Бог как иллюзия
Краткий перечень полезных адресов для лиц, желающих избавиться от религии и нуждающихся в поддержке
На веб-сайте Фонда поддержки здравого смысла и науки Ричарда Докинза (www.richarddawkins.net) я собираюсь разместить регулярно обновляемую версию этого списка. Хочу принести извинения за то, что список в основном ограничен англоязычными странами.
American Atheists
PO Box 5733, Parsippany, NJ 07054-6733
Voicemail: 1-908-276-7300
Fax: 1-908-276-7402
Email: info@atheists.org www.atheists.org
American Humanist Association
1777 T Street, NW, Washington, DC 20009-7125
Telephone: (202) 238-9088
Toll-free: 1-800-837-3792
Fax: (202) 238-9003 www.americanhumanist.org
Atheist Alliance International
PO Box 26867, Los Angeles, CA 90026
Toll-free: 1-866-HERETIC
Email: info@atheistalliance.org www.atheistalliance.org
The Brights
PO Box 163418, Sacramento, CA 95816 USA
Email: the-brights@the-brights.net www.the-brights.net
Center For Inquiry Transnational
Council for Secular Humanism
Campus Freethought Alliance
Center for Inquiry — On Campus
African Americans for Humanism
3965 Rensch Road, Amherst, NY 14228
Telephone: (716) 636-4869
Email: info@secularhumanism.org www.centerforinquiry.net www.secularhumanism.org www.campusfreethought.org www.secularhumanism.org/index.php?section=aah&page=index
Freedom From Religion Foundation
PO Box 750, Madison, WI 53701
Telephone: (608) 256-5800
Email: info@ffrf.org www.ffrf.org
Freethought Society of Greater Philadelphia
PO Box 242, Pocopson, PA 19366-0242
Telephone: (610) 793-2737
Fax: (610) 793-2569
Email: fsgp@freethought.org www.fsgp.org/
Institute for Humanist Studies
48 Howard St, Albany, NY 12207
Telephone: (518) 432-7820
Fax: (518) 432-7821 www.humaniststudies.org
International Humanist and Ethical Union — USA
Appignani Bioethics Center
PO Box 4104, Grand Central Station, New York, NY 10162
Telephone: (212) 687-3324
Fax: (212) 661-4188
Internet Infidels
PO Box 142, Colorado Springs, CO 80901-0142
Fax: (877) 501-5113 www.infidels.org
James Randi Educational Foundation
201 S.E. 12th St (E. Davie Blvd), Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316-1815
Telephone: (954)467-1112
Fax: (954) 467-1660
Email: jref@randi.org www.randi.org
Secular Coalition for America
PO Box 53330, Washington, DC 20009-9997
Telephone: (202) 299-1091 www.secular.org
Secular Student Alliance
PO Box 3246, Columbus, OH 43210
Toll-free Voicemail / Fax: 1-877-842-9474
Email: ssa@secularstudents.org www.secularstudents.org
The Skeptics Society
PO Box 338, Altadena, CA 91001
Telephone: (626) 794-3119
Fax: (626) 794-1301
Email: editorial@skeptic.com www.skeptic.com
Society for Humanistic Judaism
28611 W. 12 Mile Rd, Farmington Hills, MI 48334
Telephone: (248) 478-7610
Fax: (248)478-3159
Email: info@shj.org www.shj.org
British Humanist Association
1 Gower Street, London WC1E 6HD
Telephone: 020 7079 3580
Fax: 020 7079 3588
Email: info@humanism.org.uk www.humanism.org.uk
International Humanist and Ethical Union — UK
1 Gower Street, London WC1E 6HD
Telephone: 020 7631 3170
Fax: 020 7631 3171 www.iheu.org/
National Secular Society
25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL
Tel: 020 7404 3126
Fax: 0870 762 8971 www.secularisrn.org.uk/
New Humanist
1 Gower Street, London WC1E 6HD
Telephone: 020 7436 1151
Fax: 020 7079 3588
Email: info@newhumanist.org.uk www.newhumanist.org.uk
Rationalist Press Association
1 Gower Street, London WC1E 6HD
Telephone: 020 7436 1151
Fax: 020 7079 3588
Email: info@rationalist.org.uk www.rationalist.org.uk/
South Place Ethical Society (UK)
Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL
Telephone: 020 7242 8037/4
Fax: 020 7242 8036
Email: library@ethicalsoc.org.uk www.ethicalsoc.org.uk
Humanist Association of Canada
PO Box 8752, Station T, Ottawa, Ontario, K1G 3J1
Telephone: 877-HUMANS-l
Fax: (613) 739-4801
Email: HAC@Humanists.ca http://hac.humanists.net/
Australian Skeptics
PO Box 268, Roseville, NSW 2069
Telephone: 02 9417 2071
Email: skeptics@bdsn.com.au www.skeptics.com.au
Council of Australian Humanist Societies
GPO Box 1555, Melbourne, Victoria 3001.
Telephone: 613 5974 4096
Email: AMcPhate@bigpond.net.au http://home.vicnet.net.au/~huma-nist/resources/cahs.html
New Zealand Skeptics
PO Box 29-492, Christchurch
Email: skeptics@spis.co.nz http://skeptics.org.nz
Humanist Society of New Zealand
PO Box 3372, Wellington
Email: jeffhunt9o@yahoo.co.nz www.humanist.org.nz/