«Вперед, Котенок!» и другие... Сказки для театра [С иллюстрациями]
THE POT (is prompting). I can dream… so…
THE OLD BOOT. Can dream so…
THE POT (is prompting). That…
THE MOTH. Is that all?
THE OLD BOOT. It is all!
THE LITTLE CARP. It is clear.
THE POT. Feel envious? Well, Boot, Tell them, how the day passes.
THE OLD BOOT. Day passes and…
THE LITTLE CARP. Stop talking! You are dreaming in the wrong way! One shouldn't dream as you do!
THE OLD BOOT. I am right!
THE MOTH. Try to dream of the most important thing.
THE OLD BOOT. That's what I'm doing: everything passes, everything goes to its end…
THE LITTLE CARP. Boot, tell me, do you have something valuable?
THE OLD BOOT. I have… My thoughts!
THE LITTLE CARP. No, the most important thing, you've got is your sole.
THE OLD BOOT. My sole!
THE MOTH. And what about you, Pot?
THE POT. My soul!
THE MOTH. No, Pot, it's your cover.
THE POT. Cover!
THE MOTH and THE LITTLE CARP. And you should dream of this!
THE POT. My Cover!
THE LITTLE CARP. Oh, my fins.
THE MOTH. My wings.
THE LITTLE CARP. I'll swim to the black sea!
THE MOTH. I'll fly to high pine-trees!
THE OLD BOOT. I can't remain on my feet!
THE POT. I'm boiling with life!
THE OLD BOOT (suddenly). Let's take the field!
EVERYBODY. The field! The field!
THE OLD BOOT. We are marching together!
EVERYBODY. Together!
THE POT. We are singing our song loudly!
EVERYBODY. Our song!
THE LITTLE CARP. We'll try to catch the sunshine!
EVERYBODY. The sunshine!
THE MOTH. We'll be jumping over the thistle!
EVERYBODY. Over the thistles!
They sing their song.
THE OLD BOOT. We are marching together!
EVERYBODY. Together!
THE POT. Go on, music!
THE LITTLE CARP. Hello, Sunshine!
EVERYBODY. Sunshine!
THE MOTH. Our beautiful dream has got the wings!
EVERYBODY. The wings!
They leave singing.
The Smart Cat and The Fly.
THE SMART CAT. How silly they are! They'll never get over the thistles!
THE FLY. The sun will set by the evening, they'll lose their way!
THE SMART CAT. They can't see anything in the darkness!
THE FLY. They can't see anything in the darkness!
THE FLY. They'll step on each others feet! They'll beat each other up! They'll quarrel!
THE SMART CAT. They'll attack each other!
THE FLY. They'll quarrel!
THE SMART CAT. They'll beat each other!
THE FLY. They'll return back. They won't get over the thistles!
THE SMART CAT. The sun will set! They'll lose their way!
THE FLY. They'll deceive themselves.
THE SMART CAT. They'll return! Quarrel! That's it!
THE FLY. They'll quarrel! This way…
They start beating each other.
THE SMART CAT. Oh' They'll tease each other!
THE FLY. They'll attack!
THE FLY. Bite one another!
THE SMART CAT. My only eye!
THE FLY. My only sixth leg!
Stop beating each other.
THE SMART CAT. Smart Cat is nice, shrewd, clever, cowardly! Calm down, take away your paw. drop your tail, hide your claws, open your eye. You can't open it! Well, purr then… Mrr… How silly they are!
THE FLY. You see now, our first plan didn't work. We thought it over for nothing!
THE SMART CAT. I see! I can't see anything! How dark it is!.. They can't see in the darkness! Neither do I now! Why did you bite me?
THE FLY. Night will soon fall. Sun will set. Still we have the time to start the quarrel between them. We should steal their friendship.
THE SMART CAT. I'm always ready to steal something.
THE FLY. Then, listen. I am small, so I'll follow Little Carp, Moth, Old Boot and Pot. I'll attack then in the darkness and make them quarrel. Their friendship is so small, that I'll be able to steal it. And you, Smart Cat, stay here with Kitten and Dandelion. They've got the large friendship.
Темный Патриарх Светлого Рода
1. Темный Патриарх Светлого Рода
юмористическое фэнтези
рейтинг книги
Под маской моего мужа
Любовные романы:
современные любовные романы
рейтинг книги
Держать удар
11. Девяностые
альтернативная история
рейтинг книги
Любовь Носорога
Любовные романы:
современные любовные романы
рейтинг книги
Кодекс Охотника. Книга XXIII
23. Кодекс Охотника
боевая фантастика
рейтинг книги
Меняя маски
1. Унесенный ветром
боевая фантастика
рейтинг книги
![Меняя маски](https://style.bubooker.vip/templ/izobr/no_img2.png)