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– We didn't want to cause you any trouble, our team didn't know you were here, – Tomaka said apologetically.

– I already know that you refuse to give us the elements, – Emperor Maront said. – Where are you from? – Emperor Maront asked.

– I was born on Raibonne, a planet in the galaxy of the Catamastra Islands, – Tomaka said.

– That doesn't mean anything to me. And, how many people live in your galaxy? – Emperor Maront asked.

– I can't say that, but I think it's the usual amount of the average galaxy, – Tomaka said.

– And how much value do you have there? – Emperor Maront asked.

– I wouldn't say that much. We have to make sorties, conduct expeditions, such as we have now. Flying to uninhabited planets helps preserve our values, – Tomaka said.

– Why do I ask how our former brothers left our planet, we do not know anything about distant galaxies, their population, in general, about everything that is happening in space, – said the Emperor Maront.

– Well, then, you need to connect to the shared space library, – Timba suggested jokingly.

– What is it, a shared space library? – Emperor Maront asked seriously.

– He's joking, but there really is such a thing, they digitize a path from planet to planet and there already, collect information and distribute it throughout the cosmos. Everything is connected to flying libraries, that is, devices with large memory and data conductivity.

– So we need to join them, – Emperor Maront said ironically. – I hope our guests will share new information for us? – Emperor Maront asked.

– Over a good glass of intoxicating lyre, we could have a chat, – Timba joked, "seriously" to himself.

– We have no Lyre, but we have a refreshing champa, a tonic drink, our Sipurian wealth, – Emperor Maront said hospitably, and felt the sweet and slightly burning taste of champa in his mouth. From the sensations, he even became a little kinder, in front of everyone.

– What about the aliens? – Kaaran asked.

– They will stay here until we find a common solution, – Emperor Maront said, and then he became stern again.

– We didn't know about you, – Tomaka said again.

– But it has happened, and now I ask you not to detain me or yourself any longer, and to follow me, – said the Emperor, and without waiting for an answer, he turned to the wooden door, and entered it when it opened of its own accord, as if to admit him. The doors were equipped with multiple sensors and connected to an invisible power source.

They all followed the Emperor Marat, across the black, shiny floor, through the doors that closed behind them.

In the hall of justice, there was an ominous silence and gloomy shadows, as if alive, then appeared in the light, then disappeared, in it.

Chapter 5. Crew replenishment

From the gloomy hall of justice, everyone got into a rather long corridor with white walls, with a white ceiling and the same white floor, which is a little bit, all blinded by its whiteness. The edges of the joints, between the floor, the walls, and the ceiling, were visible as thin, gray stripes. They were equipped with the same wooden doors, but narrower, with glass windows the size of an elbow, round windows. The color of the doors was gray, made of an unknown wood and very dense in appearance.

Emperor Maront strode briskly down the corridor, and the rest of Tomaki's group followed, trying to keep up, including Space Commander Kaaran, who, as a guard, stood guard at the end of the convoy.

Tomaka went second and carefully tried to catch the moment to look through these glass windows, but could not do it, because the Emperor Maront, very obviously in a hurry somewhere.

Vella, every now and then, stumbled on the flat floor, confusing those walking, it seemed that her legs did not obey. But, it was rather something nervous, as she was very nervous.

Timba was walking beside Vella, not to save her from falling, but to prepare another of his stupid jokes on her. Well, he was such a man, ready for any mischief.

Pythons, did not look at anyone, he thought dryly and thought that everything would be fine with them in the future.

At the intersection of the corridors, suddenly, an animal resembling a small dog jumped out. It was a robot puppy, on small, metal legs. He ran across the floor, and before he could stop, he ran into a corner. His eyes glittered as if from a blow, he saw sparkling "stars". The puppy shook his head, looked at us, obviously his vision returned to him, and made joyful sounds from the speakers, resembling a gentle yapping. Its metal tail, made of flexible joints, also wagged happily from side to side.

– Oh, what a puppy, – Vella cried.

The puppy heard Vella's exclamation with its plastic ears, with their built-in receiving sensors, and rushed to snuggle up to her.

– Kaaran, who is this? – the Emperor of Maront asked.

– Someone's toy must have been lost, – Commander Kaaran replied.

– Order her to be removed, for she is disturbing our guests, – Emperor Maront ordered.

– Excuse me, can I leave her, she's so affectionate? – Vella asked.

– Well, only for your sake, – said Emperor Maront, displeased.

– New crew member, – Timba joked.

– Are there many such toys here? – Vella asked.

– Not really, it's someone's masterwork, the author would have to be punished, or his master, – Commander Kaaran replied a little disgustedly.

The dog stuck to Vella's leg like a thread, as if realizing that it was now her owner, forgetting about its previous owner.

But suddenly, ahead, a door opened and a man appeared, a Sipurian in a white doctor's robe, apparently common for all planets. A little old and a little blind, his eyes glittered, which gave away the false lenses. His slight stoop gave him a slightly intimidating appearance, in addition to his sly smile. A white cap, slightly slid down on the right side, covered his cheeks, his hair was already beginning to turn gray. The lips were thick and slightly curved to the left. The nose is unpleasant, like a round vegetable, blob. The body, thick and hanging down the belly, sometimes climbed out, between the dressing gown fasteners.

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