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We will never be able to fully understand the principle of the structure of the cosmos until we ourselves risk encountering more complex problems than we have now. We need people like Tomaka, ready to rush into the unknown expanses of space and let him sleep now, but the time will come when his life will give him the knowledge that he will add to people and eventually, bit by bit, put everything in its place. And to all, enlightenment will come, calm their nerves and give complete peace. Or everything will happen, quite the opposite. Well, now, we'll watch a little bit, for the place where we fly.

Here on the right, the galaxy "Air Bundle". It is like a gaseous disk, thin on the outside and thick in the center. A vortex of gas that draws it out of space and absorbs it, in its black pit, at its very core.

On the left, a set of single scattered, independent of each other stars. If you look at them from the outside, it may seem strange that such beauty still exists in this world. That so far, people have not spoiled this charm and you can still admire the magical moments, see the structure of the cosmos firsthand. Don't live in bunkers and look at the world, don't look through telescopes.

Many particles of information, such as thoughts, radio waves, and such, such, specially separated by nature, from living organisms, the visibility of which would limit us as much as possible visually, and partly in movements, are distributed everywhere.

Everything in space moves relatively, time is no exception, and the spaceship "Flying Ferix" has already arrived at its destination, in the orbit of the planet Malonga first, in the galaxy Pyrimea.

The spaceship "Flying Ferix", automatically created an artificial orbit and set a course around the planet Malonga first, that is, began to fly slowly around it.

Inside, all the computers came to life and the machines started working, the robots began to prepare the landers, the air in the compartments was restored. In the flight cabins, the process of "defrosting" began.

First, Vella came to her senses. Her flight deck was already open and warmed by the warm air. Vella, slightly pulled every muscle, because after "freezing", you can not immediately make sudden movements, so as not to injure the body. She tried to remember how she was "frozen", but she could not do it.

I crept out of the flight deck and shook off my drowsiness. She was the first person to wake up, and since she was here as a doctor, she was supposed to make sure that the entire crew woke up normally after hypersleep. A little later, she went to wake the crew, as indicated in her order sheet.

When she entered the cockpit, she saw that the three flight seats were open, the safety windows were removed, and the entire crew was already awake. But since Vella was young and a good specialist, she immediately realized that the state of coma still partially holds their minds. People just sit there and don't understand anything. Vella went to the flight engineer's box, but to her surprise, the seat was empty. She immediately returned to the pilots and began to bring them to their senses.

Soon, everyone was back to normal and everyone was already guessing what had happened to the flight engineer. In the cockpit, there was a tense situation in the air and therefore, we decided to go to the command post to assess the current situation and discuss further actions.

– You all already know what happened. We had a tragedy, a man was killed, flight engineer Trimon, – Tomaka said in a calm voice, addressing the entire crew.

– You, Commander, how could this happen? And what should we wait for next? I, for one, am now afraid for my life! – Vella asked, with a slight, barely perceptible breathlessness in her voice that betrayed her great excitement.

– I'm not a girl, but my legs are shaking, too, – Timba said.

Only Pythons didn't say anything, he stood behind Tomaka, who was sitting at the table, and just listened to what everyone was saying.

– The culprit will be identified when we return to Raibonne. It's not the first time you've all flown, but it's the first time I've flown. And, the hands and feet, I have, do not tremble, and you, arrange a panic. Let's all calm down and continue our expedition further, – the commander tried to speak evenly and calmly, suppressing the people's fright with his voice.

– If this is the beginning of the expedition, wouldn't it be better if we went back? – Vella suggested.

– It would be so simple, and who will finance it, Tomaka, me or Vella, or maybe Pythons? – Timba asked, turning as if to the side, to an unknown person.

– Is it better for everyone to die like Trimon? Who will need these treasures then? – Vella asked, looking around at everyone.

– The situation has escalated, I propose a vote, in the end, money, it's just money and life, you can't buy it for them – – Tomaka offered to the entire crew.

– I agree, so I think it will be fair, – said the previously silent Pythons.

– So do I, for the vote, – Timba said, now indifferently, putting himself in the hands of fortune.

– My decision already, I see, will not change anything, so I also vote, – said Vella, and without hiding her feelings, she was upset and seemed to cry, but immediately held back the tears.

The vote was passed, the votes were counted, and the majority was "for". We decided to make a new plan for the expedition, without the participation of the flight engineer, whose work will now be performed by Timba.

All the basic preparations for the landing of the capsules and landers were still made by the technicians at Raibonne. All that remained was to deliver it all to the place, that is, to Malonga first, together with the members of the expedition.

After only a few hours, the team relaxed a little and began to forget about what had happened. People moved on and no one wanted to talk about what had happened. As if nothing had happened.

The flight engineer's cell was moved to the freezer compartment, where medical instruments and special laboratory flasks were stored for biological research until they returned to the Ribonne.. Where then, according to the law, they will give it to the local authorities, for further examination and finding out about the situation that happened, on the "Flying Ferix".

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