Девиантология: социология преступности, наркотизма, проституции, самоубийств и других "отклонений"
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692. Paoli L. Illegal Drug Trade in Russia. Freiburg: Edition juscrim, 2001.(ч. III: 166).
693. Pepinsky H., Quinney R. (Eds.) Criminology as Peacemaking. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1991. (ч. II: 129, 130).
694. Petrovec D. Violence in the Media. Ljubljana: Mirovni Institut, 2003. (ч. I: 43).
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698. Polizeiliche Kriminalstatistik Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Be-richtsjahr 2001. Bundeskriminalamt Wiesbaden, 2002. (ч. III: 24 , 40, 41, 43).
699. Pontell H. (Ed.) Social Deviance. Readings in Theory and Research. Third Edition. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, 1999. (ч. II: 2, 47, 127, ч. III: 321).
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702. Rechtsmedizinisches Kolloquium der Freien Universitat Berlin, 1995. (ч. IV.: 90).
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704. Report 89: Trends in alcohol and drug use in Sweden. Stockholm, 1989. (ч. III: 188, 190).
705. Research and Training Institute Ministry of Justice /Japan /, 1997. (ч. III: 50).
706. Restorative Justice: The Old Civilization in the New Russia. Moscow, 2001. (4. IV.: 76).
707. Retterstol N. Suicide: A European Perspective. Cambridge University Press, 1993. (ч. III: 220, 229).
708. Ross E. Social Control. NY, 1901. (ч. IV.: 7).
709. Rotwax H. Guilty. The Collapse of Criminal Justice. NY: Random House, 1996. (ч. IV.: 29)
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712. Santino U., La Fiura G. Behind Drugs: Survival economies, criminal enterprises, military operations, development projects. Edizioni Gruppo Abele, 1993. (ч. III: 154).
713. Schmalleger F. Criminology Today. An Integrative Introduction. Third Edition. Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2002. (ч. III: 3).