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Английский язык с Шерлоком Холмсом. Собака Баскервилей (ASCII-IPA)

friendship ['frendSIp], minister ['mInIst@], charity ['tS&rItI]

"He found a way out of his difficulties through the chance that Sir Charles, who had conceived a friendship for him, made him the minister of his charity in the case of this unfortunate woman, Mrs. Laura Lyons. By representing himself as a single man he acquired complete influence over her, and he gave her to understand that in the event of her obtaining a divorce from her husband he would marry her. His plans were suddenly brought to a head by his knowledge that Sir Charles was about to leave the Hall on the advice of Dr. Mortimer, with whose opinion he himself pretended to coincide. He must act at once, or his victim might get beyond his power.

"He therefore put pressure upon Mrs. Lyons to write this letter (поэтому он заставил миссис Лору Лайонс написать это письмо; to put pressure upon smb. — оказывать нажим/давление на кого-либо), imploring the old man to give her an interview on the evening (умоляя старика встретиться с ней вечером) before his departure for London (перед

его отъездом в Лондон). He then, by a specious argument (затем он под благовидным предлогом: «правдоподобным доводом»), prevented her from going (отговорил ее идти; to prevent — предотвращать), and so had the chance for which he had waited (и таким образом получил возможность, которой он дожидался).

"Driving back in the evening from Coombe Tracey (вечером, приехав назад из Кум-Трэйси) he was in time to get his hound (он поспел вовремя, чтобы взять собаку), to treat it with his infernal paint (намазать ее адской краской; to treat — обращаться /с кем-либо/; обрабатывать, подвергать действию), and to bring the beast round to the gate (и привести зверя к калитке) at which he had reason to expect (у которой, /как/ он имел основания предполагать) that he would find the old gentleman waiting (он найдет пожилого джентльмена в ожидании). The dog, incited by its master (собака, натравленная своим хозяином; to incite — подстрекать, провоцировать), sprang over the wicket-gate (перепрыгнула через калитку) and pursued the unfortunate Baronet (и погналась за несчастным баронетом), who fled screaming down the Yew Alley (который убегал, крича, по тисовой аллее).

pressure ['preS@], specious ['spi:S@s], beast [bi:st]

"He therefore put pressure upon Mrs. Lyons to write this letter, imploring the old man to give her an interview on the evening before his departure for London. He then, by a specious argument, prevented her from going, and so had the chance for which he had waited.

"Driving back in the evening from Coombe Tracey he was in time to get his hound, to treat it with his infernal paint, and to bring the beast round to the gate at which he had reason to expect that he would find the old gentleman waiting. The dog, incited by its master, sprang over the wicket-gate and pursued the unfortunate Baronet, who fled screaming down the Yew Alley.

"In that gloomy tunnel (в том мрачном тоннеле) it must indeed have been a dreadful sight (это должно было быть действительно страшным зрелищем; sight — зрение; зрелище) to see that huge black creature (видеть, как гигантская черная тварь), with its flaming jaws and blazing eyes (с пылающей пастью и горящими глазами), bounding after its victim (мчится /прыжками/ за своей жертвой; to bound — прыгать, подпрыгивать; скакать). He fell dead at the end of the alley (он упал замертво в конце аллеи) from heart disease and terror (от сердечного приступа и ужаса). The hound had kept upon the grassy border (собака придерживалась покрытого травой края /дорожки/) while the Baronet had run down the path (тогда как баронет бежал по дорожке), so that no track but the man's was visible (так что никаких следов, кроме человеческих не было видно). On seeing him lying still (видя, что он лежит неподвижно) the creature had probably approached to sniff at him (собака, возможно, подошла обнюхать его), but finding him dead had turned away again (но, обнаружив, что он мертв, развернувшись, /убежала/ прочь; again — вновь, опять). It was then that it left the print (вот тогда она и оставила отпечатки; to leave) which was actually observed by Dr. Mortimer (которые заметил доктор Мортимер; actually — фактически). The hound was called off and hurried away (собаку отозвали и поспешно увели) to its lair in the Grimpen Mire (в логово на Гримпенской трясине), and a mystery was left (и осталась тайна) which puzzled the authorities, alarmed the countryside (которая озадачила /местные/ власти, всполошила округу), and finally brought the case within the scope of our observation (и наконец привлекла к этому случаю наше внимание: «привела этот случай в поле нашего наблюдения»; scope — границы, рамки, пределы /возможностей, знаний и т. п./; масштаб, предел, размах, сфера, область действия /чего-либо — of/).

tunnel [tVnl], actually ['&ktju@lI], authority [O:'TOrItI]

"In that gloomy tunnel it must indeed have been a dreadful sight to see that huge black creature, with its flaming jaws and blazing eyes, bounding after its victim. He fell dead at the end of the alley from heart disease and terror. The hound had kept upon the grassy border while the Baronet had run down the path, so that no track but the man's was visible. On seeing him lying still the creature had probably approached to sniff at him, but finding him dead had turned away again. It was then that it left the print which was actually observed by Dr. Mortimer. The hound was called off and hurried away to its lair in the Grimpen Mire, and a mystery was left which puzzled the authorities, alarmed the countryside, and finally brought the case within the scope of our observation.

"So much for the death of Sir Charles Baskerville (это

все, что касается смерти сэра Чарльза; so much for — вот и все, больше нечего добавить). You perceive the devilish cunning of it (вы понимаете: «прозреваете» дьявольскую хитрость этого; to perceive — воспринимать, понимать, осознавать; постигать), for really it would be almost impossible (поскольку действительно было бы почти невозможно) to make a case against the real murderer (выдвинуть обвинение: «подготовить дело» против настоящего убийцы). His only accomplice was one (его единственным сообщником был тот) who could never give him away (кто никогда не мог его выдать), and the grotesque, inconceivable nature of the device (а изощренная и невообразимая сущность плана; grotesque — нелепый; причудливый) only served to make it more effective (служила только /для того, чтобы/ сделать его более действенным). Both of the women concerned in the case, Mrs. Stapleton and Mrs. Laura Lyons (обе женщины, замешанные в этом деле; to concern — касаться, иметь отношение), were left with a strong suspicion against Stapleton (имели сильные подозрения: «оставались с сильными подозрениями» насчет Стэплтона). Mrs. Stapleton knew that he had designs upon the old man (миссис Стэплтон знала, что у него есть замыслы против старика), and also of the existence of the hound (и также /знала/ о существовании собаки). Mrs. Lyons knew neither of these things (миссис Лайонс ничего не знала об этих вещах), but had been impressed by the death (но на нее произвела впечатление смерть) occurring at the time of an uncancelled appointment (произошедшая во время неотмененного свидания; to cancel — вычеркивать; аннулировать, отменять) which was only known to him (о котором было известно только ему). However, both of them were under his influence (тем не менее, обе они находились под его влиянием), and he had nothing to fear from them (и ему нечего было их бояться). The first half of his task was successfully accomplished (первая половина его задачи была успешно выполнена), but the more difficult still remained (но более трудная все еще оставалась).

much [mVtS], grotesque [gr@(u)'tesk], design [dI'zaIn]

"So much for the death of Sir Charles Baskerville. You perceive the devilish cunning of it, for really it would be almost impossible to make a case against the real murderer. His only accomplice was one who could never give him away, and the grotesque, inconceivable nature of the device only served to make it more effective. Both of the women concerned in the case, Mrs. Stapleton and Mrs. Laura Lyons, were left with a strong suspicion against Stapleton. Mrs. Stapleton knew that he had designs upon the old man, and also of the existence of the hound. Mrs. Lyons knew neither of these things, but had been impressed by the death occurring at the time of an uncancelled appointment which was only known to him. However, both of them were under his influence, and he had nothing to fear from them. The first half of his task was successfully accomplished, but the more difficult still remained.

"It is possible that Stapleton did not know (возможно, Стэплтон не знал) of the existence of an heir in Canada (о существовании наследника из Канады). In any case he would very soon learn it from his friend Dr. Mortimer любом случае, он, видимо, очень скоро узнал об этом от своего друга, доктора Мортимера), and he was told by the latter all details (и тот: «последний» ему поведал все подробности) about the arrival of Henry Baskerville (/касающиеся/ приезда: «прибытия» Генри Баскервиля). Stapleton's first idea was (первая мысль Стэплтона была /о том/) that this young stranger from Canada (что этот юный иностранец из Канады) might possibly be done to death in London (может быть просто убит в Лондоне) without coming down to Devonshire at all (вообще не доехав до Девоншира). He distrusted his wife ever since (он не доверял своей жене с тех пор) she had refused to help him in laying a trap for the old man (/как/ она отказалась помочь ему поставить ловушку старику), and he dared not leave her long out of his sight for fear (и он не рисковал оставлять ее надолго без присмотра из опасения; to dare — осмеливаться; рисковать) he should lose his influence over her (что он утратит свое влияние на нее). It was for this reason (по этой причине) that he took her to London with him (он взял ее с собой в Лондон).

heir [E@], arrival [@'raIv(@)l], distrust [dIs'trVst]

"It is possible that Stapleton did not know of the existence of an heir in Canada. In any case he would very soon learn it from his friend Dr. Mortimer, and he was told by the latter all details about the arrival of Henry Baskerville. Stapleton's first idea was that this young stranger from Canada might possibly be done to death in London without coming down to Devonshire at all. He distrusted his wife ever since she had refused to help him in laying a trap for the old man, and he dared not leave her long out of his sight for fear he should lose his influence over her. It was for this reason that he took her to London with him.

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