Танец жизни. Новая наука о том, как клетка становится человеком
Глава 7. Надо ли использовать в исследованиях человеческие эмбрионы?
[1] Cambridge Study Named as People’s Choice for Science Magazine’s Breakthrough of the Year 2016. University of Cambridge, accessed April 4, 2019. URL: www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/cambridge-study-named-as-peoples-choice-for-science-agazines-breakthrough-of-the-year-2016. v
[2] Human Embryo Culture. Nuffield Foundation for Bioethics, August 2017. URL:Human-Embryo-Culture-web-FlNAL.pdf.
[3] John Paul II encyclical, n.d., John Paul II website, accessed April 4, 2019. URL:encyclicals/documents/hfJp-ii_enc_25031995_evangeliumvitae. html#%241N.
[4] J. Rossant, P. P. L. Tam. Exploring Early Human Embryo Development. Science 360 (2018): 1075—1076. Doi: 10.1126/science.aas9302.
[5] John Rock, Miriam F. Menkin. In Vitro Fertilization and Cleavage of Human Ovarian Eggs. Science 100 (1944): 105—107. Doi: 10.1126/ science. 100.2588.105.
[6] Roy O. Greep. Min Chueh Chang 1908—1991: A Biographical Memoir. Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 1995. URL: www. nasonline.org/publications/biographical-memoirs/memoir-pdfs/ chang-m-c.pdf.
[7] R. G. Edwards. Meiosisin Ovarian Oocytes of Adult Mammals. Nature 196 (1962): 446-450.
[8] Martin H. Johnson, Carol Ann Ziomek. The Foundation of Two Distinct Cell Lineages Within the Mouse Morula. Cell 24. No. 1 (1981): 245-262. Doi.org/10.1016/0092-8674(81 )90502-X.
[9] Ibid.
[10] R. G Edwards, B. D. Bavister, P. C. Steptoe. Early Stages of Fertilization In Vitro of Human Oocytes Matured In Vitro. Nature 221 (1969): 632-635.
[11] R. G. Edwards, D. J. Sharpe. Social Values and Research in Human Embryology. Nature 231 (1971): 87-91.
[12] Monash University IVF History, accessed April 4,2019. URL: https:// monashivf.com/about-us/history/.
[13] Martin H. Johnson, Sarah B. Franklin, Matthew Cottingham, Nick Hopwood. Why the Medical Research Council Refused Robert Edwards and Patrick Steptoe Support for Research on Human Conception in 1971. Human Reproduction 25. No. 9 (2010): 2157—2174. Doi:10.1093/ humrep/deql55.
[14] A. Lopata, I. W. Johnston, I. J. Hoult, A. I. Speirs. Pregnancy Following Intrauterine Implantation of an Embryo Obtained by In Vitro Fertilization of a Preovulatory Egg. Fertility and Sterility 33. No.2(1980): 117-120.
[15] John Webster, email to Roger Highfield, February 24, 2019; Louise Brown. Louise Brown: 40 Years of IVF. Bristol, UK: Bristol Books, 2015,32; Duncan Wilson. The Making of British Bioethics. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 2014, 152.
[16] Johnson et al. Why the Medical Research Council Refused, 2157—2174.
[17] Wilson. The Making of British Bioethics, 152.
[18] M. H. Johnson, K. Elder. The Oldham Notebooks: An Analysis of the Development of IVF 1969—1978. V. The Role of Jean Purdy Reassessed. Reproductive Biomedicine and Society Online 1 (2015): 46—57. Doi: 10.1016/j.rbms.2015.04.005; M. H. Johnson. IVF: The Women Who Helped Make It Happen. Reproductive Biomedicine and Society Online 8 (2019): 1—6. URL:rbms.2018.11.002.
[19] Johnson, Elder. The Oldham Notebooks, 46—57.
[20] Wilson. The Making of British Bioethics, 154.
[22] Wilson, The Making of British Bioethics, 140.
[23] Ibid.
[24] Ingmar Persson. Two Claims About Potential Human Beings. Bioethics 17. Nos. 5—6 (2003): 503—517. Doi: https://doi.org/10.lll/1467-8519.00364.
[25] Баронесса Мери Варнок, электронное письмо Роджеру Хай-филду, 21 января 2019 года.
[26] «Законодательное регулирование ЭКО», https://youtu.be/phwVo-W-G_I.
[27] Mary Warnock and the Committee of Inquiry into Human Fertilisation and Embryology, Department of Health and Social Security. Report of the Committee of Inquiry into Human Fertilisation and Embryology, July 1984 (London: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1988). Copy on the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority website. URL: www. hfea.gov.uk/media/2608/wamock-report-of-the-committee-of- in-quiry-into-humanfertilisation-and-embryology-1984.pdf.
[28] «Законодательное регулирование ЭКО», https://youtu.be/phwVo-W-GI.
[29] В основном это заслуга невролога Джона Уолтона. «Законодательное регулирование ЭКО», https://youtu.be/phwVo-W-G_I.
[30] «Законодательное регулирование ЭКО», https://youtu.be/phwVo-W-GJ.
[31] Stem Cell Research and Regulations Under the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act /99(7 (Revised Edition). House of Commons Library, www.files.ethz.ch/isn/44586/rp00-093.pdf.
[32] Fetal Awareness: Review of Research and Recommendations for Practice. Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, June 25, 2010, accessed April 4, 2019. URL: www.rcog.org.uk/en/guidelines-re-search-services/guidelines/fetal-awareness—-review-of-research-and-recommendations-for-practice.
[33] R. C. Tyser, A. M. Miranda, C. Chen, S. M. Davidson, S. Srinivas, R R. Riley. Calcium Handling Precedes Cardiac Differentiation to Initiate the First Heartbeat. eLife 5 (2016): e 17113. Doi: 10.7554/ eLife.17113.
134] Roger Highfield. First IVF Baby Louise Brown Celebrates 40th at the Science Museum. Science Museum blog, July 26, 2018, accessed April 4,2019. URL: https://blog.sciencemuseum.org.uk/firstivf-baby-louise-brown-celebrates-40th-at-the-science-museum/.
[35] J. Benjamin Hurlbut. Experiments in Democracy: Human Embryo Research and the Politics of Bioethics. New York: Columbia University Press, 2017.
[36] Amy Lee, Ann A. Kiessling. Early Human Embryos Are Naturally An-euploid—Can That Be Corrected? Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics 34. No. 1 (2016): 15-21. Doi: 10.1007/sl0815-016-0845-7.
Глава 8. Саймон
[1] S. Santaguida, A. Tighe, A. M. D’Alise, S. S. Taylor, A. Musac-chio. Dissecting the Role of MPS1 in Chromosome Bi orientation and the Spindle Checkpoint Through the Small Molecule Inhibitor Reversine. Journal of Cell Biology 190 (2010): 73—87.