Английский язык с Крестным Отцом
Corleone as was Dr. Taza. The bride and groom would live in Dr. Taza's villa
surrounded by its stone wall.
The wedding was the usual peasant one. The villagers stood in the streets and threw
flowers as the bridal party, principals and guests, went on foot from the church to the
bride's home. The wedding procession pelted (to pelt – бросать /в кого-либо/,
забрасывать) the neighbors with sugar-coated almonds, the traditional wedding
candies, and with candies left over made sugary white mountains on the bride's
wedding bed, in this case only a symbolic one since the first night would be spent in the
villa outside Corleone. The wedding feast went on until midnight but bride and groom
would leave before that in the Alfa Romeo. When that time came Michael was surprised
to find that the mother was coming with them to the Corleone villa at the request of the
bride. The father explained: the girl was young, a virgin, a little frightened, she would
need someone to talk to on the morning following her bridal night; to put her on the right
track if things went wrong. These matters could sometimes get very tricky. Michael saw
Apollonia looking at him with doubt in her huge doe-brown eyes. He smiled at her and
And so it came about that they drove back to the villa outside Corleone with the
mother-in-law in the car. But the older woman immediately put her head together with
the servants of Dr. Taza, gave her daughter a hug and a kiss and disappeared from the
scene. Michael and his bride were allowed to go to their huge bedroom alone.
Apollonia was still wearing her bridal costume with a cloak thrown over it. Her trunk
and case had been brought up to the room from the car. On a small table was a bottle
of wine and a plate of small wedding cakes. The huge canopied (canopy [‘kжnpi] –
балдахин, полог) bed was never out of their vision. The young girl in the center of the
room waited for Michael to make the first move.
And now that he had her alone, now that he legally possessed her, now that there
was no barrier to his enjoying that body and face he had dreamed about every night,
Michael could not bring himself to approach her. He watched as she took off the bridal
shawl and draped it over a chair, and placed the bridal crown on the small dressing
table. That table had an array of perfumes and creams that Michael had had sent from
Palermo. The girl tallied (tally – бирка, этикетка, ярлык; счет /в игре/; to tally –
Michael turned off the lights, thinking the girl was waiting for some darkness to shield
her body while she undressed. But the Sicilian moon came through the unshuttered
windows, bright as gold, and Michael went to close the shutters but not all the way, the
room would be too warm.
The girl was still standing by the table and so Michael went out of the room and down
the hall to the bathroom. He and Dr. Taza and Don Tommasino had taken a glass of
wine together in the garden while the women had prepared themselves for bed. He had
expected to find Apollonia in her nightgown when he returned, already between the
covers. He was surprised that the mother had not done this service for her daughter.
Maybe Apollonia had wanted him to help her to undress. But he was certain she was
too shy, too innocent for such forward behavior (смелое, развязное поведение;
forward [‘fo:wd] – передний, передовой; развязный, нахальный /кто лезет вперед/;
behavior [bi’heivj] – поведение, манеры).
Coming back into the bedroom, he found it completely dark, someone had closed the
shutters all the way. He groped his way toward the bed and could make out the shape
of Apollonia's body lying under the covers, her back to him, her body curved away from
him and huddled up. He undressed and slipped naked beneath the sheets. He stretched
out one hand and touched silky naked skin. She had not put on her gown and this
boldness delighted him. Slowly, carefully, he put one hand on her shoulder and pressed
her hody gently so that she would turn to him. She turned slowly and his hand touched
her breast, soft, full and then she was in his arms so quickly that their bodies came
together in one line of silken electricity and he finally had his arms around her, was
kissing her warm mouth deeply, was crushing her body and breasts against him and
then rolling his body on top of hers.
Her flesh and hair taut (туго натянутый, упругий [to:t]) silk, now she was all
eagerness, surging against him wildly in a virginal erotic frenzy. When he entered her
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she gave a little gasp and was still for just a second and then in a powerful forward
thrust of her pelvis she locked her satiny legs around his hips. When they came to the
АН (цикл 11 книг)
Аномальный наследник
героическая фантастика
рейтинг книги
Береги честь смолоду
1. Порог Хирург
рейтинг книги
Любовные романы:
современные любовные романы
рейтинг книги
Имперец. Земли Итреи
11. Путь
героическая фантастика
боевая фантастика
рейтинг книги
Санек 3
3. Санек
альтернативная история
рейтинг книги
Кодекс Охотника. Книга XII
12. Кодекс Охотника
боевая фантастика
городское фэнтези
рейтинг книги
Первый среди равных. Книга III
3. Первый среди Равных
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Мастер 6
6. Мастер
боевая фантастика
рейтинг книги
Сердце Дракона. Том 10
10. Сердце дракона
героическая фантастика
боевая фантастика
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Черный Маг Императора 6
6. Черный маг императора
юмористическое фэнтези
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Кодекс Охотника. Книга III
3. Кодекс Охотника
рейтинг книги
Огненный наследник
10. Десять Принцев Российской Империи
рейтинг книги