Внешнеторговый международный контракт: типовой образец, пример контракта, экономические и юридические аспекты

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Внешнеторговый международный контракт: типовой образец, пример контракта, экономические и юридические аспекты



Один из способов тренировать ин. язык – обучать иностранцев русскому языку, русской литературе, философии и истории России (для чего стоит повышать их знание).

Денис Шевчук

Замечено, что многие люди не знают элементарных правил русского языка, например:

1. Количество кавычек всегда должно быть четным, как скобки в математике.

Рядом стоящие кавычки могут быть двух видов – "…" и «…» (лапки и елочки).

Правильно: "слова «слова»" или «слова "слова"»

Неправильно: «слова»» и "слова "слова"

Эти ошибки есть даже в

названиях крупных фирм и некоторых статьях и книжках.

2. Если в конце предложения есть информация в скобках, точка ставится после скобок, не ставится перед скобками и внутри перед закрывающей скобкой.

Правильно: слова (слова).

Неправильно: слова. (слова.)

Менеджер – наемный управленец, начальник!

Если у вас нет ни одного подчиненного – вы не менеджер,

а максимум специалист!

Денис Шевчук

What should normally be included in a sale contract and how?It would be no exaggeration to say that those with the right answers have got the key to success in the world of business.Despite (or probably due to?)the significance and complexity of this management skill and of the appropriate language,Business English teaching materials on this subject are scarce if any.

This book deals with contractual issues of interest to all companies and business people involved in international trade.It has been compiled to meet the practical language needs of professional adults who require contractual English for work and who are serious about their business.The book is designed to illustrate and clarify the English of contracts for the international sale of goods with special emphasis on the legal aspects of this type of contract.Its objective is to provide students with the appropriate English for drafting sale contracts.

The topics covered in the book are:

 sources of law governing contracts for the international sale of goods (the 1980 Vienna Convention,the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)

 world-wide contractual standards (Incoterms,the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts,the ICC Model International Sale Contract).

Excerpts from these documents endow the book with immediate practicability.

The book covers words and expressions that frequently occur and recur in sources of law governing contracts for the international sale of goods as well as in non-legislative world-wide contractual standards.Some of these words and collocations appear much more often in such documents than elsewhere.Others occur more generally,but are used in these documents in a particular way.Vocabulary Notes at the back of the book (Language Focus,Part 1)show what these words and collocations mean,how they are used and how they relate to each other.Exercises in Language Focus are based on the latest research into the Lexical Approach in teaching International Business English.The exercises in this section (Language Focus,Part 2)help students acquire the ability to combine words,many of which they already know,into the phrases and expressions which are the basis of contractual English.

This book can be used by students alone or in class.We strongly advise that the study of the book be followed up by a business game on drafting a sale contract.


для повторения английского языка книгу Шевчук Д.А. Английский язык. Ускоренный курс: средний уровень. – М: Аст: Восток – Запад, 2007.

Дополнительно рекомендуем электронные книги (полный список в конце книги)

1. Шевчук Денис. Английский язык: самоучитель

2. Шевчук Денис. Английский для экономистов (учебник английского языка)

3. Шевчук Денис. Бизнес английский: курс бизнес английского

4. Шевчук Денис. Деловой английский: бизнес английский язык

5. Шевчук Денис. Методика изучения иностранного языка (ускоренное изучение)

6. Шевчук Денис. Письмо на английском языке: примеры, как писать (личное, деловое, резюме, готовые письма как образец)

7. Шевчук Денис. Деловой английский язык: стандартные фразы на английском

8. Шевчук Денис. Практическая и теоретическая грамматика английского языка (английская грамматика)

Электронные книги Шевчука Дениса можно скачать на сайте (litres.ru) по ссылке http:///pages/biblio_authors/?subject=61041&lfrom=102&lfrom=202213444


The global economy has given businesses broader access than ever before to markets all over the world. Goods are sold in more countries, in larger quantities, and in greater variety. But as the volume and complexity of international sales increase, so do possibilities for misunderstandings and costly disputes if sales contracts are not adequately drafted.

Contracts are normally governed by a particular domestic law the choice of which is settled by agreement of the parties. Frequently, parties to a contract are unaware of the various laws and trading practices of their respective countries.

In order to remedy these problems, attempts have been made for the unification of rules relating to contracts for the international sale of goods. Efforts towards the international unification of contract law have essentially taken the form of binding instruments such as international conventions.

The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, Vienna, 1980 is based on the assumption that uniform law, even after its incorporation into the various national legal systems, only formally becomes an integral part of the latter, whereas from a substantive point of view it does not lose its original character of a special body of law autonomously developed at the international level and intended to be applied in a uniform manner throughout the world.

Parties to international contracts of sale may also agree that their contract be governed by the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts drawn up by the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law in Rome in 1994. The UNIDROIT Principles are a balanced set of rules designed for use throughout the world irrespective of the legal traditions and the economic and political conditions of the countries in which they are to be applied.

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