Странности нашего тела. Занимательная анатомия
17. Goldwyn, М., How a Fly Walks Upside Down… And Other Curious Facts, New York, Wing Books, 1995, p.64.
18. Доктор Джон Кеминк работает на медицинском факультете Мичиганского университета в Энн Арборе.
19. Corliss, W.. Science Frontiers: Some Anomalies and Curiosities of Nature, Glen Arm, Maryland, The Sourcebook Project, 1994, p.125.
20. Gonzalez-Fernandez. P., 'Back and Forth', New Scientist, 14 March 199$, p.65.
21. Whittaker, G., 'Back and Forth', New Scientist, 14 March 1998, p.65.
22. Edell, D., 'The Dr. Dean Edell Program', KGO Radio, San Francisco, 27 February 1996.
23. Sheaver, P., The Deafness of Beethoven: An Audiologic and Medical Overview', American Journal of Otology, vol. 11,1990, pp.370—374.
24. Juan, S., 'When It's All in the Ear of the Beholder', The Sydney Morning Herald, 9 August 1988, p.17.
25. Blakesiee, S.,'Q & A', The New York Times, 3 October 1987. p.Y16
1. Provine, R., Hamernik, H. & Curchack,
2. Rensberger, В., 'This Story Is Bound to Make You Yawn', The Washington Post, 12 November 1992, pp. Dl, D6.
3. McCarthy, P., 'Yawning To Breathe Free?', Psychology Today, February 1987, p.9.
4. Juan, S., 'Why One Yawn Can Lead To Another', The Sydney Morning Herald, 14 July 1988, p.16.
5. Cooper, M., Winning With Your Voice, Hollywood, Florida, Fell Publishers, 1989.
6. Moody, L., 'What Your Voice Says About You', The Los Angeles Daily News, 13 May 1992, pp. D2, D3.
7. Zamichow, N., The Urge To *Um", The Los Angeles Times, 29 April 1992, p.B4, and Juan, S., 4Sick of the Sound of Your Own Voice', The Sydney Morning Herald, 12 November 1992, p.12.
8. Xenakis, A., Why Doesn't My Funny Bone Make Me Laugh?, New York, Villard Books, 1993, pp.85^-86.
9. Juan, S., *A Hard-to-Swallow Ailment', The Sydney Morning Herald, 24 November 1993, p.13.
10. Ray, G., *Q & A', The New York Times, 23 June 1992, p.B8.
11. Доктор Лесли Гартнер работает на факультете анатомии стоматологического отделения университета Мэриленда в Балтиморе.
12. Ray, С, 'Adam's Apple', New York Times, 23 March 1993, p.B9.
13. Berger, J., 'Bizarre Medical Facts', Weekly World News, 28 June 1998, p.16.
14. Quinn, C, 'Ouch!', New Scientist, 28 October 1995, p.73.
15. Ray, C, 'Biting Aluminium', New York Times, 6 October 1996, p.Bll.
16. Edell. D., 'The Dr. Dean Edell Program', KGO Radio, San Francisco, 19 February 1996,
17. Wallechinsky, D. & Wallace, A., The Book of Lists: The '90s Edition, Boston, Little, Brown & Company* 1997, p.457.
19. Доктор Уильям Джолли работает в медицинском колледже Вирджинии.
20. Edell, D., The Dr. Dean Edell Program1, KGO Radio, San Francisco, 5 May 1994.
21. Feldman, D., When Do Fish Sleep? And Other Imponderables of Everyday Life, New York, HarperCollins, 1989, p.129.
22. Maye, C, 'Your Heart Beats 36 Million Times a Year', Weekly World News, 27 February 1996, p.42.
23. Feldman, D., Imponderables: The Solution to the Mysteries of Everyday Life, New York, Quill, 1986, pp.257—260.
24. Доктор Томас Грейнер работает в отделении анатомии и физической антропологии Нью-Йоркского колледжа хиропрактики.
1. Syme, S., The Itch That Dares Not Speak Its Name', University of California, Berkeley Wellness Letter, March 1988, pp.6—7.
2. Juan, S..,. 'Irritating Mystery of KchingV The Sydney Morning Herald, 12 September 1988, p.17.
3. Schmeek, H., 'Q & A', The New York Times, 17 February 1987, p.Y19.
4. Juan, S., Thin-Skinned, Lots'of Exposure and Likely to Wrinkle1, The Sydney Morning Herald, 14 November 1988. p.21.
5. Juan, 'Wrinkles? That's Stretching It a Bit …', The Sydney Morning Herald, 8 June 1994, p.13, и Blakeslee, S., *Q & A', The New York Times, 23 February 1988, p.Y19.
6. Xenakis, A., Why Doesn't My Funny Bone Make Me Laugh?, New York, Villard Books, 1993, pp.140—142.
7. Juan, S., 'When Your Hair Stands On End', The Sydney Morning Herald, 25 January 1989, p.13.
8. Доктор Брюс Лобиц работает в отделении скорой помощи в Региональном медицинском центре Эй-кена.
9. Feldman, D., Why Do Clocks Run Clockwise? And Other Imponderables, New York, Harper & Row, 1987. pp.8,9.
10. Staff of the Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne, Australia, Paediatric Handbook, Fourth Edition, Melbourne, Blackwell Scientific Publications* 1992, p.159.