Spiritual Practice
Four yanas
Yana. The way to achieve various spiritual levels goes through spiritual practice (sadhana). Many different interests are realized through spiritual practice. It can also be just love or affection for the Almighty or for any saint or for any particular deity (or even just its species). It can also be the suffering from the load of samsara. It can also be a material interest. Spiritual practice includes specific techniques such as asanas, special physical exercises, walking (standing and running), pranayama. Also, spiritual practice includes exercises for the mind, such as meditation, mantras, prayers .reading the sutras. Spiritual practice also includes making changes to your lifestyle. Also, spiritual practice includes various ritual actions, ceremonies. Also, spiritual practice includes various options for making donations, oneself or one's actions or values. They conduct spiritual practice either independently or under the guidance of various mentors. They conduct spiritual practice individually or by joining any congenial groups. Many schools, approaches, ways and means of spiritual research are usually systematized, divided, correlated with the four yanas.
? Hinayana (literally
? Mahayana (literally «big chariot») – in the strict, original sense, this is the continuation of the path of spiritual growth after reaching the level of an arhat. This is the way of the bodhisattva. Bodhisattvayana. The main task of a bodhisattva is to bring all souls to spiritual awakening. The goal of the Mahayana is mahanirvana. The one who eventually achieves mahanirvana is called a buddha.
However, there is another, broader meaning of the word Mahayana. It turned out that the Mahayana can also be practiced at the Hinayana stage. Moreover, it turned out that if a person has not yet reached the level of a bodhisattva, however, despite this, he practices what a bodhisattva should do, then his speed of spiritual advancement increases by an order of magnitude. Therefore,
Mahayana – in a broad sense, it is the way of salvation of all souls. Mahayana adepts initially strive for achievement in order to save all souls. This approach is based on the development of bodhichitta. Bodhichitta (literally "enlightened consciousness") is the conscious choice and determination of the adept, whether that adept is already an arhat or not, to dedicate oneself to the salvation of all souls. Mahayana in this broad sense unites all other vehicles. Mahayana is practiced by both monks and lay people. Within the framework of Mahayana schools, there is often an erroneous opinion that mahanirvana differs from minor nirvana in that minor nirvana is entered individually, while mahanirvana is entered by all together. This is not true. Both are achieved individually (there are practically no cases of simultaneous collective awakening). The difference between the one and the other is in the spiritual level (the repentant sinner is higher in spiritual level than the righteous). The practice of the six yogas of Naropa is also part of the Mahayana.
? Tantrayana (literally «secret chariot», tantra translates as «connection, thread, sequence») is a secret esoteric vehicle. Tantrayana is included in the Mahayana and Vajrayana. In Tanrayana, non-trivial means are used to achieve the goal. Magic. Borderline states (life and death). Psychotechnics. Sociotechnics. Tantra is understood as the practice of attaining the ultimate result (“fruit”)—Buddhahood—by any means possible. "The word "tantra" is understood as the inseparability of the cause (base), skillful methods (path) and fruit." Rituals, mudras, meditations, yantras are practiced in tantra. All tantra practices are secret. You can't tell anyone about them. Otherwise, there will be no effect from the practice. An important detail of tantra is the bodhisattva vow. That is, the adept, without fail, whether he is an arhat or not, must take a vow that he will save all living beings. It is also an important condition for tantra to take a vow to achieve Buddhahood, in order to later save all or as many souls as possible. Tantra is considered the shortest and at the same time the most dangerous path. It is very important for a tantric adept to find a good teacher, who must also be carefully checked.
Tantra transforms the adept into a divine being. Identification with the deity (deities) occurs through mantras, mandalas, meditations, rituals. Of particular importance in practice are signs and symbols, in particular words written in Sanskrit characters (which is quite in line with Orthodox arguments about the need to read prayers in Old Slavonic; and which inevitably creates a special existential perception; although it is more than obvious that the lag of the church language from the modern is a common natural law). Tantra is characterized by an expansion of the list of practices, departs from traditional Buddhist meditations and rituals, and allows to be borrowed from other religions, such as, for example, yoga, Christianity, Sufism, paganism, Taoism. Physiology is studied as a subject of organism transformation. Techniques for activating sexual energy are used. Such a rule is introduced for the work of consciousness that there are no failures in practice, that is, that any failure is not a failure, but, on the contrary, a success, an event necessary for the development, a lesson, and should be studied for further not repeating the mistake. Moral norms are being revised.
Of particular note is the essential difference between real tantra and what it is commonly mistaken for by amateurs. A large number of recently appeared (at the beginning of the 21st century) supposedly Tantric practitioners practicing in the tradition of Rajneesh or Andrey Lapin, in fact, have nothing to do with real tantra. They just engage in very sophisticated group sex, using esoteric, magical and energy techniques. All this they practice for the sake of getting more and more sophisticated pleasure. As a rule, at these orgies, there is not even any talk of any understanding of what spiritual growth is.
? Vajrayana (literally
Part 2. Apocalypse Code
Apocalypse (?????????? apokalypsis, from of/from: ??? and cover: ???????, literally meaning "from cover" – a disclosure or revelation of great knowledge) is the name after its first word of the last book of the New Testament, «The Revelation of St. John the Theologian»; a description of the events, cataclysms and miracles preceding the coming of the Lamb, his coming and the coming of the kingdom of heaven.
Code. The Revelation of John the Theologian is an encrypted message from God to people. To understand the message, you need to have a key to decipher it: code. The key to deciphering is the interpretation of terms. Why was it necessary to be so clever, so difficult to encrypt the message?.. – The answer is simple. If there were no code, if there were no seals, if the message was transmitted in plain text, then it would not have reached the addressee. And the addressee is us.
The lifting of the seals is the lifting of the moral prohibition that humanity had on attempts to decipher the holy Scriptures. Before the seals were removed, mankind was under the delusion that only the holy Church, its dignitaries, had the moral right to interpret the holy Scriptures by default. The lifting of the seals – is the destruction of that prejudice, the stereotype that if Revelation is part of the doctrine of this religion, then it cannot contradict its doctrine and, moreover, testify against it.