Английский язык для медиков: конспект лекций
The cell membranes of a mixture of protein and lipid form its surroundings.
Membranes are an essential component of almost all cells organel-les. The membrane allows only certain molecules to pass through it.
The most visible and essential organelle in a cell is the nucleus, containing genetic material and regulating the activities of the entire cell.
The area outside of the molecules is called the cytoplasm. Cytoplasm contains a variety of organelles that have different functions.
New words
cell – клетка
independent – независимый
unit – единица
body – тело
all –
life – жизнь
human – человеческий
together – вместе
tissue – ткань
organ systems – системы органов
to function – функционировать
to contain – содержать
membranes – мембраны
protein – протеин
nucleus – ядро
cytoplasm – цитоплазм
different – различный
Спряжение глагола to be в Present Simple.
To be – быть, находиться, являться. После следующих местоимений он меняет свою форму.
Спряжение глагола to be в Present Simple Таблица 1
For example.
1. I am a pupil. I am not a pupil. Am I a pupil?
2. She is a girl. She is not a girl. Is she a girl?
3. You are a good friend. You are not a good friend. Are you a good friend?
Поставьте глагол to be в правильную форму, заполнив пропуски.
1. I… a pupil.
2. My father. not a teacher, he… a scientist.
3.. your sister a teacher?
4. Mary. a painter.
5.. they at home?
6. My father. a worker.
7. She. at work.
8.. you a doctor?
9. He… a pilot.
10. We… students.
11. They… carpenters.
12… they at home?
13. they… not at home.
14. He… at work.
15… your sister a typist?
16… your brother at school?
17… your sister in the cabinet?
18. My sister… at home.
19… this your cat?
20. She… an actress.
21. This… my bag.
22. He… professor.
23. Helen… a singer.
24… you an engineer?
25. He… Russian.
Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глагол to be в Present Simple.
1. Я ученик. Я в школе.
2. Мой брат художник. Он не инженер.
3. Моя сестра на работе. Она врач.
4. Он студент, а не учитель.
5. Вы студент? – Нет, я ученик.
6. Моя сестра дома. Она больна.
7. Мы не в школе. Мы дома.
8. Мой брат ученик. Он в школе.
9. Ваша мама дома? – Нет, она на работе.
10. Ваш двоюродный брат дома? – Нет, он в школе.
11. Твоя сестра здорова сейчас? – Да, она здорова.
12. Ваша сестра учительница? – Нет, она студентка.
13. Твой папа на работе? Нет, он на даче.
14. Твоя сестра машинистка? – Да. Она машинистка.
15. Мой дедушка не ученый, он геолог.
16. Моя мама не учительница. Она врач.
17. Чья это ручка? – Это моя ручка.
18. Чья это книга? – Это ваша книга.
19. Чей это стол? – Это стол моего брата.
20. Чья это сумка? – Это сумка моей мамы.
21. Чей это карандаш? – Это карандаш моей сестры.
22. Это твоя тетрадь? – Да, это моя тетрадь.
23. Это тетрадь твоего брата? – Нет, это моя.
24. Где ваш стол? – Он посередине комнаты.
25. Где твоя ручка? – Она в моем кармане.
26. Где твоя тетрадь? – Она на столе.
Answer the questions.
1. What is the cell consists of?
2. What is a membrane?
3. Is cell the smallest independent unit of the body?
4. What can be grown in test – tubes?
5. What can various tissues form, when they are together?
6. What are the organ system consist of?
7. What are cell characterized by?
8. What are cell organelles?
9. What ate membranes?
10. What is the cytoplasm?
Make the sentences of your own using the new words (10 sentences).
Find the verb to be in the text. Explain why it is used in such a way?
Find one word, which is a little bit different in meaning from others (найдите
1) a) cell; b) body; c) flower;
2) a) life; b) plate; c) people;
3) a) test-tube; b) microscope; c) pen;
4) a) curtain; b) body; c) tissue;
5) a) spoon; b) kidney; c) liver.
ЛЕКЦИЯ № 2. Tissue
A tissue is a group of cells working together to do a special job. A histologist is one who specializes in the study of tissues. The cells, of which the tissues are made, contain from 60 to 99% water. Gases, liquids and solids dissolve in the water. Chemical reactions that are necessary for proper body function are carried on much more readily in a water solution. The water solution and other materials in which the tissues are bathed is slightly salty. This substance is called tissue fluid. It must be mentioned that an insufficiency of tissues fluid is called dehydration and an abnormal accumulation of this fluid caused a condition called edema.
Tissue classification: The 4 main groups of tissues are:
1) epithelial tissue forms elands, covers surfaces and lines cavities;
2) connective tissue holds all parts of the body in Place. This can be fat, cartilage, bone or blood. Blood sometimes is considered a sort of tissue, since it contains cells and performs many of the functions of tissues. However; the blood has many other unique characteristics;
3) nerve tissue conducts nerve impulses all over the body;
4) the muscle tissue is designed for power-producing contractions. The surface of the body and of the tubes or passages leading to the exterior and the surface of the various cavities in the body are lined by cells which are closely approximated to each other; thus have a small amount of intercellular substance. This lining cellular layer is called epithelium. An epithelial layer may be one or many cells in thickness. When it is composed of a single layer, it is called a simple epithelium; when two or more cells in thickness, it is stratified. The nature and consistency of intercellular substance, the matrix, and the amount and arrangement of fibers furnish the basis for the subdivision of connective tissue into three main groups: connective tissue proper, cartilage and bone. In connective tissue the intercellular substance is soft; in cartilage it is firm, yet flexible and elastic; in bone it is rigid due to the deposition of calcium salt in the matrix. In multicellular organisms certain cells developed to a high degree the properties of irritability and conductivity. These cells form the nervous tissues.