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Со-си (“Чжуан-цзы”)/Пер. и коммент. Фукунага Мицудзи. Т. 1 — 3. Токио, 1966-1967.
На западных языках
С/гапд. Tsung-tung. Metaphysik, Erkenntnis und Praktische Philosophic im Chuang-Tzu: zur Neu-Interpretation und systematischen Darstel-lung der klassischen chinesischen Philosophie. Frankfurt
Giles H. A. (tr.) Chuang-Tzu // Taoist Philosopher and Chinese Mystic. L., 1926.
Graham A. C. (tr.) Chuang Tzu // The Seven Inner Chapters and other writings from the book of Chuang Tzu. L., 1981.
Graham A. C. Chuang Tzu: Textual Notes to a Partial Translation. L„ 1982.
Graham A. C. How much of “Chuang Tzu” did Chuang Tzu write? // Studies in Chinese Philosophy and Philosophical Literature. Albany, 1990.
Legge ]. (tr. and annot.) The Texts of Taoism // The Sacred Books of the East. Vol. XXXIX-XL. Oxford, 1891.
Liou Kia-hway (tr.) L'oeuvre complete de Tchouang-tseu. Paris, 1969.
Mair V. H. (tr.) Wandering on the Way: Early Taoist Tales and Parables of Chuang Tzu. N. Y., 1994.
Mair V. H. Introduction and Notes for a Complete Translation of the Chuang Tzu // Sino-Platonic Papers. N 48. 1994.
Rand К. Chuang Tzu: Text and Substance // Journal of Chinese Religion. N 11. 1983.
Watson В. (tr.) The Complete Works of Chuang Tzu. N. Y„ 1968.
"Чжуан-цзы. Ле-цзы" Философское наследие. Том 123,. Москва. Издательство "Мысль", 1995"
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Дата последней редакции:08.09.1998