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Аlone with yourself

Up to 500 000 RUB / month

From 500 000 RUB / month

I will explain this gradation in another form. Imagine the situation, you, an adult family man, returning in the evening from work, meet your school friend, who sat at the same Desk for several years. You must welcome him smile and shout:

Are you? How are you? At all where, as, that????

In the answer the first type of humanity, perhaps, will tell:

– Oh, fancy meeting you here, great, glad to see you, old man, let's sit somewhere and talk, I have a life away from our really all lost, you know about them? – well, and approximately in such context conversation of two old friends in any cafe will begin.

In the answer the second type of humanity, perhaps, will tell:

– Oh, great, how's it? Fine? Well, me, too, in General, spinning, how can you, too, family, children, all like everyone else? And, thank God, okay, come on, run, see you around sometime, so after a short transfer template greetings would have fled, two old friend.

In response to the third type of humanity, perhaps, say nothing and pass by, gently nodding his head, or not paying attention. And perhaps he will tell:

– Mistaken.

Or so:

– Yeah, great, sorry about that.

Or maybe such a person will stop out of politeness, limit himself to short answers "Yes", "No", spend a minute or two to listen to the turbulent flow of feelings, his old friend, then hurriedly say goodbye and on the move let go of the thought:

– Yeah, I guess I'm one of his class to the people behind, and maybe from the whole school, miserable.


And now, looking at the whole picture, I could not help think:

"Maybe it's normal to keep our country in poverty and not let it get off its knees. Maybe we really just can't be rich and powerful. After all, if we prosper over other countries, we will simply turn everyone else into slaves, we will not see people around us, we will first begin to trample into the dirt of each other, and then we will subjugate the whole world and turn into povilivayuschih creatures who have forgotten about morality and humanity.

We are the most rebellious people in the world, the most stubborn and unyielding, as shown by numerous wars. We are very cool to help each other out, in trouble being in one trench, on one thread of life, we hit their fraternal relations in difficult situations, give their lives for those who do not even know, and risk putting at stake everything for the benefit of others, our dear fellow citizens. But when our disobedience breaks out through power, we simply cease to be human.

I agree that not all people turn into scum as they get rich, but I also note that not everyone shows the kind of who they really are, hiding behind charity events, generous donations and sweet smiles.

Personally, I never intended to get rich. Although, I suspect, that a child could dream of wealth. But in the period of understanding things, never rushed to the third group of humanity, because early began to realize the fee for wealth. Houses, car Park, villas, Bank accounts can not take with you, it's not something for which it is worth living, it should not be the goal itself, as an addition and a means to achieve the goal – Yes, but not the goal itself. Money should be enough, like everything else, but so that You manage your finances, not they You. So that self-esteem does not turn into "ambition", so that the mind was bright, and not poisoned by delusions of grandeur and a passionate craving for profit. So we passed by his old friends, and continued to maintain fraternal relations, transferring them from the trenches of the fields of combat in the harsh reality of the peaceful destruction of personality.

A three-pointer

– Yes, I I know you, you were never a man.

– What are you talking about? And why then so much years lived with me?

– Out of pity, nothing more.

– You're not grateful.

You're right, and I got smarter, I'm leaving you, goodbye!

And, slamming the door, my ex-girlfriend took the pre-collected bags of things and left me in splendid isolation with all the debts, problems and hardships accumulated over three and a half years of life together.

The phone rang.:

– Dear, have a conscience, two months, the rent is not pay for me, what with the police to come and throw you out like puppies?

– How inappropriate, flashed in my head.

Hello, you decided to pretend to be dumb, with me, this will not, today, Tuesday, Thursday if you don't bring me the money for the apartment, we will spend the night at the station, and the tube was frequent small beeps.

I will briefly introduce you to what is happening in my life, why and why. The fact is that four years ago, in my last year at the Institute, I met a charming girl Ira. She did not reciprocate me, but then somehow still began to occasionally look in my direction and after six months of my courtship, she gave up. However, she surrendered the next day after a casual acquaintance with my parent. I walked her to the bus stop, and at that time my father in a black tinted Executive car with flashing lights, drove by and exchanged a few words with me on the occasion. He then worked as a driver during the administration, but by the will of fate in this moment oversaw Intern and with an official threw me from the back seat short:

– Hi son, I'll drop by tonight.

Although he came home without that every day strictly to twenty hours seven minutes, after we were transported to local "bumps".

Irina lupala eyes and didn't understand what was happening. And not to spoil the impression I did not tell her that my dad is a simple driver, but only tactfully explained:

– I would not like to give publicity to the places, positions and salaries of their relatives, let's not talk about them, they are all good, but how things will develop in our country, it is much more interesting!

And events began to develop so rapidly that late mutual love of my darling proved itself more than make up for all the lost time.

– You have me so nice, she said every day, despite my application to achieve all by yourself without the help of relatives.

– Of course, you're right, we can do it ourselves and will not required, you are such a good girl.

For about a year we met in parks and cinemas, spent time with friends or in rented apartments, and then I rented a Studio on the outskirts of the city in which we lived until now.

She worked in some spa-salon, I spun as I could, enough for life, as well as enough for loans such purchases as fur coat girlfriend, cool phone, expensive jewelry and, finally, the main fiasco of our relationship, after which I was thrown – a car loan for half a million, decorated naturally for me.

– We are not suckers who have to drive old, cheap cars, – supported me my love. The driver's license of the two of us was only my faithful, so who to make a purchase the question was solved somehow by itself.

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