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Сила ненасилия Махатмы Ганди

“When any hope is lost, when no one helps nor comforts, I revealing,

that from somewhere appears the aid. Entreaty, divine service, prayer not religious prejudices. This of action are more real than food, drink, seat or walking. Without the exaggeration it is possible to say that only they are real, and everything else is unreal”.

Do know we, and atheists, and believers, the force of this deep spiritual contact with the highest? Secret of the spiritual life of man inaccessible. Here the reign of religion and skill.

“I do not desire so that my house would be enclosed from all sides by wall and so that my windows would be

it is tightly boarded up. I want so that the culture of all, countries freely would penetrate my house.

But I do not desire so that me they would bring down from the feet”.

Gandhi never it asserted that the truth was opened to it in full weight. He perfectly well understood the limitedness of human judgments about the god. “Those weak, instantaneous flashes of the truths, which I could see, hardly they will express the idea of the uncommon radiance of truth, into millions of times of of stronger than the radiance of the sun, which we each day see. The fact that I understood, is only weak reflection of this powerful radiance”.

Gandhi's exclamation: “I want to see god face to face” - the daring impulse of human spirit, not clouded by self-confidence.

By Gandhi it testified that with the life with it there were numerous phenomena, which are not entered in the framework of ordinary experience and are called word “miracle”. One of such miracles occurred at the end Gandhi's life.

When disorders began and the hostility between [induistami] and Moslems, to Gandhi it said,

that if does not cease the slaughter, there will be terrible earthquake. Unfortunately, disorders did not cease, and earthquake occurred. About this episode testifies Nehru's [Dzhavakharlal] in his book “discovery of India”. Nehru considers this case simple agreement; however, recently in the press began to appear completely serious communications, that the aggressive pulses, which go from the man, can cause deviations in the geomagnetic sphere by their emissions.

This only one of the episodes, which became the object of consideration, since Gandhi's itself, following

of ancient tradition, it hid from those surrounding everything which could introduce into the temptation of trickery and charlatanism. “There are things which they are known only to you and your creator. They, of course, cannot be revealed”. Let us note that the Christ, healing blind since birth, does not order that to tell about that happened by that surrounding.

Here we come to the moment most striking - Gandhi's solitude. Men,

which so frequently comes out among the multithousand crowds, people preacher, who travelled all over entire India, going in front of his numerous followers, was lonely. “The one who he wants to be in the friendship with the god, it must remain lonely or make by its friends of all”.

Let us recall, tomcat is lonely Leo Tolstoy in the clear clearing in the environment of its close ones. As was lonely academician Sakharov on the platform before the [ulyulyukayushchim] hall, and let us understand that is the [koe] solitude of Gandhi. That entire India considered victory, by Gandhi perceived as defeat. India rejoiced - by Gandhi it grieved. It fought not with the British dominion, but with the dominion of the spirit of hatred and greediness.

Love for all people, and in particular to weak and to the enemies, this indeed is almost inaccessible for the individual person. But when something is inaccessible for one, can, here and acquires special sense the unity of people for the highest purpose. Paradox in the fact that, after obtaining independence, India did not find spiritual unity around the great idea, it became great, but usual state.

By Gandhi perceived this as “personal defeat”. Specifically, personal: “Only hope for the [strazhdushchego] peace is narrow and direct method nonviolence. Million similar to me can fail in the attempt to prove truth by their own life, but this there will be their personal failure, but not in which case not of this eternal law”.

However, what does prevent the establishment on the Earth of laws the nonviolence and love? They earlier indicated that property. It is said, it corrupts innocent showers, it makes with their greedy and severe. Consequence was named reason. Property itself cannot be either good, or evil. It is possible to use both to the good and to the evil matter. It is possible to construct the art gallery as [Tretyakov], while it is possible, having no property, this gallery to rot and to reconstruct into the ordinary building. Now, when in our country questions of property became so they were important and urgent, it is appropriate to listen to Tolstoy and Gandhi: “[Odolevayte] hatred by love, untruth - by truth, violence - by patience”.

Gandhi it considered that the earth is God, is God, but not state. Property - these are of its kind lease in gentlemen. Payment for the lease - the responsibility before all those being requiring. This, in addition can cause haughty [ukhmylku] in the country, where the centralized charity - occasion for the stealing. All this thus. But if we are distracted from the sad conversion of money in the strange pocket - where, “first, how much excess it earned, that is perhaps appropriate to again listen to Gandhi's warning:

“Not compulsorily man is happy, when he is rich, or unfortunate, when he is poor. We frequently see that the rich people are unhappy, and paupers are happy. Millions of people will be always

poor. Seeing all this, our ancestors broke us from the luxury and the enjoyment… In the society there are no [pariev], be it millionaires or poor. Both those and, etc - the creation of one and the same ailment. Both those and other people”.

I understand, which so is difficult to recognize that no rich and poor, cooperators, bureaucrats, and there are only people. Living, that suffer, that are been in error, regaining vision, blinded by hatred; and reconciliation above the hostility - this is only way to the rescuing both in the terrestrial and in the celestial plan.

Tolstoy and Gandhi did not live until those times, when [nenasilie] will become not only moral religious principle, but singularly accurate tactics of survival in the epoch of nuclear weapon. [A]. [D]. Sakharov lived until these times.

The calls of Tolstoy and Gandhi to love entire living did not find response in the hearts of the majority of people. Well, what zh, could not love - we will “guard environment”, otherwise let us perish in the ecological catastrophe. And here rights proved to be Gandhi, in its time so hunted down by the mockeries of skeptics that even itself called crank.

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