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– All right, let's go, let's try the alien planetary viands, – Tomaka said, trying to cheer up the crew.

– Food, this is for Trimon, he likes delicacies here. I'd rather have expensive stones or metals – Timba joked.

– The food should be right, not just the way you like it, all curls and twists, – Trimon said blankly.

– Guys, do not quarrel, the flight is just beginning, you will still have time to spoil each other's nerves, – Vella asked Timba and Trimon.

– Two seventeen, two sixteen … – time passes irrevocably, on the computer clock.

– We're not fighting, are we, Trimon? – Timba asked defensively, and laughed again.

– Yeah, the truth, but don't make it turn into a lie, – Timbe, the Trimon, said dryly.

– Trimon, after all, I love you…! All right, let's go, wake up, open the lyre and talk about life a little, – Timba said peaceably, to which he received no response from Trimon.

– Something, the commander is not heard? – Timba asked jokingly, having already forgotten about Trimon.

– Timba, you're showing a certain amount of love for Vella and Trimon, or even for me, and you're showing an unhealthy interest. Maybe he was born in the third race, where bisexual love is in the foreground, for the benefit of the mutual love of humanity, – Timba, Tomak's commander, retorted.

– I wonder if you love me, Timba? – Pythons asked, and somehow, with a ring in his voice, he laughed.

– I love everyone, – he said, and everyone felt that Timba, though a lazy type who loves women and riches, was also a humorous and ridiculous prankster.

– Three, two, one, zero. Attention, the countdown to the start is over. Biological organisms, go into a biostationary state. The launch has begun – the flight cameras speakers said.

– Oh, Mommies, – Vella cried, and fell silent, falling asleep. In her flight chamber, the computer let in a sleeping gas.

– Oh, I have too, the gas went, I'm going to sleep, see you later… – said Timba and fell asleep without finishing. Tomaka was wary, because it was Trimon's turn, and the computer "froze" Timba.

Tomaka heard, but didn't understand who said it. Trimon, or it was Pythons, as the voice, also broke off. Tomaka didn't know who was being frozen, but he realized that there had been some kind of malfunction in the freezing system, and now he could only hope that everything would be fine.

Tomaka, who reached for the emergency button, let the soporific gas rush into the cabin. In an instant, his mind shut down, lulling him to sleep and preventing him from pressing the red trigger disconnector.

Only one person was awake and not "frozen". His flight chamber was de-energized, which meant only one thing, he was dead. He could not get out of the capsule and could not, in any way, inform the crew or the Raibonne about the problem that had arisen, the accident on the spacecraft. Such a function was not provided by the developers, the red disconnector, was only available to the commander, who could no longer hear it.

Now what has happened is that when the main computer brain did a check, the motion and heat sensors did not correctly register the bioactive functions, as a result of violations and short circuits that occurred, the electrical circuits. Because of what, there was a tragic mistake. From the flight data recorder, "there are no biologically active organisms in the flight chamber." It was completely shut down, in a moment, all the oxygen became emergency and went to other cells where there was life. This is done in order to save air, and once a living organism has not been recorded in the room, then no one needs to breathe there.

Scary, but the fact is, the spaceship "Flying Ferix", in a couple of minutes, may be left without flight engineer Trimon. In space, sometimes there are cases when the vacuum breaks the lungs of the pilots, in a split second and then dissolves the body, but their heroism will always remain in the minds of the followers. Unfortunately, Tomaki's flight started with such a terrible loss, but let's be optimistic, maybe if it's bad now, then everything will be fine in the future, when they are switched on!

Minutes passed, the flight engineer died, suffocated in the cell, and disappeared into the void, eternal memory to flight engineer Trimone!

The spaceship "Flying Ferix", goes into orbit, it is controlled by an autopilot, that is, the main computer brain…

Now, fast forward a little bit, to the intergalactic station "Eleuron". To understand who was responsible for the death of the flight engineer?

…There was a routine inspection of our flight ship, with the participation of a technician and, mind you, flight engineer Trimon. Everything was checked, top and bottom, interior and sides, every crack and every dent was analyzed. Everything was done according to the "Flight Rules", but one thing was not taken into account. You can't talk about personal things. So corny? Alas, yes, during the conversation, the technician got carried away, telling about a love meeting with his ex-girlfriend. I dropped a tiny part into the crack of the still-open panel, and the flight engineer, while listening and swallowing drool, relaxed his attention and did not notice it. The panel was returned to its place, and the fallen part remained there.

If, then, Trimon knew what he had personally prepared for himself, maybe something would change for him in the future. But life is what it is! A small detail, became a huge misfortune. When starting the engine, it gradually moved inside the panel, hitting the wires with current. This led to a short circuit in the circuit, as a result of which, the computer made a mistake, from which a person died.

People know a lot about life, its cycle of cycles, the black and white streak of events. They can predict mass events in the future, but they don't see their own events. To calculate that there will be a world flood or a world war will break out, and the pit under their feet will not be seen. And Trimon, while he hung his ears, mentally trying on the role of a young lover, could not know that this was bringing his death closer.

When death is somewhere, life continues there, and this is the power of the pulsating blood, while it flows and beats, the body feels peace.

And since our heroes are still alive, we return to the spaceship "Flying Ferix", which is now preparing for an intergalactic jump.

The entire crew is frozen and while their bodies and thoughts have fallen out of time, the main computer brain performs the translation of command functions, from the computer to real life. Putting the planet Raibonne into orbit, shutting down all secondary energy consumers, distributing air, turning on the protective shield outside, and much more.

The time has come and the spaceship "Flying Ferix", flew along a curved line, through space and time, skirting comets and meteorites that fall in its path. Cutting through the vastness of space, in the cold space, Tomaka slept peacefully and the crew, too, was in hypersleep. They did not see the beauty that they flew, passing through the space of the universe, everything was recorded, on the cameras, only by the recorder.

The cosmos, in the mind, cannot be imagined completely as it really is. In our limited minds, it is just a ball whose edges we imagine to be boundless, thinking that we are at the center of the universe. In which the stars are scattered everywhere. But it is so great that its limits simply do not exist, and everything in it is in the end, in the unity of all created things. There is no edge, no beginning. Everything flows in its own river, in the world of matter, even the spiritual, is matter. The past, flows into the present and passes into the future, and then again, becomes the past.

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