seem like a crow beside a swan. You’ll see many beautiful women there and then perhaps you’ll forget your Rosaline.”

Romeo would not believe it, but he consented to go:

“Oh no, I can never forget her, but I’ll go to that party because I’ll see my beloved Rosaline there!”

Meanwhile in old Capulet’s house all was bustle and excitement, and not only because of the feast. Capulet had only one child, a daughter called Juliet; and Count Paris [7] , a very suitable young nobleman, approached Capulet to ask that Juliet might be his wife.

“She is very young,” said Capulet, “she is not even fourteen; it will be time enough in two years. Wait.”

“Others at her age are married,” replied Paris.

“And too soon married,” said Capulet. “Tonight I hold a feast, and many of our Verona beauties will be there; you too will be most welcome.”


Count Paris граф Парис

Paris accepted this invitation eagerly, and old Capulet went off to tell his news to his wife and to bid her prepare Juliet. So Lady Capulet sent Juliet’s old nurse to fetch her.

When Juliet came her mother began to talk to her, though the nurse, who was a very garrulous old woman, ever ready to tell some tale of Juliet as a baby, kept interrupting. At last Lady Capulet asked Juliet whether she had considered marriage.

“It is an honour, madam,” replied Juliet, “that I do not dream of [8] .”


that I do not dream of – о которой я и не мечтаю

“Well,” said her mother, “think of it now. To be brief. Count Paris seeks to woo you. You will see him tonight at our feast. Look at him carefully; for he would be a very worthy husband for you. Tell me, child, can you encourage Paris’s love?”

Juliet, who was quite taken by surprise, replied that she would indeed look carefully at Paris. There was no time to say more, for the first guests were arriving.

Romeo and Benvolio were already on their way. They met Mercutio and half a dozen others, and all wore masks. It was the Italian custom at such feasts for the dancers to disguise themselves. So with them was Romeo’s dear friend, Mercutio [9] . Mercutio was neither a Capulet nor a Montague, but a kinsman of the Prince himself, full of quips and jokes. As they went on through the streets of Verona, Mercutio began to joke with Romeo, but Romeo was too heavy-hearted for mirth. The feast was ended when they reached Capulet’s house, but the dancing was beginning, and they joined the crowd of guests. Old Capulet, not recognizing them in their masks, welcomed them heartily and brought them partners; but Romeo would not dance. He stood apart, moodily watching the scene. Suddenly he saw Juliet, and in a moment he forgot his former passion to Rosaline, because Juliet was very beautiful. Romeo stood gazing at her, for he was all in love with her.


Mercutio Меркуцио

“Who is the lady dancing with yonder knight?” he asked one of the servants.

“I do not know, sir,” the man answered.

Suddenly, however, a guest at the party, Tybalt, a nephew of Lady Capulet, recognized Romeo’s voice. He was furious with rage that a Montague dared to come to that party.

“Fetch me my rapier,” he said to his page.

Capulet noticed his fury and asked him its cause.

“Uncle,” he cried, “this is a Montague, our foe, who dares come here in that disguise to scorn our feast.”

“Is it young Romeo?” asked Capulet.

“Yes, the villain!” answered Tybalt.

“Let him alone,” said Capulet. “He bears himself like a noble gentleman, and all Verona speaks of him as very virtuous and worthy. I would not, for all the wealth of Verona, insult him in our house. Be patient and take no notice of him [10] .”

But Tybalt was more furious than ever, and wanted to disobey his uncle. Old Capulet, however, was short tempered, and when he saw that Tybalt was still angry, he went on.


take no notice of him – не замечай его

“It is my will. If you respect me, show a pleasant face, and cease this frowning; it is not suitable for a feast.”

Tybalt replied, “Such a villain is a guest! I’ll not endure him.”

“He’ll be endured,” said Capulet testily. “I say. Am I master here, or you? You’ll not endure him! You’ll make a riot among my guests!”

“Why, uncle,” replied Tybalt, “it is a shame.”

“Be quiet!” cried Capulet. “Or I’ll make you quiet! [11]


I’ll make you quiet заставлю тебя замолчать

Tybalt could not endure to be patient when he saw Romeo, so he strode away muttering vengeance when next they should meet.

Romeo had heard nothing of what passed between old Capulet and Tybalt. Unlike Tybalt, who wanted to fight, Romeo could think only of the beautiful Juliet. He made his way through the dancers and took Juliet’s hand and spoke to her and gently kissed it. They talked together for a while, but soon the nurse came to fetch Juliet away, for her mother wished to speak with her. Juliet was very attracted to the handsome young man.

“Who is her mother?” asked Romeo.

The nurse was surprised that one of the guests should ask such a question, and answered,

Her mother is the lady of the house [12] , and a good lady too. I nursed her daughter, that you were talking with.”

When Romeo heard that his new love was a Capulet his heart sank; but he had no time for brooding, for the dancing was over and the guests were preparing to go home. As Romeo went out, Juliet asked her nurse who he was. She did not know, but asked one of the guests, and so learnt that it was Romeo, the only son of Montague.


lady of the house – хозяйка дома

On their way home Benvolio and Mercutio soon missed Romeo in the crowd of departing guests. And he made his way back to Capulet’s house, climbed the wall of the garden, and hid himself amongst the trees. He did not know that he was in Juliet’s garden.

The others stayed for some time calling for him, but as there was no answer they went home to bed. As soon as they bad gone Romeo came out of his hiding, and, in the darkness made his way towards the house, he saw a light in one of the upper windows. The window opened, and Juliet herself came out upon the balcony. She began to speak aloud. Romeo drew nearer and listened: Juliet, was murmuring his name.

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