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Английский язык для медиков: конспект лекций

The major muscle groups and their innervations. A simple method of organizing the muscles of the neck is based on two basic principles: (1) The muscles may be arranged in group according to their functions; and (2) all muscles in a group share common innervation with one exception in each group.

Group 1: Muscles of the tongue. All intrinsic muscles plus all but one of the extrinsic muscles (i. e., those containing the suffix, glossus) of the tongue are supplied by CN XII. The one exception is palatoglos-sus, which is supplied by CN X.

Group 2: Muscles of the larynx. All but one of the intrinsic muscles of the larynx are supplied by the recurrent laryngeal branch of the vagus nerve. The sole exception is the cricothyroid muscle, which is supplied by the external laryngeal branch of the vagus.

Group 3: Muscles of the pharynx. All but one of the longitudinal and circular muscles of the pharynx are supplied by CNs X and XI (cranial portion). The sole exception is the stylopharyngeus muscle, which is supplied by CN IX.

Group 4: Muscles of the soft palate. All but one of the muscles of the palate are supplied by CNs X and XI (cranial portion). The sole exception is the tensor veli palatini, which is supplied CN V3.

Group 5: Infrahyoid muscles. All but one of the infrahyoid muscles are supplied by the ansa cervicalis of the cervical olexus (C1, C2, and C3). The exception is the thyrohyoid, which is supplied by a branch of C1. (This branch of C1 also supplies the geniohyoid muscle).

New words

neck –


cervical – цервикальный

vertebrae – позвоночник

transverse – поперечный

artery – артерия

vein – вена

atlas – атлант (первый шейный позвонок)

axis – ось

movement – движение

joint – сустав

to allow – позволять

lateral – боковой

rotation – вращение

head – голова

cricoid cartilage – перстневидный хрящ гортани

posterior – следующий

triangle – треугольник

subdivided – подразделен

scapulae – лопатка

medial – медиальный

scalene – лестничная мышца

brachial plexus – плечевое сплетение

to receive – получать

vagus nerve – блуждающий нерв

hypoglossal nerve – подъязычный нерв

laryngeal branches – гортанные ветви

Запомните следующие застывшие словосочетания.

Застывшие словосочетания Таблица 3.

Заполните пропуски, где необходимо.

1. Every day my husband goes to… work, my son goes to… school and I go to… institute.

2. There is… new school at… corner of our street.

3. My daughter came… home from… school on. Monday and said to me: «There will be… parentsmeeting on… tenth of February at six o'clock in… evening.

4… teacher told us… very interest ing story at… lesson.

5. When… bell rang, pupils went into… classroom.

6. We are usually at… school from nine o'clock in… morning till two o'clock in… afternoon.

7. We don't go to… school on… Sunday.

8. What do you do after… breakfast? – After… breakfast I go to… school.

9. My granny likes to read I… book after… lunch.

10… people usually have… breakfast in… morning.

11. They have. dinner in. afternoon.

12. In… evening… people have.supper.

13. Who cooks… dinner in your family?

14. Yesterday father told us… very interesting story at… breakfast.

15. What did you have for… lunch at… school Wednesday?

16. We had… salad and. tea.

17. My mother never has… supper with… family.

18. She does not like to eat in… evening.

19. When do you clean your teeth in… morning: before breakfast or after. breakfast?

20. Usually I have… tea for… lunch.

Answer the questions.

1. How many vertebrae are in the cervical vertebrae?

2. How many of them are atypical?

3. How is the first cervical vertebra called?

4. How is the second cervical vertebra called?

5. What does the second cervical vertebra have?

6. What movement pivot joint allows to do?

7. What is the form of hyoid bone?

8. Where is subclavian triangle located?

9. With help of what is digastric triangle bound by?

10. What are the fascias of the neck?

Make the sentences of your own using the new words (10 sentences).

Find the definite and indefinite articles in the text.

ЛЕКЦИЯ № 14. Thoracic wall

There are 12 thoracic vertebrae. The vertebrae have facets on their bodies to articulate with the heads of ribs; each rib articulates with the body of the numerically corresponding vertebra and the one below it. The thoracic vertebrae have faces on their transverse processes to articulate with the tubercles of the numerically corresponding ribs. Sternum: the manubrium articulates with the clavicle and the first rib. It meets the body of the sternum at the sternal angel an important clinical landmark.

The body articulates directly with ribs 2-7; it articulates interiorly with the xiphoid process at the xiphisternal junction. The xiphoid process is cartilaginous at birth and usually ossifies and unites with the body of the sternum around age 40.

Ribs and costal cartilages: there are 12 pairs of ribs, which are attached posteriorly to thoracic vertebrae.

Ribs 1-7 are termed

«true ribs» and attach directly to the sternum by costal cartilages.

Ribs 8-10 are termed «false ribs» and attach to the costal cartilage of the rib above. Ribs 11 and 12 have no anterior attachments, and are therefore classified as both «floating ribs» and false ribs. The costal groove is located along the inferior border of each rib and provides protection for the intercostal nerve artery, and vein, ribs 1, 2, 10, 11, and 12 are atypical. Muscles: external intercostal muscles.

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